Sightings Reviewed and Accepted by the Utah Bird Records Committee

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 Sightings accepted by the Records Committee without reviewing a specific sight record.
     (These are mostly sightings before the records committee was organized) [see notes]

Ducks to Herons



Fulvous Whistling-Duck     [see compete list]
  1. *Nov. 1908 - Willard Bay (Bear River Marsh), Box Elder Co. (specimen collected)
  2. *20 May 1959 - Clear Lake, Millard Co. by Donald E. Neilson (male specimen collected)
  3. 21 Jan 2006 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co. by Kristin M. Purdy, Paul Higgins, Randy Chatelain and others (3 adults, photos) | Sight Record |  | Hotline Report
  4. 16 Oct 2019 - Jackson Flat Reservoir, Kane Co., by G.Merrill Webb  (Hatch year, Photos)   | Sight Record |

Greater White-fronted Goose   (Taken off the Review List in February 2002)   [see all sightings]

  1. Mar 1850 - mouth of Jordan River, Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake Co.,  by Stansbury party (specimens collected)
  2. 12 Oct 1915 - Bear River, Box Elder Co., shot by hunter and examined by Alexander Wetmore
  3. 10 Oct 1916 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co., by Alexander Wetmore (immature female)
  4. fall 1926 - mouth of Jordan River, ?Davis Co., by Syninger (live specimen collected)
  5. 28 Sep 1928 - 18 miles west of Brigham City, Box Elder Co., by Hull (juvenile female)
  6. 29 Sep 1928 - north of Bear River Bay, Box Elder Co., by Hull (four seen)
  7. 28 Sep 1928 - Bear River Gun Club, Box Elder Co., reported by Behle and Selander (specimen collected)
  8. 22 Apr 1933 - Lehi, Utah Co., reported by Hayward (specimen in BYU collection)
  9. 10 Nov 1937 - near Corinne, Box Elder Co., taken illegally by a hunter (specimen BRMBR collection)
  10. 24 Sep 1939 - St. George, Washington Co., (pecimen taken and reported as A. a. gambeli)
  11. 10 Oct 1948 - Lake Front Gun Club, Salt Lake Co., reported by Behle and Selander (specimen taken)
  12. 3 Jan 1949 - south of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., reported by Van den Akker
  13. 23 Dec 1951 - Salt Lake Co., reported by Lockerbie
  14. 8 Nov 1964 - Utah Lake, Utah Co., (specimen in BYU collection)
Ross's Goose  (Off the Review List in 1989)    [see all sightings]
  1. 22 Oct 1914 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Alexander Wetmore (one specimen)
  2. Fall 1924 -  Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by hunters
  3. fall 1929 -  Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Hull (five)
  4. 30 Nov 1936 -  Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Marshall
  5. 27 Oct 1949 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., (one specimen)  reported by Behle and Selander
  6. 31 May 1954 - Salt Springs, Box Elder Co., by Scott
  7. about 1 Dec 1955 - Desert Lake, Carbon Co., reported by Behle
  8. 3 Apr 1961 - Flowell (Clear Lake Refuge?), Millard Co., (specimen collected)
  9. fall 1965 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Scott
  10. 29 Dec 1980 - St. George CBC, Washington Co., (1 seen, photo, well described)
  11. 21 Mar 1983 - 2 miles east of Myton,  Duchesne Co., by Mark T. Bromley, Lee Bromley (photos - flock of 20 plus one Snow Goose)  | Sight Record |
  12. 18,19 Apr 1983 - Cutler Reservoir Marshes, Cache Co., by Mike Tove, Keith Archibald (flock of 22)  |  Sight Record |
  13. 22 Apr 1984 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co., by Carleton DeTar, Marvin Casjens (breeding adult)
  14. 31 Oct 1984 - Minersville Res., Beaver Co., by Steve Hedges  (one adult) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  15. 7 Dec 1985 - Lava Hills Golf Course, St. George, Washington Co., Steven and Verla Jean Hedges, Jerome Gifford, Neal Stephens | Sight Record |
  16. 30 Dec 1986 - St. George CBC, Washington Co., (1 seen, photo in documentation)
  17. 29 Oct 1988 - Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Juab Co., by Joseph D. Engler (two adults, one immature)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  18. 26 Dec 1997 - Zion NP CBC, Washington Co., (1 seen, good detail in documentation)
Brant     [see compete list]
  1. *fall or winter 1913 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co. (two specimens collected)
  2. *29 Oct 1955 - Ogden Bay WMA, Weber Co. reported by Behle and Perry (specimen)
  3. 10 Oct 2004 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Karen Welch (adult, photos)  | Hotline Report Sight Record | UOS Report |
  4. 11 Jan 2020 -Lake Park, West Valley, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen  (one., Photos)   | Sight Record |
Cackling Goose  (Split from Canada Goose in 2004 -- taken off the Review List in Jan. 2012)        [see all sightings]
  1. 10-23 Apr 2005 - Cutler Reservoir, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel, Larry Ryel, Melanie Spriggs, Keith and Judy Archibald, Bryan Dixon, Jean Lown, Dominique Roche (one adult - photos by Ron Ryel)  | Hotline ReportSight Record |
  2. 3 Jun, 19 Jul 2007 - Pintail Unit and Ibis Unit at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Juab Co., by Jack Skalicky. (adult)  | Sight Record |
  3. 26 Mar 2008 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co.,  by David Jensen, Bob Huntington, and Deedee O’Brien (unknown age and gender - photo)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  4. 6,7 Dec 2008 - Logan River Golf Course, Logan, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, Stephanie Cobbold and Jason Piertzak (adult- photos) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  5. 1 Feb 2009 - Sam Fellow Road and 4600 North in Cache county by Ryan O'Donnell. (one - photos) | Sight Record |
  6. 21 Mar 2009 - Sam Fellow Road, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, Steve Carr and Craig Fosdick  (one adult - photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  7. 6 Mar 2010 - South of Warren, Weber Co., (16 individuals) | Sight Record |
  8. 6,7,9 Mar 2010 - Skipper Bay trail near Utah Lake State Park, Provo, Utah Co., by Carrl Ingwell, Jeff Bilsky, Steve & Cindy Sommerfiel (one)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  9. 7 Mar 2010 - Warren, Weber Co., by Kris Purdy (one) | Sight Record |
  10. 12 Dec 2010 - Logan River Golf Course, Cache Co.,  by Ryan O'Donnell (one +, photos)  | Sight Record |
  11. 27 Feb 2011 - Salt Creek WMA in Box Elder Co,. by Kristin Purdy (adult, minima)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  12. 17 Dec 2011 - Logan River Golf Course, Logan, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, Guillaume Peron (five, photos) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |

