Birdnet Hotline Highlights
November 2004
Review Species Reported This Month:
Cackling Goose Duchesne Co.
Salt Lake Co.
Brant Box Elder Co.
Black Scoter Davis Co.
Washington Co.
Red-throated Loon Cache Co.
Red-necked Grebe Weber Co.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Washington Co.
Prairie Warbler Washington Co.
Bridget Olson - Waterbird and Raptor Survey [Bear River Refuge] 11/19/04 ...Great Egret 1...
Steve Carr (13 Nov 2004) - On Friday I led a small group of Europeans to do some birding in Tooele and Davis counties, then they wanted to see the Bear River Bird Refuge. I gave them directions and they visited the Refuge today, Saturday. One of the experienced fellows reported to me Saturday evening that they saw a Brant in about the same location where one was reported several weeks ago...
Kris Purdy (5 Nov 2004) - Mantua Reservoir ... The first species I saw this morning was the Barrow's Goldeneye; both males and females were at the boat ramp.... In addition, other goodies included a pair of Hooded Merganser, Greater Scaup, and a passerine, a juvenile Northern Shrike.
Stephen Peterson - Bridgerland Audubon Society field trip on Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 [Hyrum Reservoir] produced 6 Trumpeter Swans at the SouthEast inlet of the reservoir. 2 of them had yellow neck tags, #s 8Y3 and 9Y3 respectively. And both had underparts of wing painted pink. These 2 birds kept to themselves, in the shallows. The other 4 bunched together and were about 20 feet away. We got great looks at all birds and we concluded that they all were Trumpeters. ...Other birds of interest at Hyrun Reservoir, which has become quite a hot spot this past month: Surf Scoter, Pacific Loon, Red Throated Loon, ...and a 1st year juvenile Northern Shrike.
Stephen Peterson (11 Nov 2004) - A pair of Long-tailed Ducks was reported last week as being seen in Cache Valley at Logan Sewage Lagoons.
Kris Purdy (9Nov 2004) - Merrill Webb, Glenn Barlow and I saw the Red-throated Loon at Hyrum Reservoir today... The Red-throated Loon remained on the south side of the reservoir across from the main boat ramp and day use parking area....In addition to the loon, we also found the two White-winged Scoters at the Beach Area as previously reported by Lu Giddings, a female or juvenile Surf Scoter along the south shore and east of the Red-throated Loon, and a male Barrow's Goldeneye keeping company with a male Common Goldeneye near the Beach Area. We did not see any Pacific Loons.
Jack Binch (7 Nov 2004) - At Hyrum Res. we found the Red-throated Loon in about the middle of the reservoir with some Western Grebes and two White-winged Scoters (winter plumage) at the northeast end.
Richard Wood (5 Nov 2004) - I just got back from a quick jaunt to Hyrum Lake, where I had Common and Pacific Loons (in fact, I had one of each in the scope at the same time for comparison; one closer to me, one further away)...
Donna Thorum (3 Nov 2004) - I too saw a Blue Jay in Clarkston at the yellow house on the southwest corner of Main and 200 So. Or more to the point 211 So. Main. ...Glen and myself arrived about 1:45 PM and set in front of the...Many thanks to this kind gentleman for making this sighting know and allowing people to come and see.
Tim Avery (28 Nov 2004) - There was a gorgeous male Greater Scaup in full breeding plumage about 300 yards from the main parking lot in the safety zone at about 5:00pm this evening [Farmington Bay WMA]. This bird was with a large raft of about 75-100 Lesser Scaup...
Tim Avery (24 Nov 2004) - I just got back form Antelope Island where I found a first winter Harris's Sparrow at the Visitor Center feeder... A kestrel came in and everything flushed and when the sparrows began to return I did not see the Harris's, but presume it is still in the immediate area. Along with the many White-crowned Sparrows, I saw at least 3 American Tree Sparrows.
Eric Huish ((10 Nov 2004) - Grant and Dellamae Jense and myself saw a female Long-tailed Duck on the Antelope Island Causeway today (11-10-04) on the North side of the causeway between the marina and the last bridge. We also saw the three species of scoters. We saw the Black Scoter in the same area as the LT Duck, again in the marina and again nearer the other end of the causeway. The White-winged Scoter was in the same area as previously reported (on the South side near the island). The Surf Scoter was on the South side of the causeway somewhere in the middle.
Steve Carr (9 Nov 2004) - At 3:00 p.m. today, the lovely pair of White-winged Scoters and the female Black Scoter, described by Joel and Kathy Beyer and Jack Binch, were swimming and feeding just off the south shore of the AIC near the western culvert closest to the Island....There were at least 4 Horned Grebes -- 2 on the south side of the AIC, and 2 more mixed in with the 1000's of Eared Grebes on the north side.
Joel and Kathy Beyer (7 Nov 2004) - Late this afternoon, while looking at the beautiful male White-winged Scoter on the Antelope Island Causeway (noted by Jack Binch), we also found a juvenile Surf Scoter (flapping wings showed no white) and an adult female Black Scoter. The Black Scoter was keeping company with a pair of Lesser Scaups. All scoters were on the south side of the Causeway, within shouting distance of the second bridge (the one closest to the island).
