Recent Rare Birds Sightings & Photos
Utah Bird Records Committee

     |  First State Sightings  |  Review List  |  Comprehensive Sighting List  |  Utah Birds Archives  |  Report a Rare Bird  |    


   Record Information

     First Round: (new records being reviewed by the committee)

Painted Bunting Sight Record #2024-43
28 Jun 2024 - Lava Springs Campground, Washington Co., by Toni McQuivey Taylor (One, Photos)
                   | 8 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

White-winged Crossbill Sight Record #2024-42
24 Jun 2024 - Silver Lake, Big Cottonwood Cn., Salt Lake Co., by Ian Batterman, (Two, male & unknown)
                  | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Bay-breasted Warbler Sight Record #2024-41
20 Jun 2024 - Bowman Fk. Tr., Millcreek Canyon, Salt Lake Co., by Max Malmquist (Adult male, Photos)
                   | 6 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Hooded Warbler Sight Record #2024-40
16 Jun 2024 -Bowman Fork Trail, Salt Lake Co., by Fred Adler, (fmale, Audio1, Audio2)
                  | 10 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Chestnut-sided Warbler Sight Record #2024-39
7 Jun 2024 - Trail north of Alpine, Utah Co., by Matthew Pendleton  (Adult male, Photos)
                  | 31 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Tircolored Herin Sight Record #2024-38
3 Jun 2024 - Jackson Flat Res., Kane Co., by Ann Swanson (one, Photos & Video by Louisa Evers)
                   | 5 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Lark Bunting Sight Record #2024-37
12 Jan 2024 - Dixie Springs, Wahsington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (female type)
                 | 7 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Mexican Duck Sight Record #2024-36
30 May 2024 - Stateline Boat Ramp, Lake Powell, Kane Co., by John Wilson (Adult Male, Photos)
                   | 12 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Least Tern Sight Record #2024-35
4 Jun 2024 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Wahsington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (one)
                  | 17 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Zone-tailed Hawk Sight Record #2024-34
4 Jun 2024 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington Co., by Paul Hicks (one, Photos by Toni Taylor)
                   | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Chestnut-sided Warbler Sight Record #2024-33
28 May 2024 - Canyonlands NP, San Juan Co., by Steve Goodbred,  (adult female)
                  | 31 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Common Gallinule Sight Record #2024-32
29 May 2024 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (adult)
                  | 11 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

     Second Round:
(records with no unanimous decision in the first round)

Cassin's Sparrow Sight Record #2024-26
11 May 2024 - Provo River Delta, Utah Co., by McKay Olsen  ( one, Photos)
                   | 4 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd     2nd round in progress

Vaux's Swift Sight Record #2024-23
8 May 2024 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (one flying)
                  | 28 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  7 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd     2nd round in progress

Scaled Quail Sight Record #2024-24
2 May 2024 - East of Bluff, San Juan Co., by Kurt Hillman,  (two)
                  | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 6 acc, 2 not, 1 to 2nd     2nd round in progress

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sight Record #2024-20
14 Dec 2023 - Castle Valley, Grand Co., by Steve Heinrich,  (one immature, Photos)
                   | 31 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status: 1st round:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd     2nd round in progress

     Third Round:
(final review to see if the sighting will be added to the official state records for Utah)
     Recently-Completed Records:

Vaux's Swift Sight Record #2024-18
27 Apr 2024 - Tonaquint Park, St. George, Washington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (one or two, flying)
                  | 28 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 3 acc, 5 not     2nd round: 0 acc, 9 not

Zone-tailed Hawk Sight Record #2024-31
29 May 2024 - Zion NP, Lava Point, Washington Co., by Maurice DeMill (adult, Photo)
                   | 35th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Least Bittern Sight Record #2024-19
3 May 2024 - Sand Hollow Reservoir,, Washington Co., by Paul Hicks,  (one calling)
                  | 11 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 4 acc, 5 not      2nd 1 acc, 8 not

Sprague's Pipit Sight Record #2024-15
19 Apr 2024 - ,Inland Sea Shorebird Reserve, Salt Lake Co., by Quinn Diaz,  (one, flying)
                  | 1 Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 3 acc, 3 not, 3 to 2nd    2nd round 6 acc, 3 not     First State Record