Trumpeter Swan  (Taken off the Review List in February 2002)     [see all sightings]

  1. Apr 1892 - Spring Lake, Millard Co., (specimen in U of U collection)
  2. 5 Jan 1901 - near Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., reported by Cole (6 immatures captured)
  3. 25 Nov 1959 - Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake Co., (one shot)
  4. 27 Dec 1965 - about t miles south of Bear River WBR, Box Elder Co., by Bartonek
  5. Summer 1968 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co., reported by Behle and Perry
  6. 9 Jan1984 - Fish Springs, Juab Co., by Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, Bob Bond, Georgene Bond (3 adults - photo) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  7. 11 Apr 1985 - Maeser area of Ashley Valley, NW of Vernal, Uintah  David Condon, Stephen Cranney,  David Zalunardo  (banded at Red Rocks NWR, Montana) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  8. 21 Dec 1996 - Provo CBC, Utah Co., (1 seen, Excellent Details in documentation)

Eurasian Wigeon    (Taken off the Review List in February 2002)     [see all sightings]

  1. 19 Oct 1956 - Bear River Refuge, Box Elder Co.,  reported by Wilson and Young (specimen collected; photo)
  2. 15 Dec 1963 - Lakefront Gun Club, 8 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by Bill Pingree
  3. 12 Oct 1979 - Bear River Refuge, Box Elder Co., (one)  (Am. Birds, 1980)
  4. 15 Nov 1981 - Feb 1984 - Lava Hills Golf Course, St. George, Washington Co., by Steven Hedges, V.J. Hedges, Jana * Bill McKinney - ( photo - the same individual was seen at the location in 3 consecutive years, by Steve Hedges)
  5. 29 Dec 1981 - Lava Hills GC, St. George, Washington Co., by Steve Hedges (adult male seen during CBC, good description)
  6. 12 Mar-13 Apr 1982 - Bear River Marshes, Cache Co., by Michael Tove, Alan Grenon, Keith Dixon, Keith Archibald, Pete Strom,  Bob Blanchard, Steve Bump (photo - adult male)  | Sight Record | Record-2 |
  7. 28 Dec 1982 - Lava Hills Golf Course Pond, St. George, Washington Co., by Steven Hedges, Verla Jean Hedges, Mark Bromley (adult male - seed during CBC)  | Sight Record |
  8. 24 Dec 1983 - Lava Hills Golf Course Pond, St. George, Washington Co., by Tim Helentjaris (breeding adult male)  | Sight Record |
  9. 29-30 Mar 1986 - Faust Reservoir, Tooele Co., by Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, Clyde Morris, Joelle Buffo, Joe Liegh (one adult male)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  10. 6-11 Mar 1993 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co., by David S. Wheeler, David Thompson, Laura Lockhart, others (one adult male) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  11. 3 Apr 1993 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Carol Gwynn, Laura Lockhart, Julie VanMoorhem, David Thompson (one adult male)  | Sight Record |
  12. 18 Dec 1993 - Provo CBC, Utah Co., (1 seen, good details in documentation)
  13. 8 Nov 1998 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co., by Ed Conrad (six adult males)   | Sight Record |
Mexican Duck    [see compete list]
 [In June 2020, the AOU committee split Mexican Duck from Mallard as a new species].
  1. 13 Sep 2018 - Big Cottonwood Park, Salt Lake County, by Kenny Frisch  (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  2. 17 May 2020 - Powell Lake, Lehi, Utah Co., by Bryant Olsen, (male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  3. 23 Nov 2020 - Sullivan Virgin River Park, Washington Co., by Jack Bushong  (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  4. 5 Mar 2021 - Utah Lake Parkway Trail , Utah Co. by Kendall Watkiins   (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  5. 2 Oct 2021 - Tonaquint Nature Center, St. George, Washington Co.  by Jenner Bryson  (male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  6. 24 Oct 2021 - Sullivan Virgin River Park, Washington Co.  by Maurice DeMille (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  7. 7 Jan 2022 - Provo River Parkway trail, Utah Co.  by Ben Stradling  (adult male., Photos)  | Sight Record |
  8. 7 Oct 2022 - Powell Lake, Lehi, Utah Co.  by Marissa Reay (male, Photos)   | Sight Record |
  9. 14 Mar 2023 - East Canyon Reservior, Morgan Co., by Weston Smith  (Adult Male, Photos & videos)  | Sight Record |
  10. 23 Apr 2023 - Powell Lake, Utah Co., by Marissa Reay  (Adult Male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  11. 29 Jan 2024 - Powell Lake, Lehi, Utah Co., by Jeff Cooper,  (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  12. 24 Mar 2024 - Tonaquint NC, St. George, Washington Co., by Shiloh Rasmussen,  (adult male, Photo) and on 30 Mar 2024 by Ron Anderson male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  13. 30 May 2024 - Stateline Boat Ramp, Lake Powell, Kane Co., by John Wilson (Adult Male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
American Black Duck     [see compete list]
 [First record 1872. Introduced at Bear River Refuge and Farmington Bay starting 1929.]
  1. *10 Nov 1938 - Bear River Gun Club, Box Elder Co. (Specimen collected)
  2. *16 Oct 1965 - near Farmington Bay, Davis Co.
  3. *20 Dec 1937 - pond near Jordan River, Salt Lake Co. by T. Evans and A,. Neilson
  4. *Nov 1939 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co. by V. T. Wilson
  5. *24 Nov 1941 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co. by V. T. Wilson
  6. *8 Dec 1942 - Bear River Gun Club, Box Elder Co. (Specimen collected)
  7. 8 Nov 1947 - Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area, Davis Co. (banded bird collected during hunting season)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  8. *22 Nov 1951 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co. (specimen in U of U collection)
  9. *26 Dec 1959 - Hyde Park, Cache Co. reported by Follett