Jack Binch (7 Nov 2004) - Wouldn't you know it, while looking for the mythical BB Plovers at AIC, I found a breeding plumage White-winged Scoter male and female. It was between the bridge and the fake buffalo on the east side.
Bob Huntington (3 Nov 2004) - Today about 3:pm I saw a juvenile Harris's Sparrow at Garr ranch. It was in the trees by the pond south of the ranch house when I first seen it. It was last seen in the large brush pile that is south and east of the ranch house. The golden-crowned kinglet was in the trees along the south fence line.
Brian Maxfield (9 Nov 2004) - On 11-5 I saw 7 Tundra Swans, 1 Snow Goose, 7 Cackling Geese mixed among a couple hundred Canada Geese. On 11-8 I saw 15 Hooded Mergansers on the Duchesne sewage ponds. Eight of them were males in beautiful breeding plumage. There were also Greater and Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Ruddy Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, Gadwall, and the ever-present Mallard. Also of note was a single Bonaparte's Gull in winter plumage. It was flying around the ponds while I was there.
Marcy Hafner (24 Nov 2004) - The big surprise this morning out at the preserve [Scott M. Matheson Preserve] on the river trail was a White-throated Sparrow. It had the yellow lores to prove it was a white-throated and not a white-crowned...
Kris Purdy (23 Nov 2004) - ...East Canyon Reservoir hosted Hooded Mergansers in the east arm (2 drakes and a hen) and another drake at the south end. In addition, there were many goldeneyes of both species. I estimate at least a dozen Barrow's Goldeneyes were present. A Pacific Loon paired up with a Common Loon on the west side of the reservoir across from about mm 17 of SR-65...
Joel and Kathy Beyer (7 Nov 2004) - This morning we saw a juvenile Pacific Loon in the east arm of East Canyon Reservoir.
Lu Giddings (4 Nov 2004) - I visited East Canyon late this afternoon. At about 4:20 p.m. a Surf Scoter was seen in the company of about a dozen common goldeneyes in the vicinity of the boat ramp at the state park.
Pomera Fronce (28 Nov 2004) - Nine days ago, a Blue Jay visited our yard [in Holladay]. Yesterday, he (or another one) came again. ...
Sylvia Gray (27 Nov 2004) - At about 11:30 this morning I saw 2 Red Crossbills in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. They were at approx. 1050 East and 10th Avenue...
Tim Avery (24 Nov 2004) - ...I started off by hitting Decker Lake where there were 2 Snow Geese and 3 Cackling Geese, in the near 1000 Canada Goose Flock...
Pomera Fronce (18 Nov 2004) - A Blue Jay showed up in my yard this morning. What a beauty! He worked for about 30 minutes depleting the peanut supply and I haven't seen him since. All three Blue Jay sightings in Salt Lake County this year (that I am aware of) have been roughly on the same east street - 2100 to 2300. The south streets have been 6000, 4800 and 3000. Interesting - maybe it means something and maybe it doesn't.
Mark Stackhouse (10 Nov 2004) - I have two White-throated Sparrows (one tan-striped and one white-striped) at my feeder in front of my house right now (noon Wed.). The feeders can can be seen easily from the street. 1432 East Downington Ave. (1810 South) Salt Lake City.
Pomera Fronce (3 Nov 2004) - Participants in the monthly GSLA survey located a Surf Scoter this morning. The bird was on Mountain Dell Reservoir which flanks the golf course and can best be viewed by driving to the north edge of the reservoir on Utah 65 and looking west onto the water.
(2 Nov 2004) - Jules Dreyfous reports that he has an eastern Blue Jay coming to his feeder in Holladay. His phone number is 277-2311 if you want more information.
Dave Hanscom (25 Nov 2004) - ...Today I went to Kamas for the third time in search of the Bohemian Waxwings that have been reported over the past couple of weeks. And today I finally found them - feasting happily on crab apples next to the LDS Church (at the corner of 100 W. and Center St). As previously reported, there are at least a couple hundred of them in the flock. Pretty amazing sight!
(16 Nov 2004) - Merrill Webb found a flock of about 30 Bohemian Waxwings this morning (Tuesday) at about 10:00 AM in Kamas near the post office at 100 N. 100 West. There are some Cedar Waxwings mixed in with them...
Joel and Kathy Beyer (14 Nov 2004) - This afternoon we checked out the section of the Mirror Lake Highway visited by Lu yesterday. ...during our three hours of exploration we observed several times a large (100+) flock of Bohemian Waxwings that was flying around the area, settling in the trees for less than a minute before taking to flight again. Smaller groups of Bohemians were also seen many times, probably breakaways from the main group. Some of the other birds seen were incredible numbers of Townsend's Solitaires, a Goshawk, Cooper's Hawk, Golden Eagle and White-breasted Nuthatches. All these birds were seen between mile markers 10 and 14.