White-rumped Sandpiper Sight Record #2024-30
18 May 2024 - Pelican Lake, Uintah Co., by Jeff Cooper  (adult, Photos)
                   | 12th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Field Sparrow Sight Record #199-01A  (Photos to add to the only record for this species in Utah)
9 Jan 1999 - Lindon Boat Harbor County, photos by Colby Newman  (Photos)
                   | 1 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Least Tern Sight Record #2024-29
19 May 2024 - 4000 West, Lake Shore, Utah Co., by Suzi Holt  (one, Photos, , Video)
                   | 16th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Zone-tailed Hawk Sight Record #2024-28
8 May 2024 - Behind Hell's Backbone Grill, Bounder, Garfield Co., by Ryan McDermott (adult, Photos)
                   | 34th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Ruddy Turnstone Sight Record #2024-27
11 May 2024 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis County, by Felicia Alvarez  (adult, Photos)
                   | 20th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Lark Bunting Sight Record #2024-25
11 May 2024 - Blending, San Juan Co., by Sandy & Randy Reed  (adult  male Photos)
                   | 8th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Sight Record #2024-22
4 Apr 20234-San Juan County, by Terry Reid, James Loveless, Jeff Cooper,  (5 male,female Photos)
                   | 1 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Vaus's Swift Sight Record #2024-21
7 May 2024 - Willard Bay State Park, Box Elder Co., by Bryant Olsen,  (one)
                  | 29th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Western Gull Sight Record #2024-16
18 Apr 2024 - Sand Hallow State Park, Washington Co., by Natalie Tanner,  (adult, Photos)
                  | 15th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

White-tailed Kite Sight Record #2024-17
23 Apr 2024 - Antelope Island, Davis Co., by Elizabeth Moon,  (one, Photos)
                   | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Gilded Flicker Sight Record #2024-04
6 Jan 2024 - Salt Lake City Cemetery, Salt Lake Co., by Quinn Diaz, (female, Photos)
                   | 3 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 5 acc, 4 to 2nd      2nd round: 8 acc, 1 not

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sight Record #2024-12
15 Mar 2024 - Provo City Cemetery, Utah Co., by KD Childs,  (juvenile, Photos)
                  | 31st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Brown-capped Rosy-Finch Sight Record #2024-13
23 Mar 2024 - Alta Town Office Feeders, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen,  (one, Photo)
                  | 9th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Mexican Duck Sight Record #2024-14
24 Mar 2024 - Tonaquint NC, St. George, Washington Co., by Shiloh Rasmussen,  (adult male, Photo)
                               and on 30 Mar 2024 by Ron Anderson male, Photos)
                  | 12th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Bell's Sparrow Sight Record #2024-09
23 Jan 2024 - Lyltle Ranch Road, Washington Co., by James Loveless,  (three, Photos)
                  | 1 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  0 acc, 6 not, 2 to 2nd       2nd round: 0 acc, 8 not

Brambling Sight Record #2024-11
4 Mar 2024 - Croydon, Morgan Co., by Weston Smith,  (adult male, Photos)
                  | 3rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

White-winged Crossbill Sight Record #2024-08
9 Dec 2023 - Bountiful, Davis Co., by Rob Kent de Grey,  (Audio)
                  | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  0 acc, 8 not, 1 to 2nd      2nd round: 0 acc, 9 not

Mexican Duck Sight Record #2024-10
29 Jan 2024 - Powell Lake, Lehi, Utah Co., by Jeff Cooper,  (adult male, Photos)
                  | 11th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  8 acc

Gyrfalcon Sight Record #2024-01
17 Dec 2023 - Rockport Reservoir, Summit Co., by
Kenny Frisch, (juvenile female?, Photos)
                   | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd     2nd round:8 acc, 1 not

Gray Hawk Sight Record #2024-07
24 Jan 2024 - Hurricane, Washington Co., by Toni McQuivey Taylor, (male, Photos)
                  | 3rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Thick-billed Longspur Sight Record #2024-06
16 Jan 2024 - Ogden Bay WMA, Weber Co., by Bryant Olsen, (5 - male, female, juv., Photos)
                   | 29th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Yellow-throated Warbler Sight Record #2024-05
12 Dec 2023 - Ogden Valley, Weber Co., by Kristin Purdy, (adult?, male?, Photos)
                   | 7th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

American Black Duck Sight Record #2024-03
7 Jan 2024 - Provo River going into the delta, Utah Co., by Colton Ferman, (male, Photo)
                   | 12 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 9 not

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sight Record #2023-86
23 Dec 2023 - Virgin, Washington Co., by
Mike Schijf, (adult female, Photos)
                   | 30th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sight Record #2023-83
19 Nov 2023 - Ivins Reservoir, Washington Co., by
Colin Maguire, (immature? male?, Photos)
                   | 29 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd    2nd round 0 acc, 9 not