  10. *fall 1966 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co. reported by Scott
  11. 15 Oct 1967 - Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, Davis Co. (banded bird collected during hunting season) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  12. 31 Mar 2000 - Wetlands west of Provo, Utah Co. by Merrill Webb, Dennis Shirley, Reed Stone, others
    (adult male, drawing)  | Sight Record | UOS report |
Garganey      [see compete list]
  1. 27 Oct 1996 -Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co, by Terry Sadler  | UOS report | Document | Sight Record |
Harlequin Duck      [see compete list]
  1. *13 Apr 1913 - Box Elder Creek near Brigham City, Box Elder Co. by James Hull (two specimens collected)
  2. *13 Apr 1963 - Near Brigham City reported by Hayward
  3. 21 Dec 1985 to 21 Feb 1986 - First Dam, Logan River, Cache Co. by Patricia Bahler and many others (photo by Ella Sorensen - one female - seen during CBC)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  4. 1 Nov 1991 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co. by  Craig Kneedy, Terry Sadler, Ella Sorensen (one female) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  5. 25 Sep 1993 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co. by Ella Sorensen, Craig Kneedy, others (photo by Craig Kneedy - one female) similar sightings in same area through May 1995. | UOS report | Sight Record |
  6. 2 Nov 2010 - Rick Fridell () - On the Virgin River at Confluence Park (Toquerville, La Verkin, Hurricane), Washington Co., by Maurice Demille (photos, female / juvenile)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  7. 28 Sep 2011 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen  (female/juv. - photos)
            | Hotline Report  | Sight Record |
  8. 23 Oct 2012 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Terry Sadler, (one, photos) | Hotline Report Nov Dec | Sight Record |
  9. 8 May 2020 - Willard Waste Water Plant, Box Elder Co., by Mike Hearell; Bryant Olsen,  (male & femaler, Photos)   | Sight Record |   
Surf Scoter  (No longer on the Review List)   [see all sightings]
  1. 24 Oct 1916 - Duckville Gun Club, Box Elder Co., (immature female specimen collected)
  2. 24 Oct 1982 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Tim Helentjaris  | Sight Record |
  3. 31 Oct 1982 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Joshua A. Burns (immature female)  | Sight Record |
  4. 4 Nov 1982 - Minerville Reservoir, Beaver Co., by Steven Hedges (immature)  | Sight Record |
  5. 14 Nov 1984 - Minersville Res., Beaver Co.;  by (SR); Steven Hedges  (two)   | UOS report | Sight Record |
  6. 1-2 Dec 1984; Saltaire Resort, Salt Lake Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, Bob Bond, Georgene Bond, H. B. Spencer, Helen Chindgren,  Joelle Buffa and others  (two - photo)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  7. 24 Oct 1985 - Great Salt Lake nearSaltaire, Salt Lake Co., by Ella Sorensen (three females and/or immatures) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  8. 20 Nov 1985 - Grafton sewage pond, Washington Co., by Jerome L. Gifford, Jewel Gifford, Kirk Topham (one) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  9. 17 Dec 1994 - Provo CBC, Utah Co., (1 seen, adequate details in documentation)
White-winged Scoter  (No longer on the Review List)   [see all sightings]
  1. 9 Oct 1914 - near Corinne, Box Elder Co., (two specimens in Colorado Natural History Museum)
  2. Nov 1914 - Bear River Marshes by Alexander Wetmore
  3. Nov 1915 - Bear River Marshes by Alexander Wetmore
  4. 8 Oct 1916 - Bear River Marshes by H. M. Porter (specimen collected)
  5. 30 Nov 1930 - near Little Mountain, Weber Co., (female in U of U collection)
  6. 26 Oct 1932 - near Little Mountain, Weber Co., (female in U of U collection)
  7. 1 Oct 1941 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., reported by Cottam et al. (two shot during hunting season)
  8. 29 Mar, 5,9 Apr 1945 - Pine view Reservoir, Weber Co., by J. D. Webster (2 on 29th, 8 on  5th, and 2 on 9th
  9. 30 Nov 1950 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., reported by Vanez T. Wilson and Russel Norvell (50 seen)
  10. Oct 1952 - location not specified, brought alive to Tracy Aviary
  11. 1955, 1956 - Clear Lake, Millard Co., by hunter reported by Worthen (specimen at DWR)
  12. Fall 1966 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Lloyd F. Gunther (specimen collected)
  13. 24 Nov 1982 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Alan G. Grenon (female or immature)  | Sight Record |
  14. 31 Oct 1984 - Grafton, Washington Co., by  Jerome L. Gifford ( photo -  Five immatures)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  15. 31 Oct 1984; Minersville Res., Beaver Co., by  Steven Hedges | UOS report |
  16. 24 Oct-Dec 1985 - Great Salt Lake north of 1-80 between Tooele and Grantsville, Tooele Co., by Dale Martin, Joelle Buffa, Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, H.B. Spencer, Clyde Morris, Joe Leigh, Jim Woolf, (three) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  17. 15 Nov 1985 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co., by Ella Sorensen (three immature females)  | Sight Record |
Black Scoter   (Taken off of the Review List in 2021)    [see compete list]
  1. *9 Sep 1966 - Bear River Retuge, Box Elder Co.
  2. 13,14 Nov 1982 - west end of the Antelope Island Causeway, Great Salt Lake, Davis Co. by Michael Tove, Alan Grenon, Ella Sorensen, Mark Bromley, Merrill Webb, others (photo - adult female)  | Sight Record | Original Record |