Diane Penttila - Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Waterbird Survey 11/22/04. The following birds were seen within the survey route: ...Greater White-fronted Goose 3...
Clay and Cliftia (14 Nov 2004) - We took a quick run by Steinaker Reservoir just north of Vernal this morning. We saw Canada geese, mallards, both goldeneyes, common loons and mergansers, a ring-necked duck, and two juvenile White-winged Scoters. One of the scoters was hanging out with a pair of Greater Scaup. The reservoir is really low so you need a scope to see the water areas very well from the pull-outs along the highway.
Diane Penttila (5 Nov 2004) - Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Waterbird Survey...A Eurasian Wigeon was seen in Leota Bottom. The brown/rust colored head and cream colored forehead really made the bird stand out....
Eric Huish (30 Nov 2004) - I saw Black and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches today along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in Orem near the North Rim of the Mouth of Provo Canyon...
Larry Draper - ... I saw an immature Harris's Sparrow on Saturday (13 Nov. 04) about 2:00 pm. It was on River Lane just as the dirt road meets the Spanish Fork River, about 75 feet before you get to the cattle guard as you are heading west toward the lake. It was in the trees with a group of White crowned sparrows on the north side of the dirt road. After watching awhile it flew south across the road and across the river...
Charles/Marilyn Sheard (30 Nov 2004) - I found a female Black - and - white Warbler this morning in the town of Leeds, at about 9:45am. Seen foraging in willows on the west side of I-15. Turn west on Center street, go under I-15 through a narrow tunnel, wind past three log homes and there are the willows/cottonwoods. Also, I relocated the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker previously reported by Cordell Peterson behind the church plus a nice flock of Evening Grossbeaks and three Steller's Jays.
David Taylor (29 Nov 2004) - While visiting my In-Laws in Leeds over the Thanksgiving day weekend and observed a male Prairie Warbler fly in and make a brief appearance at a private residence. The Prairie Warbler was chased away by a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Later that afternoon the Prarie Warbler made a second appearance and stayed a little longer and I had some great views at only 20' with 10X binoculars. (This is the third time that I have observed this species).
Rick Fridell - Today (11/23) Kevin Wheeler and I put in a good day of birding... The highlights were a pair of female White-winged Scoters at Sand Hollow SP, near the north dam, and the Blue Jay in Springdale. The Springdale Pond area was noisy with birds, however we walked the area for an hour and half without seeing or hearing the Blue Jay. We had given up and were returning to the truck when we heard its raucous calls coming from the thicket behind the Zion Park Inn. We quickly located the bird and managed to get a few photos. We watched it cache a pecan in the thicket before it headed off to the north...
Larry Tripp (21 Nov 2004) - I've been seeing a first year Harris's Sparrow at my feeders in Central the last couple of days.
Rick Fridell (12 Nov 2004) -...Thursday morning (11/11 @ 7:30) the Blue Jay was along the Virgin River just north (upstream) from the Springdale Pond. It was hanging out with a raucous pack of 10-12 Steller's Jays. It was again very vocal.....I only saw it briefly, but I heard it for 20 minutes or so. Also there was an adult male Surf Scoter at Quail Creek State Park on Wednesday and Thursday (11/10 and 11/11), and the female Black Scoter is remaining below the South(west) dike at Sand Hollow SP.
Kevin Wheeler (10 Nov 2004) - Rick Fridell called tonight to report that he observed a Blue Jay fly overhead at the Springdale Pond near Zion National Park this afternoon about 5:40. Hopefully it sticks around for a while for others to see.
Rick Fridell - This afternoon (11/6 @ 3:30p) Larry Tripp and I saw a female Black Scoter at Sand Hollow State Park (Washington Co. UT). Although there are many flocks of ducks on the reservoir, the scoter was by itself foraging below the south dike. It was very active constantly diving the entire time we were watching and taking photos through the scope.
Larry Tripp (5 Nov 2004) - It was pretty quiet today at Lytle but there was a late Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the orchard.
Kevin Wheeler (4 Nov 2004) - Yesterday, Cameron Rognan and I saw the Greater White-fronted Goose, a Canvasback, and a Great Egret at the Springs Park Pond in Washington Fields. ... Last week, Dan and I saw a pair of Vermilion Flycatchers at the pond at the Bloomington Golf Course pond.
Kris Purdy (4 Nov 2004) - The Red-necked Grebe remains at The Narrows area of Pineview Reservoir. Lee and Paula Shirley, Lynn Carroll and I saw the grebe from a pullout at about mile 14.5 of SR-39. The number of Pacific Loons has now doubled--we saw two today, and I believe both are first-year birds.
Pomera Fronce (2 Nov 2004) - Kris Purdy just called me from Pineview
Reservoir. While she was looking at a Pacific Loon, a juvenile
Red-necked Grebe swam into view. She cited mile marker 14 on Highway 39 as
her lookout point. She will post more information this afternoon.