Lark Bunting Sight Record #2024-02
31 Dec 2023 - NE of Enterprise, Washington Co., by Mike Schijf, (Juvenile female, Photos)
                   | 7th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Canyon Towhee  Sight Record #2023-74
26 Oct 2023 - Snow Canyon Nature Park, Washington Co., by Dan Lory, (one, Photos)
                   | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 5 acc, 3 not    2nd round 1 acc, 8 not

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  Sight Record #2023-81
27 Sept 2023 - Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., by Dennis D. Austin  (
adult male & female)
                   | 29 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  1 acc, 8 not   2nd round 0 acc, 9 not

Purple Finch Sight Record #2023-85
16 Dec 2023 - West Warren Cemetery, Weber Co., by
Mike Hearell, (Female/HY male?, Photos)
                    | 7th Vetted Records| All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Acorn Woodpecker Sight Record #2023-84
16 Dec 2023 - Cabin Spring - Zion West Rim Trail, Washington Co., by
Paul Jaussi, (eight, Photos)
                    | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Purple Finch  Sight Record #2023-82
27 Sept 2023 - Near Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., by Dennis D. Austin  (
adult male)
                   | 6 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  0 acc, 9 not

Purple Finch  Sight Record #2023-65
15 Sep 2023 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co., by Erin Hettinger  (Audio1, Audio2)
                   | 6th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 4 acc, 2 not, 2 to 2nd   2nd round 6 acc, 3 not

Hepatic Tanager Sight Record #2023-80
27 Nov 2023 - West Valley City, Salt Lake Co., by Carel Brest van Kempen, (immature male, Photo)
                   | 1st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc    [First State Record]

Tennessee Warbler Sight Record #2023-79
16 Sep 2023 - Airport Road near Manila, Daggett Co., by David Wheeler, (one, Photo)
                   | 21st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Tri-colored Heron  Sight Record #2023-67
8 Sep 2023 - Goose Egg Island, [Davis] Co., by Kay VanDrimmelen (two, Photos)
                   | 5th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  7 acc, 2 to 2nd   2nd 9 acc

Red Phalarope  Sight Record #2023-78
14 Oct 2023 - Pruess Reservoir, Millard Co., by David Wheeler, (one, Photos)
                   | 27th Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Magnolia Warbler  Sight Record #2023-77
29 Oct 2023 - Brooks NP, St. George, Washington Co., by David Wheeler, (imm. female, Photos)
                   | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Red Phalarope  Sight Record #2023-76
12 Nov 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen, (adult, Photos)
                   | 28th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ruff  Sight Record #2023-75
30 Sep 2023 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co., by Guillaume Passavy, (adult male, Photos)
                   | 13th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Palm Warbler  Sight Record #2023-73
4 Nov 2023 - Bountiful Pond, Davis Co., by Mary McGreal; Vivian Schneggenburger,
                                  (one, Photos by Connie Misket and Mary McGreal)
                   | 29th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Winter Wren  Sight Record #2023-72
31 Oct 2023 - Brooks Nature Park, Washington Co., by Mike Schijf (one, Photos)
                   | 15th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ovenbird  Sight Record #2023-71
22 Oct 2023 - Third District Courthouse bldg. SLC, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen (one, Photo)
                   | 30th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:
8 acc

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  Sight Record #2023-70
29 Oct 2023 - Graphton, Washington Co., by Lucy Ormond  (
adult male)
                   | 29 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 8 not

Blackpoll Warbler  Sight Record #2023-69
19 Oct 2023 - Antelope Island SP, Davis Co., by John Kip Robinson (one, Photos)
                   | 22nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Parasitic Jaeger  Sight Record #2023-52
17 Sep 2023 - Willard Spur, Box Elder  Co., by Bryant Olsen  (Juvenile, Photos by Kris Purdy)
                  | 19th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  7 acc, 1 to 2nd    2nd round:  9 acc

Buff-breasted Sandpiper  Sight Record #2023-56
24 Sep 2023 - Willard Spur WMA, Box Elder  Co., by Quinn Diaz  (one, Photos)
                  | 7th Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc, 1 to 2nd   2nd round:  9 acc

Gray Hawk  Sight Record #2023-68
20 Oct 2023 - Roy, Weber Co., by Breclyn Everett  (one, Photos)
                  | 2 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  0 acc, 9 not