  3. 1 to 2 Dec 1984 - Saltair, Salt Lake Co., by Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, Bob Bond, Georgene Bond, Clyde Morris and  Joelle Buffa (photo)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  4. 19-29 Oct 1990 - Sugarhouse Park, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, by Craig Kneedy, Terry Sadler (photo by Craig Kneedy  - one adult male) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  5. 19 Nov 1992 - Mantua Lake, Box Elder Co., by Daniel Vice  | Sight Record |
  6. 24 Oct 1994 - Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Juab Co., by Jay Banta (three females)| UOS report || Sight Record |
  7. 6-13 Nov 2004 - Sand Hollow State Park, Washington Rick Fridell, Larry Tripp (female, photos)  | Birdnet Report Sight Record | UOS report |
  8. 7-13 Nov 2004 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co. by Joel and Kathy Beyer (an adult female, photos)   | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  9. 11 to 22 Nov 2005 - Antelope Island State Park Causeway in Davis Co., by Jack Binch, Pat Jividen, Peggy Eisenberg, Steve and Cindy Sommerfeld, Steve Carr, others. (two females - photo by Jack Binch)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  10. 20 Nov 2005 - Bear River NWR, Box Elder Co., by Lu Giddings (female) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  11. 24 Feb 2007 - Sand Hollow State Park, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell, Kevin Wheeler, Jon Wagner, Casey Smith, and Josh Krietzer. (first winter male and female - photo by RF)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  12. 6,7 Nov 2007 - Panguitch Lake, Garfield Co.,  by Rick Fridell. An (adult male and two adult females - photos by RF)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  13. 7 Nov 2007 - Otter Creek State Park, Piute Co., by Rick Fridell. (adult female & juvenile - photo by RF)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  14. 16 Nov 2008 - Lincoln Beach, Utah Co., by Dave Hanscom; Lu Giddings, Erich Huish, Ned Bixler, Cheryl Peterson, Dennis Shirley, Bryan Shirley, Keeli Marvel; Jeff Bilsky, Leena Rogers, Milt Moody  (adult female - photos)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  15. 13 Nov 2009 - Otter Creek State Park, Piute Co., by Rick Fridell  (first winter female? - photos)  | Sight Record |
  16. 14-19 Nov 2011 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Terry Sadler (photos), Ryan O'Donnell (photo and video)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  17. 14 Oct 2013 - Sand Hollow SP, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell  (imm female, photo)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  18. 28 Oct 2013 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen, (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  19. 29 Oct 2013 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen, (one, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  20. 15 Nov 2014 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Ryan O'Donnell   (two, photos)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  21. 7 Nov 2015 - East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan Co., by Bryant Olsen, (one, photos| Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  22. 22 Nov 2016 - Antelope Island Causeway, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen   (female?, photos)    | Sight Record |
  23. 25 Oct 2019 - Huntington Lake Reservoir, Emery County, by Merrill Webb  (four adult males)   | Sight Record |
  24. 2 Nov 2019 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co.,  by Bryant Olsen  (Fem/imm, Photos)   | Sight Record |
  25. 3 Nov 2019 - East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan Co.,  by Weston Smith  (Female, Photos)   | Sight Record |
  26. 4 Nov 2020 - River Lane, Sandy Beach, Utah Co., by Kendall Watkins  (adult male, Photos)  | Sight Record |
Long-tailed Duck (Oldsquaw) (No longer on the Review List)    [see all sightings]
  1. ~1915 - near Benson, Cache Co., (two specimens in USU collection)
  2. Nov 1927 - mouth of Weber River, Weber Co., by Hull (male specimen collected)
  3. 20 Dec 1929 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co., (male specimen in U of U collection)
  4. 19 Nov 1933 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Co., (male specimen in U of U collection)
  5. 22 Nov 1936 - Bear River Marsh, Box Elder Marshal (two females)
  6. about 1936 - Utah Lake, Utah Co., (specimen in BYU collection)
  7. 10 Oct 1941 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., reported by Cottam et al. (one)
  8. Dec 1942 - near Perry, Box Elder Co., reported by Williams et al. (one seen flying)
  9. Fall 1948 - Ogden Bay, Weber Co., reported by Van den Akker (two seen; two more taken by hunters)
  10. 11 Nov 1949 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., reported by Wilson and Norr (specimen collected)
  11. 24 Nov 1950 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., reported by Wilson and Norr (specimen collected)
  12. 27 Oct 1956 - Clear Lake, Millard Co., reported by Worthen (adult female)
  13. 29 Dec 1981 - Ivans Reservoir, Washington Co., by Mark Bromley, Dennis Shirley  (2 seen during CBC - good details in documentation)
  14. 15 Oct1982 - Minerville Reservoir, Beaver Co., by Steven Hedges (adult female)  | Sight Record |
  15. 25 Nov 1982 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Sherwood Casjens, Carl Detar, Laurel Casjens (female in winter plumage)   | Sight Record |
  16. 13 Jun 1985 - Ouray NWR, Uintah Co., by Jim Hampson (photo by Jim Hampson - one adult)
  17. 17 Dec 1988 - Provo CBC, Utah Co., (1 seen, good details in documentation)
  18. 3-7 Jul 1990 - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder Co., by Lawrence Ryel, Anne LaRue, Kit Flannery  [This is the first documented summer record of an Oldsquaw.] (one adult female) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  19. 19 Dec 1993 - Salt Lake City CBC, Salt Lake Co., (1 seen, was present for some time, no details in documentation)