Common Ground-Dove  Sight Record #2023-66
14 Oct 2023 - Cottonwood Bend Ranch, Grand Co., by Steve Heinrich  (male, Glenn Kinkaid Photos)
                   | 6th Vetted Records| All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Connecticut Warbler  Sight Record #2023-64
7 Oct 2023 - Rio Mesa Field Station, Grand Co., by Kyle Kittelberger  (first year, Photos)
                   | 3rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Long-tailed Jaeger Sight Record #2023-47
4 Sep 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen   (Juvenile,
                   | 18th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 7 acc, 1 not    2nd round 8 acc, 1 not

Boreal Owl  Sight Record #2023-63
28 Sep 2023 - Near Pitt & Page Hill, Summit Co., by Jeff Cooper  (two adults, Photos)
                   | 16th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Boreal Owl  Sight Record #2023-62
14 Sep 2023 - Murdock Basin Road, Wasatch Co., by Jeff Cooper  (two adults, Photos)
                   | 15th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Lark Bunting  Sight Record #2023-61
10 Sep 2023 - Garr Ranch, Davis  Co., by Colin Maguire  (juv./female, Photos)
                  | 6th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ruddy Turnstone  Sight Record #2023-60
26 Sep 2023 - Willard Spur WMA, Box Elder  Co., by Max Malmquist  (one, Photos)
                  | 19th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ruddy Turnstone  Sight Record #2023-59
25 Sep 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis  Co., by Bryant Olsen  (one, Photos)
                  | 18th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Tennessee Warbler  Sight Record #2023-58
27 Sep 2023 - Liberty Park, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen  (one, Photos by Felicia Alvarez)
                   | 22nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Yellow-billed Cuckoo  Sight Record #2023-57
11 Jun 2023 - Rio Mesa Field Station, Grand  Co., by Kyle Kittelberger  (one or two, Photo)
                   | 6th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

White-winged Crossbill  Sight Record #2023-53
21 Sep 2023 - Alta, Salt Lake  Co., by Bryant Olsen  (Adult male, Photos)
                  | 2nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  9 acc

Bell's Sparrow  Sight Record #2023-54
11 Aug 2023 - Lytle Ranch Access Road, Washington Co., by Dennis Austin  (adult)
                  | 1 Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 9 not

Parasitic Jaeger  Sight Record #2023-50
12 Sep 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen   (Juvenile Photos)
                  | 18th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:9 acc

Blackburnian Warbler  Sight Record #2023-51
13 Sep 2023 - River Lane, Utah Co., by Steve Clark & James Loveless   (Fem. / Juv. Photos)
                  | 2nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Parasitic Jaeger  Sight Record #2023-49
10 Sep 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Quinn Diaz   (Juvenile Photos)
                  | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Painted Bunting  Sight Record #2023-46
24 Aug 2023 - Rio Mesa Center, Grand Co., by Caroline Wolfe-Merritt   (HY?,
                    | 8th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc, 1 to 2nd    2nd round 9 acc

Wandering Tattler  Sight Record #2023-55
23 Sep 2023 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab  Co., by Renee Tressler  (one, Photos)
                  | 6th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Tennessee Warbler Sight Record #2023-48
5 Sep 2023 - Peterson DWR property, Morgan Co., by Kristin Purdy   (Juv., Weston Smith Photos)
                   | 29th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Scarlet Tanager Sight Record #2023-44
3 Aug 2023 - Taylorsville, Salt Lake Co., by Julie Dickerson   (Male,
                   | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Red-headed Woodpecker  Sight Record #2023-32
4 Jul 2023 - Logan Canyon, Cache Co., by Casey Richardson  (adult)
                   | 11th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 5 acc, 2 not, 2 to 2nd   2nd: 5 acc, 4 not    3rd: 5 acc, 4 not

Elf Owl  Sight Record #2023-45
16 Aug 2023 Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., by Von Welch  (One or more, Audio page )
                   | 1 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 7 not, 2 to 2nd    2nd round: 0 acc, 9 not

Rivoli's Hummingbird  Sight Record #2023-36
17 Jul 2023 - Lytle Ranch Preserve, Washington Co., by Jessica Matyas  (Female,
                   | 7 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 1 acc, 7 not     2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

White Ibis Sight Record #2023-43
13 Aug 2023 - Quichapa Lake, Iron Co., by
Becky Bonebrake: Nathaniel Nye   (Juvenile, Photos)
                   | 4th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Long-tailed Jaeger Sight Record #2023-41
11 Aug 2023 - Quichapa Lake, Iron Co., by James Loveless   (One,
                   | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Zone-tailed Hawk Sight Record #2023-42
9 Aug 2023 -
Kolob Terrace Road, Washington Co., by James Loveless   (One, Photos)
                   | 33rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  Sight Record #2023-40
28 Jul 2023 Alpine Loop Road, Utah Co., by Daxton Bryce  (Adult, Audio page )
                   | 29 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 9 not

Zone-tailed Hawk  Sight Record #2023-39
16 Jul 2023 Lava Point Road, Washington Co., by
Thomas E Wurster & Liga Auzins Wurster  (Adult)
                   | 32nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Worm-eating Warbler  Sight Record #2023-38
18 May 2023 Capitol Reef National Park, Wayne Co., by Craig Benkman  (One)
                   | 4th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Curve-billed Thrasher  Sight Record #2023-37
26 Jul 2023 - Fish Springs NWR, Juan Co., by Terry Reid & by Renee Tressler   (Adult,
                   | 3rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  8 acc

Lark Bunting  Sight Record #2023-30
15 Jun 2023 - Decker Lake, Salt Lake Co., by Decker Lake  (immature male,
                   | 5th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  6 acc, 2 not    2nd round: 9 acc

Yellow-billed Cuckoo  Sight Record #2023-34
19 Jul 2023 - Clay Marsh (south of Pruess Lake), Millard Co., by Ben Stradling  (adult,
                   | 7th Vetted Record | All Sightings
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Bendire's Thrasher  Sight Record #2023-35
2 Jun 2022 -Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., by Sylvia Potter  (one)
                   | 10 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  0 acc, 9 not

Wood Thrush  Sight Record #2023-27
10 May 2023 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by Darren Hall  (one)
                   | 4 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 4 acc, 4 not, 1 to 2nd    2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

Zone-tailed Hawk  Sight Record #2023-31
1 Jul 2023 - Pine Valley Mountains, Washington Co., by Mike Schijf  (adult,
                   | 31st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

White-winged Crossbill  Sight Record #2023-33
9 Jul 2023 - Redman Campground, Salt Lake Co., by Quinn Diaz (four birds,
Photos, Audio)
                   | 1st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ovenbird  Sight Record #2023-29
13 Jun 2023 - Butterfield Canyon, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen  (
                   | 29th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Ovenbird  Sight Record #2023-28
23 May 2023 - Bonneville Shoreline Trail, North Ogden, Weber  Co., by Kris Purdy  (Audio1, Audio2)
                   | 28th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  in progress

Yellow-throated Vireo  Sight Record #2023-24
17 May 2023 - Kolob Terrace Road, Springdale, Washington Co., by Jon & Carolyn Grainger 
        (assumed adult male, audio)
                  | 7 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 7 not, 1 to 2nd    2nd round: 0 acc, 9 not

Mexican Duck  Sight Record #2023-15
23 Apr 2023 - Powell Lake, Utah Co., by Marissa Reay  (Adult Male, Photos)
                   | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd    2nd round: 8 acc, 1 not

Red-headed Woodpecker  Sight Record #2023-26
9 Jun 2023 - Salt Lake International Center, Salt Lake Co., by Angie Branch  (adult, Photos)
                   | 10th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher  Sight Record #2023-25
4 Jun 2023 - Mission Rd, Bluff, San Juan Co., by Kenny Frisch  (male & female, Photos)
                   | 15th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Zone-tailed Hawk  Sight Record #2023-22
8 Apr 2023 - South of Hurricane, Washington Co., by Dale Cottrell  (Two ? juveniles)
                  | 30 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 8 not

Winter Wren  Sight Record #2023-21
13 Feb 2022 - City Creek Canyon, Salt Lake Co., by David Wheeler  (?adult, Photos)
                  | 12th Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Tennessee Warbler  Sight Record #2023-20
21 May 2023 - Price, Carbon Co., by Carl Ingwell  (Adult male,
                  | 19 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Chestnut-sided Warbler  Sight Record #2023-23
20 May 2023 - Rio Mesa Field Station, Grand  Co., by Kyle Kittelburger  (SY male, Photos)
                  | 31st Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Wood Thrush  Sight Record #2023-19
16 May 2023 - Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by David Wheeler  (Adult)
                   | 5th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Eastern Phoebe  Sight Record #2023-18
6 Apr 2022 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by David Wheeler  (One, Photos by  Lauri Taylor)
                   | 23rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Baltimore Oriole  Sight Record #2023-17
14 May 2023 - Escalante, Garfield Co., by Jeff Lauersdorf, Debbie Savage  (Adult male,  Photos)
                   | 9th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Ruddy Turnstone  Sight Record #2023-16
12 May 2023 - Antelope Island Causeway, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen  (3 Adults,  Photos)
                   | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Mexican Duck  Sight Record #2023-11
14 Mar 2023 - East Canyon Reservior, Morgan Co., by Weston Smith  (Adult Male, Photos & videos)
                   | 9th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 7 acc, 1 not     2nd round: 8 acc