Scaled Quail      [see compete list]
  1. 9 Nov 1997 - Blanding, San Juan Co. by Jim Redd, Jeanne Redd (photo by Jeanne Redd - three) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  2. 6 Jan - 15 Apr 2007 - Montezuma Canyon, San Juan Co, by J. Shirley, confirmed on 9 Jan by Dennis Shirley and later many others (3 adults - Photos by David Wheeler) | Hotline ReportHotline Report - 2Hotline Report - 3 | Hotline Report-4  | Sight Record |
  3. 2 May 2024 - East of Bluff, San Juan Co., by Kurt Hillman,  (two)  | Sight Record |
Gunnison Sage-Grouse  (Put on Review List - Dec 2022) | background |   [see recorded sightings]
  1. 4 Apr 20234-San Juan County, by Terry Reid, James Loveless, Jeff Cooper,  (5 male,female Photos)  | Sight Record |
[The species Sage Grouse was split into Greater Sage-Grouse and Gunnison Sage-Grouse.  There are only a small number of Gunnison Sage-Grouse all of which are in Utah and Colorado]



Red-throated Loon     [see compete list]

  1. *28 Jul 1973 - Bear River Refuge, Box Elder Co. reported by W.H. Behle (specimen in U. of U. collection - photo in American Birds, 1974:22)
  2. *26 Feb 1984 - Hite Marina on Lake Powell, San Juan Co.  by E. and R. Sorensen   | Sight Record |
  3. 22 Nov 2001 - Quail Creek Reservoir, Washington Co. by Rick Fridell (juvenile) | Sight Record | UOS report |
  4. 22 Apr 2003 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co. by Dennis Shirley, Bryan Shirley, Milton Moody (first summer plumage, photos) | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  5. 8-9 Nov 2003 - Gunlock Reservoir, Washington Co. by Larry Tripp, Rick Fridell (adult molting into basic plumage, photos) | Birdnet ReportSight Record | UOS report |
  6. 6-20 Nov 2004 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co. by Ron Ryel, Larry Ryel, Melanie Spriggs, Brian Dixon, and Jean Lown (juvenile) | Hotline Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  7. 17 May 2006 - Willard Bay dam, Box Elder Co. by Keith Evans, Jack Rensel, and others. (winter plumage, photo)  | Sight Record | Hotline Report |
  8. 7 Nov 2007 - Otter Creek State Park, Piute Co., by Rick Fridell. (juvenile - photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  9. 11-15 Nov 2008 - Quail Creek State Park,  Washington Co., by Fick Fridell  (immature - photos)  | Sight Record |
  10. 25 Nov 2009 - Quail Creek State Park,  Washington Co., by Fick Fridell  (immature - photos)  | Sight Record |
  11. 12 Nov 2011 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell and many others (one juvenile, photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight record |
  12. 24 Apr 2013 - Lee Kay Ponds, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen, (one, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  13. 24 Oct 2015 - Rockpost Reservoir, Summit Co., by Michael Lester   (juvenile, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  14. 17 Nov 2016 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co., by Bryant Olsen   (juvenile?, photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  15. 19 Nov 2016 - Pineview Reservoir, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell   (adult?, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  16. 27 Jan 2017 - Warm Creek Bay, Kane Co., by Roy Morris   (adult, photos)   | Sight Record |
  17. 29 Jan 2017 - Quail Creek Reservoir, Washington Co., by Tim Avery   (adult, photos)  | Sight Record |
  18. 3 Nov 2017 - Scofield Reservoir, Carbon Co.,   by Bryan Shirley   (1st winter)   | Sight Record |
  19. 9 Mar 2018 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington Co.,   by Julie Frost   (one, Photos)   | Sight Record |
  20. 8 Feb 2019 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington County,    by Mike Schijf  (adult, Photos)   | Sight Record |
  21. 15 Nov 2020 - Willard Bay State Park, Box Elder Co., by Kendall Watkins  (one, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  22. 23 Oct 2021 - Rockport Reservoir, Summit Co.  by Bryant Olsen (Juvenile, Photos)  |  Sight Record |
  23. 6 Nov 2021 - Willard Bay, Box Elder Co.  by Bryant Olsen (Juvenile, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  24. 31 Mar 2022 - Rockport Reservoir, Summit Co.  by Dave Hanscom  (one, Photo)  | Sight Record |
Pacific Loon  (No longer on Review List - known earlier as Arctic Loon)   [see all sightings]
          [Adults molt Aug-Nov. First year birds begin to molt into first-winter plumage in January].
  1. 18 Oct 1940 - Beaver, Beaver Co., Reported by Hardy (specimen found dead)
  2. 10 Nov 1979 - Minerville Reservoir, Beaver Co., by Steve Hedges
  3. 21-25 Nov 1981 - Deer Creek Reservoir, Wasatch Co., by Dennis Shirley, Mark Bromley, Merrill Webb and many others
  4. 6 Nov 1982 - Minersville Reservoir, Beaver Co., by Steven Hedges, Verla Jean Hedges, Karl & Barbara Joffs (photo - adult in winter plumage)  | Sight Record |
  5. 15-20 Nov 1985 -  Rush Lake, Tooele Co., by Joelle Buffa, Clyde Morris, Ella Sorensen, Richard Sorensen, Jeanne Le Ber, Ray Smith, Kim Lewis, Jules Dreyfous.  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  6. 13-14 Dec 1986 - Echo Reservoir, Summit Co., by Craig Kesselheim, Beth Dilley (adult in winter plumage) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  7. 15 Oct 1987 - Southeast of Price, Carbon Co., by Terry Hill, Richard Bell (one immature - injured)  | Sight Record |
  8. 6 Jul -27 Sep 1990 -  Ivins Reservoir, Washington Co., by W. Neal Stephens, Terry Sadler, Craig Kneedy, Steve Hedges (photo - non-breeding plumage - first summer record) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  9. 11 Oct-22 Nov 1990 -  Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Juab Co., by Joseph Engler (one immature)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  10. 10 Feb 1994 - Warm Creek Bay, Lake Powell, Kane Co., by John Spence, Clive Pinnock, Charles LaRue  | UOS report | Sight Record |
Yellow-billed Loon      [see compete list]
  1. 16 Nov 1991 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co. by Parker Gay, Jay Banta, Ella Sorensen, Craig Kneedy (photo by PG)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  2. 10 Feb 1994 - Warm Creek Bay, Lake Powell, Kane Co. by John Spence, Clive Pinnock, Charles LaRue   | UOS report | Sight Record |
  3. 2 Dec 1994 - - Warm Creek Bay, Lake Powell, Kane Co. by John Spence, Clive Pinnock | UOS report | Sight Record |
  4. 15 to 19 Feb 1995 - Wahweap Bay, Lake Powell, Kane Co. by Bill Grossi | UOS reportSight Record |
  5. 29 Dec 1996 to 1 Jan 1997 - Gunlock Res., Washington Co  by Michael A. Patten, Jutta C. Burger, Steven Summers | UOS report | Sight Record |
  6. 14 Jan 2000 - Quail Creek Reservoir, Washington Co. by Robert Dobbs, Danny Dobbs (1st winter plumage, drawing)  |Sight Record | UOS report |
  7. 18 May 2008 - Jordanelle Reservoir, Wasatch Co, by Marci Welch, Ryan O'Donnell, Kristin Purdy, Jack Rensel, John Bellmon, Keith Evans, Pat Jividen, Alton Thygerson, Dave Hanscom, Deb Thornton, Pomera Fronce, Larene Wyss, Beth Leite, Edson Leite, and others. (adult - photos) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  8. 17,18 May 2009 - Rockport Reservoir, Summit Co., by Tim Avery, Kris Van Fleet, Milt Moody and many others (adult - photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  9. 1 Dec 2009 - 27 Feb 2010 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell, Joel & Kathy Beyer, David Wheeler  (juvenile, photos)  | Hotline Report | Hotline Report2 | Sight Record |
  10. 26 Dec 2015 - East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan Co., by Weston Smith, Mike Hearell, (juv, photos)  | Sight Record |
  11. 17 Nov 2020 - Willard Bay State Park, Box Elder Co., by Kendall Watkins  (juvenile, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  12. 10 Dec 2020 - Deer Creek State Park, Wasatch Co., by Suzi Holt  (one, Photo)  | Sight Record |
  13. 15 Nov 2022 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co.  by Bryant Olsen & Stan Croft (juvenile, Photos, Photos2 )  | Sight Record |



Red-necked Grebe  (Taken off of the Review List in February 2019)    [see compete list]
  1. *3 Dec 1970 - between Syracuse and North end of Antelope Island, Davis Co. by Leah Foerster
  2. 13 Apr 1988 - Cataract Canyon, Canyonlands NP, San Juan Co.  by Ron Ryel, Scott Cheney, Sharon Tully (adult)  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  3. 4 Nov 1990 - Cutler Reservoir near Benson Marina, Cache Co. by  Lawrence Ryel, Ronald Ryel, Keith Archibald, Allen Stokes, Terry Sadler, Craig Kneedy, Ella Sorensen, others (photo by Lawrence Ryel - one juvenile) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  4. 28 Oct 2002 - East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan Co. by Jack Torrey, Glenda Cotter and Bob Huntington (juvenile, photos)  | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  5. 1 Nov 2002 - Lindon landfill pond, Utah Co. by KC Childs  | Birdnet Report | Sight Record |
  6. 17 Nov 2002 - Quail Creek Reservoir, Washington Co. by Rick Fridell (juvenile, photos) | Sight Record | UOS report |
  7. 20 Apr 2003 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co. by Ron Ryel  (adult, drawing)   | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  8. 2 Nov 2004 - Pineview Reservoir, Weber Co., by Kristin Purdy, Glenn Barlow, Merrill Webb, Lu Giddings, Dennis Shirley and on 4 Nov 2004 by KP, Edson Leite, Lynn Carroll, and Lee and Paula Shirley (one juvenile, photos)  | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  9. 20 - 23 May 2006 - Willard Bay, Box Elder Co. by Kristin Purdy, Bob Huntington, Brian Currie and others (adult - photo by BC)  | Sight Record | Hotline Report |
  10. 11-26 Oct 2007 - Sleepy Ridge Golf Course in Orem, Utah Co., by Merrill Webb, others. (adult - photos) by Milt Moody and Paul Higgins)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  11. 21 Apr - 5 May 2008 - Little Dell Reservoir, Salt Lake Co.,  by Jeff Bilsky, Colby Neuman, Carl Ingwell, Tim Avery, Cindy Sommerfeld, Steve Sommerfeld, Kimberly Roush and others (adult - photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  12. 7-12 May 2009 - Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Box Elder Co., by Bridget Olson, Betsy Beneke and John Cavitt  (adult - photos)   | Sight Record |
  13. 23 Oct 2010 - Jordanelle State Park, Wasatch Co., by Eric Huish, KC Childs, Jeff Cooper and Eric Peterson. (one)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  14. 18 Jun 2011 - West end of Hyrum Dam, Cache Co., by Bob Atwood (breeding adult, photos) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  15. 13 Oct 2012 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell, (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  16. 13 Nov 2012 - Otter Creek State Park, Piute Co., by Rick Fridell, (first winter, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  17. 26 Oct 2012 - Lee Kay Ponds, Salt Lake Co., by Matt Pendleton, (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  18. 22 Oct 2013 - Provo Airport Dike, Utah Co., by Eric Huish, (Juvenile, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  19. 2 Nov 2013 - Pineview Reservoir, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell; Kris Purdy (Juvenile, photos, drawings)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  20. 18 Dec 2013 - Sand Hollow SP, Washington Co., by Steve & Cindy Sommerfeld;  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  21. 9 Apr 2015- East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan Co., by Weston Smith   (one, photos) | Hotline Report  | Sight Record |
  22. 23 Nov 2015 - Provo Airport dike, Utah Co., by Suzi Holt, (1st winter, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  23. 1 Nov 2016 - Road to Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Bryant Olsen   (one, photos)  | Hotline Report  | Sight Record |
  24. 19 Nov 2016 - Hyrum Reservoir SP, Cache Co., by Mike Hearell   (adult, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  25. 11 Nov 2017 -  East Canyon Reservoir, Morgan  Co.,   by Weston Smith   (one, Photos)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  26. 14 Nov 2017 -  Pineview Reservoir, Weber  Co.,   by Kristin Purdy   (adult)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  27. 27 Jun 2018 - Quail Creek Reservoir, Washington Co.,   by Paul Hicks   (adult?)   | Sight Record |



Magnificent Frigatebird      [see compete list]
  1. 26-31 May 1999 - Minersville reservoir, Beaver Co. by Lew Wilkinson, Josh Kreitzer, Nathaniel Kreitzer, Steve Summers, Mark Stackhouse,  Nathaniel Wilkinson, others (first year juvenile, photos) | Hotline Report Sight Record | UOS report |
  2. 15 Apr 2016 - Various places in Washington Co., by Rick Fridell   (2nd cycle female, photos)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
Blue-footed Booby      [see compete list]
  1. 19 Sep 2018 - Warm Creek Bay, Lake Powell, Kane Co.,   by Nikki Emanuel  (one, Photos)   | Sight Record |
Neotropic Cormorant   (Taken off the Review List in January 2014)     [see all sightings]
  1. 31 Aug - 19 Oct 2007 - Quichapa Lake, Iron Co., by Rick Fridell, others. (juvenile - photos by RF)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  2. 31 Jul-23 Aug 2008 - Ivins Reservoir, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell, Rick Fridell, Steve Hedges, Kevin Wheeler, and other. (adult - photos | Hotline Report | Hotline Report 2 | Sight Record |
  3. 29 Apr 2009 - Winchester Park, Murray, Salt Lake Co., by Richard Young (four 1st year, photos)   | Sight Record |
  4. 29 May - 9 Oct 2009 - Ivins Reservoir, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell (two immatures, photos)   | Hotline Report | Hotline Report 2 | Sight Record |
  5. 23 Aug 2009 - Murray, Salt Lake Co., by Kris Purdy, Pomera Fronce (adult - photos)  | Sight Record |
  6. 24 Aug 2009 - 50th South, Murray/Jordan river Parkway, Salt Lake Co., by Richard Young (juvenile, photos)   | Sight Record |
  7. 18-24 April - 8 May 2010 [maybe same as below] - Sandy Fish Pond, Sandy, Salt Lake Co., by Richard Young,  Mark Mossing, Tim Avery, Ryan O'Donnell  (two, 1st year?, photos )  | Hotline Report | Hotline Report2 | Sight Record |
  8. 22-25 April 2010 - East Bay Golf Course, Provo, Utah Co., by Jeff Bilsky, Eric Huish (four, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  9. 2,4 May 2010 - Millrace Pond, Salt Lake Co. by Richard Young: Terry Sadler | Sight Record |
  10. 15 Aug 2010 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Kirs Purdy (1 adult, 2 juveniles, photo)  | Sight Record |
  11. 20-24 Sep 2010 - Sandy Urban Fishery, Sandy, Salt Lake Co. by Jeff Cooper (2 adults, photos  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  12. 13 May 2011 - Mill Race Park, Murray/Jordan River Parkway, Salt Lake Co., by Richard Young (1 adult, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  13. 15 May 2011 - Buffalo Ranches Pond in Farmington, Davis Co., by Kristen Purdy (may be same as one found at Glover Lane on 25 Mar 2011)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  14. 18 Jun 2011 - Apartment pond in Murray, Salt Lake Cl., by Steve and Cindy Sommerfeld, Richard Young  (one adult and two juveniles, photo)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  15. 4-18 Apr 2012 - Mill Race Pond, Taylorsville,  Salt Lake Co. by Richard Young, Ronald Walker (four+, photos1, photos2, photos3) | Hotline Report | Sight Record 1 | Sight Record 2 | Sight Record 3 |
  16. 3 Sep 2012 -  Ivins Reservoir, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell, (subadult, photo  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  17. 25 Feb 2013 - Willow Pond, Murray, Salt Lake Co., by Richard Young, (one, photos | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  18. 28 Mar 2013 - St. George, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell  (subadult, photo)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  19. 4 Apr 2013 - Provo Airport Dike, Provo, Utah Co., by Jeff Cooper, (one, photos | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  20. 11 Jun 2013 - Ogden Bay, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell, (one, photo | Sight Record |
  21. 15 Jun 2013 - Mill Race Pond, Sandy, Salt Lake Co., by David Vander Pluym (six, photos);   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  22. 4 Jul 2013 - Ogden Bay, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell, (two, photos)   | Sight Record |
  23. 15 Jul 2013 - Logan Fish Hatchery Pond, Logan, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, (one, photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |



Brown Pelican       [see compete list]
  1. *28 Apr 1934 - Jordan River, northwest of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co. reported by Woodbury
  2. *27 May 1944 - Farmington Bay Project, Davis Co. by Claude T. Barnes
  3. *Oct 1972 - Lake Powell, San Juan Co. by Huser and Kashin
  4. 4 to 8 Apr 1984 - Bullfrog Basin Marina, Lake Powell, Kane Co.  by Steven Scott (photo) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  5. 12 May 2004 - Newcastle Reservoir , Iron Co. by Kevin Wheeler, Charlie Sheard  (immature, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  6. 5 Jan 2015 - Quail Creek State Park, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell (adult, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  7. 22 Nov 2016 - Grand County,    by Steve Heinrich  (one adult)   | Sight Record |
  8. 18 May 2017 - Gunnison Island, Great Salt Lake, Box Elder Co., by John Neill   (dead, Photos)   |Sight Record |
  9. 9 Jul 2018 - Antelope Island State Park, Davis Co.,   by Roseanna Denton  (juvenile, Photo)   | Sight Record |
  10. 23 Aug 2019 - Bear River Refuge Road, Box Elder Co.,  by Laura Lockhart  (juv. to early adult, Photos)  | Sight Record |



Least Bittern       [see compete list]
  1. *20 May 1938 - near the Virgin River south of St. George, Washington Co. reported by Hardy (specimen collected)
  2. *10 Jun 1936 - Bear River Gun Club, Box Elder Co. by Bailey
  3. *2 Jun 1943 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co. by Cottam
  4. *27 Jun 1965 - along the Virgin River, south of St. George, Washington Co. by Wauer, Russell
  5. *28 Aug 1965 - along the Virgin River, south of St. George, Washington Co. by Wauer, Russell
  6. 14 May 1983 - Stewart Lake Waterfowl Refuge, Jensen, Uintah Co. by Mark T. Bromley (adult)  | Sight Record | Original Record |
  7. *22 May 1984 - Ironton area, southeast Provo, Utah Co. by Jan Cooper (one male, one unknown gender)  | Sight Record | Sight Record-2 |
  8. *30 May 1984 - between Springville and Provo, Utah Co. by Merrill Webb, Harold Clayson, Divid Fischer, Steve Russell (breeding adult male)
  9. 18 Jun 2013 - Virgin River at St. George, Washington Co., by Robert Dobbs, (two adults, photos)  | Sight Record |
  10. 9 Sep 2014 - Santa Clara River Co., by Rick Fridell; Christian & Molly Edwards  (one, photos)   | Sight Record
  11. 10 May 2015 - Virgin River Trail, Washington Co., by Austin R. Spence   (adult, photo)  | Sight Record |
Great Egret    (No longer on Review List)    [see all sightings]
  1. 1869 - near Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by Rigdway
  2. 22 to 25 Sep 1872 - near Beaver, Beaver Co., by Henshaw
  3. Summer 1926 - near mouth of Bear River, Box Elder Co., by Hull
  4. 25 Apr 1933 - mouth of Bear River, Box Elder Co., by Wilson
  5. May 1934 - St. George, Washington Co., (Specimen in BYU Collection)
  6. mid Oct 1936 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co.,  by Marshall
  7. 3, 5 May 1937 - near Jensen, Uintah Co., by Twomey
  8. Spring 1940 - Provo Bay area, Utah Co., by Beck
  9. 12 Sep 1941 - near Jensen, Uintah Co., by Cottam
  10. 28 Nov 1958 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Scott
  11. 9 Mar 1959 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co., by Scott
  12. 20 Mar 1963 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co., Reported by Utah Audubon News
  13. 3 Jul1964 - west of Salt Lake Airport, Salt Lake Co., by H. B. Spencer 
  14. 19 Apr 1983 - Minersville Reservoir, Beaver Co., by Steven P. Hedges (breeding adult)  | Sight Record |
  15. 7 May 1983 - north side of Pelican Lake, Uintah Co., by Sherwood Casjens  | Sight Record |
  16. 5 Jun 1984 - Grafton, Washington Co., by  Kirt Topham, Jewel A. Gifford and Jerome L. Gifford  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  17. 9 Jun 1984 - Ogden Bay MA, Weber Co., by John A. Nelson (adult) [UFO]  | Sight Record |
  18. 3 Jul 1984 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by H.G. Spencer  | Sight Record |
  19. 9 Apr 1985 -Grafton, Washington Co., by Jerome L. Gifford (three) | UOS report | Sight Record |
  20. 10 May 1986 - west of Woodruff, Rich Co., by Craig Kneedy, Andrew Lanford, Phil Orton, Charles Kocher  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  21. 4 Feb 1988 - Wasington Co., by Neal Stephens  | Sight Record |
  22. 28 Dec 1996 - Ogden CBC, Weber Co., (1 seen, good detail in documentation)
Little Blue Heron       [see compete list]
  1. *4 Sep 1957 - Bear River Refuge, Box Elder Co. (specimen collected)
  2. *25 May 1963 - Draper, Salt Lake Co. (specimen collected)
  3. *Fall 1974 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co. by Kashin (immature white phase)
  4. *May 1981 - Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Uintah Co. by Mike Long 
  5. 10 Aug 1985 -  west of Salt Lake International Airport, Salt Lake Co. by Ella Sorensen  | UOS report | Sight Record |
  6. 29 Jul 2011 - Ouray NWR, Uintah Co., by Christopher Eliot  (one)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  7. 23 Jul 2014 - Farmington Bay and Glover Pond, Davis Co., by Norm Jenson   (one, photos)   | Sight Record |
  8. 3 May 2019 - Lytle Ranch, Washington County, by James Loveless, Terry Reid  (adult, Photos)  | Sight Record |
Tricolored Heron       [see compete list]
  1. *15 May 1947 - Farmington Bay Refuge, Davis Co. One seen by Calvin D. Wilson.
  2. *19 Jun 1973 - Farmington Bay, Davis Co., by Dorothy Platt  (photo)  | Sight Record |
  3. 15-16 Jun 1988 - between Salem and Spanish fork, Utah Co. by Harold Clayson, Merrill Webb | UOS report | Sight Record |
  4. 20 Apr 2022 -Provo Airport Dike, Utah Co.  by Ben Stradling  (adult, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  5. 8 Sep 2023 - Goose Egg Island, [Davis] Co., by Kay VanDrimmelen (two, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  6. 3 Jun 2024 - Jackson Flat Res., Kane Co., by Ann Swanson (one, Photos & Video by Louisa Evers)  | Sight Record |
Reddish Egret       [see compete list]
  1. 14 Aug 2003 - Gunlock Reservoir, Washington Co. by Larry Tripp, and many others (immature, photos)   | Birdnet Report | Sight Record | UOS report |
  2. 3 Sep 2003 - James W. Fitzgerald WMA, Tooele Co. by Merrill Webb, Milton Moody and many others, (juvenile, photos)  | Sight Record | UOS report |
  3. 2-8 Aug 2007 - Shoveller Unit at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Juab Co.,  by Pat Jividen, Angie Branch, Deloy Pack, and Robert Sims, others. (one - photos by RS, Jack Binch & Milt Moody)    | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  4. 9 Sep 2012 - Glen Canyon NRA, Kane Co., by Gerry & Jennifer Nealon, (immature, photos)  | Sight Record |
  5. 4 Sep 2018 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington Co.,   by Maurice DeMille  (juvenile, Photos)  | Sight Record |
  6. 8 Oct 2019 - Red's Lake, San Juan Co.,  by Glenn Kincaid  (juvenile, Photos)   | Sight Record |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron      [see compete list]
  1. 18 May 1996 - North of Burriston Pond, Juab Co. by Darren Shirley (adult, drawing and notes, photos)  | Sight Record | UOS report |