Yellow-throated Vireo  Sight Record #2023-14
27 Apr 2023 - Pine Valley, Washington Co., by Van Strohm  (One, Photos)
                   | 7th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Eastern Phoebe  Sight Record #2023-13
13 Apr 2023 - Oquirre Lake, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen  (One, Photos)
                   | 24th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Brown Thrasher  Sight Record #2023-12
27 Mar 2023 - Farmington, Davis Co., by Melissa & Spencer Aston  (One, Photos)
                   | 32nd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc

Slaty-backed Gull  Sight Record #2023-09
5 Feb 2023 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co.     by Ian Batterman  (Adult or 3rd year, Photos)
                  | 0 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 8 not, 1 to 2nd     2nd round: 0 acc, 8 not

Western Gull  Sight Record #2023-08
5 Feb 2023 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co.     by Ian Batterman  (3rd year, Photos)
                  | 14 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  1 acc, 8 not     2nd round: 0 acc, 8 not

Winter Wren  Sight Record #2023-10
12 Jan 2023 - Red Butte Garden, Salt Lake Co.   by Kenny Frisch  (AHY, Photos)
                  | 13th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round:  7 acc

Rusty Blackbird  Sight Record #2023-04
27 Dec 2022 - Torrey, Wayne Co.     by Walter Wehtje  (adult male, Photos)                 
                  | 23rd Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 8 acc, 1 to 2nd:     2nd round: 9 acc

Philadelphia Vireo Sight Record #2023-07
26 Aug 2022 - Tonaquint Nature Center, Washington Co.  by  Ian Batterman   (adult)
                  | 7 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 7 not

Red-shouldered Hawk  Sight Record #2023-06
6 Feb 2023 - Spanish Fork, Utah Co.     by Jeff Cooper  (1st year?, Photo)
                  | 18th Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Chestnut-collared Longspur  Sight Record #2023-03   (after being reviewed, #2023-05 was added to this record)
9 Jan 2023 - Blue Creek Valley, Box Elder Co. by Bryant Olsen  (adult male, Photos)                 
                  | 8th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Chestnut-collared Longspur  Sight Record #2023-05  (same sighting as  #2023-03)
19 Jan 2023 - Howell (in Blue Creek Valley), Box Elder Co.     by Terry Reid  (male, Photos)                 
                  | 8th Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Magnolia Warbler  Sight Record #2022-69
17 Sep 2022 - Kolob Reservoir, Washington Co.  by Annie Beckstrand  (adult female)
                  | 16 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 1 acc, 6 not, 2 to 2nd      2nd round 0 acc, 8 not

Red-shouldered Hawk  Sight Record #2023-02
29 Dec 2022 - St. George, Washington Co.     by Mike Schijf  (adult, Photos)
                  | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

Brown-capped Rosy-Finch Sight Record #2022-65
127 Nov 2022 - LaSal Mountains, Grand Co.  by Steve Heinrich (one, Photos )
                  | 8 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 3 acc, 5 not, 1 to 2nd:      2nd round 0 acc, 9 not

Snowy Owl Sight Record #2022-67
12 Dec 2022 - Brigham City, Box Elder Co.  by Spencer Smith  (juvenile female)
                  | 11 Vetted Records | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 0 acc, 7 not 2 to 2nd      2nd round i0 acc, 9 not

Red-shouldered Hawk  Sight Record #2023-01
2 Jan 2023 - Boulder, Garfield Co.     by Ryan McDermott  (juvenile, Photos)
                  | 17th Vetted Record | All Sightings |
     Review Status:  1st round: 9 acc

*  Vote abbreviations:   acc = accepted;  not = not accepted
If the first-round vote is not unanimous, the record moves to second round.
The second- and third-rounds the votes must have two or fewer dissenting votes to be decisive.

(The voting status for first-round records will not be posted until all committee members have voted.)

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