Ibises, etc.

White Ibis       [see compete list]
  1. 11-14 Sep 2004 - North of Spanish Fork, Utah Co. by Dave Hanscom (one, photos)  | Hotline Report |Sight Record | UOS report |
  2. 11 May 2013 - Skipper Bay Trail, Utah Co., by Brenton Reyner , (two)    | Sight Record |
  3. 12 Jun 2017 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen   (adult, Photo)  Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  4. 13 Aug 2023 - Quichapa Lake, Iron Co., by Becky Bonebrake: Nathaniel Nye   (Juvenile, Photos)  | Sight Record |
Glossy Ibis  (Taken off the Review List in May 2014)     [see all sightings]
  1. 5 - 18 Jun 2006 - Benson, Cache Co. by Ron Ryel, Joel and Kathy Beyer and others (adult) | Sight Record | Hotline Reports |
  2. 10 Jun 2006 - Cache Valley, Cache Co., by David Wheeler and Larene Wyss (adult) | Sight Record |
  3. 24,25 Jun 2006 - Bear River NWR, Box Elder Co., by Jack Binch and Dana Green (adult - photos by JB) | Sight Record | Hotline Report |
  4. 14 Aug 2008 - Kennecott Inland Sea Shorebird Reserve, Salt Lake Co., by Tim Avery  (adult - photo) | Sight Record |
  5. 3 Jul 2008 - Logan City Polishing Ponds, Benson, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell (adult - photos) | Sight Record |
  6. 20 Apr 2009 - Washington Fields, Washington Co., by Rick Fridell  (one adult - photos)  | Sight Record |
  7. 24-27 Apr 2009 - Forest Street, west of the Bear River MBR Visitors Center, Box Elder Co., by Jack Binch, Dave Hanscom, Bob Huntington, Bob McDougall, and Paul Higgins  (two adults - photos)  | Sight Record |
  8. 24 Apr - 22 May 2010 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Jack Binch; Kris Purdy  (at least one)  | Hotline ReportHotline Report 2Sight Record |
  9. 20 April 2011 - North Harbor Road, Provo, Utah Co., by Eric Huish, Ned Bixler (at least one, drawing)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  10. 24 April 2011 - Bear River MBR, Box Elder Co., by Jack Binch, Norm Jenson (2 males, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  11. 4 May 2012 -  Swede Lane, Palmyra, Utah Co., by Eric Huish, (adult, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  12. 4 May 2013 - Hyde Park Lane, Benson, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, (two, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  13. 11 May 2013 - Benson, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, (one, photos & video)  | Sight Record |
  14. 17 May 2013 - About 10420 W, 900 N, Lehi, Utah Co., by Jeff Cooper, (one) | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  15. 20 May 2013 - Amalga Barrens, Amalga, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  16. 24 May 2013 - Logan, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  17. 11 Jun 2013 - Ogden Bay, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell, (one)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  18. 6 Jul 2013 - Crawford Mountain Road, Rich Co., by Jeff Cooper, (adult, photos)   | Hotline Report | Sight Record |
  19. 23 Apr 2014 - Ogden Bay, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell  (one, photos)  | Sight Record |
  20. 28 Apr 2014 - Amalga, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell  (adult, photos)  | Sight Record |
Roseate Spoonbill    [There are some unconfirmed observations from the 1960's]     [see compete list]
  1. *2 Jul 1919 - 40 miles north of Wendover, Tooele Co. by Joseph Condley (five seen; one specimen in U of U collection)
  2. 6 Jul 2012 -  Cataract Canyon, San Juan Co., by Nathan Robinettl, (one, video, photos)  | Hotline Report | Sight Record |


Wood Stork    [1930s - Observations in Box Elder, Davis, Salt Lake, Millard, & Piute Cnts].  [see compete list]
  1. *1 Oct 1872 - Rush Lake, Iron Co. by H. W. Henshaw (two specimens taken)
  2. *8 Aug 1930 - Hooper, Weber Co. (specimen in USU collection)
  3. *8 Aug 1930 - Holladay, Salt Lake Co. (specimen)
  4. *17 Jul 1934 - marshes at the mouth of Bear River, Box Elder Co. (adult male in U of U collection)
  5. *Summer 1935 - near Lehi, Utah Co. mounted by John Hutchings (BYU collection)
  6. *16 Sep 1938 - Clear Lake, Millard Co. by U.S. Biological Survey
  7. *28 Aug 1939 - Virgin City, Washington Co. (U of U collection)
  8. *24 Jun 1973 - Fish Springs, Juab Co. by Kraft  (one)

Ducks to Herons | Hawks to Shorebirds | Doves to Woodpeckers | Flycatchers to Warblers | Tanagers to Finches

| Sources | Archives | Records Under ReviewComprehensive Sightings List | UBRC Home Page |

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