Review Species Reported This Month:
Neotropic Cormorant Davis Co.,
Salt Lake Co.
Red-breasted Sapsucker Washington Co.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Salt
Lake Co.
Black-throated Blue Warbler Wayne Co.
Blackpoll Warbler
Utah Co.
Prothonotary Warbler Washington Co.
Canada Warbler Washington Co.
Pyrrhuloxia Washington Co.
David Wheeler (28 Sep 2010) - There were scores of
Great egrets out in the Great Salt lake shallows to the west of Willard
Bay last Sunday, spread out over many bird-covered acres. I've noticed this in
previous years as well, and wondered from where all these Great egrets are
coming. Bear River MBR?? There were also some distant (!) Common terns
sharing a mud/sandbar with Franklin's, Bonaparte's, and Ring-billed gulls, plus
some Forsters terns and gajillion Avocets...
Kristin Purdy (12 Sep 2010) - I visited the
Willard Spur west of Willard Reservoir and Bear River MBR in Box Elder County
West of the reservoir.. Mixed with the gulls at water's
edge were both Forster's and COMMON TERNS...Also present were my first
BONAPARTE'S GULLS of the year.
...Bear River was as dry as I've heard, but there were
still a few highlights, including a Peregrine sitting on the ground on the way
there and another on the way back, a GREAT EGRET in the bend of the river
east of the Canadian Goose Club... there was some surface water, which included
some common species of shorebirds and about a dozen PECTORAL SANDPIPERS...
On the way home, I stopped at an agricultural field on
the south side of the road less than a mile west of the visitor's center. ...In
addition to the opportunistic hoards of White-faced Ibis, Canada Geese,
Ring-billed Gulls, and Killdeer that you'd expect, the field also hosted 125
Sandhill Cranes. That's my new all-time high...
Craig Fosdick (29 Sep 2010) - I had at least
two, and possibly six (all) Common Terns at Benson Marina this evening.
All birds were traveling together and moving south at along Cutler Marsh at 620
pm. The two birds that were definitely Commons had complete black "helmets" as
opposed to the ear patches shown by Forster's Tern at this time of year, plus
dark, very contrast trailing edges to the secondaries...
Craig Fosdick (26 Sep 2010) - Birded Tony Grove for a
little while yesterday evening. It was relatively quiet, with no surprises. I
watched two streams of migrating Turkey Vultures make their way south;
one stream contained a light-morph
Swainson's Hawk.
Ryan O'Donnell (18 Sep 2010) - This morning I led a
field trip for the Bridgerland Audubon Society.... we had a few good sightings
today. In Benson, we had three GREAT EGRETS in a single tree. Great
Egrets are tough to find in Cache County. I think they get found most years, but
these were my
first of the year. At the Polishing Ponds, we had amusing looks at a
PEREGRINE FALCON that couldn't quite balance on a wire, but didn't seem too
interested in relocating to a pole, either...
Paul Higgins (26 Sep 2010) - Saw-Whet Owl
in the Russian Olives South of the spring at Fielding Garr Ranch.
Richard Coomber (26 Sep 2010) - Late morning and
early afternoon today the visiting Ornitholdays tour saw an adult Sabine's and
three juveniles at the bridge just before the island on the northern side. Also
two pect sands in the vegetation by the first water after the pay station, also
on the north side and one
Hudsonian Godwit further on as well as Willets and
Black-bellied Plovers.
Cindy Sommerfeld (25 Sep 2010) - About 4:00 this
afternoon, Steve and I found four Sabine's Gulls on Antelope Island
Causeway. Three juveniles and one adult, still in breeding. They were located on
the north side of the bridge closest to the island.
Jessica Stokes (26 Sep 2019) - Sabine's Gull.
Still near bridge nearest to island. 1 adult. 3 juv.
9:40 am Sunday.
Jeffrey Saffle (23 Sep 2010) - Message: My wife and
I birded Antelope Island and the causeway today with
Susan's sister and her husband from Massachusetts. Best bird was a Sabine's
Gull located between the marina and the west bridge...
Jeff Bilsky (18 Sep 2010) - Steve and cindy sommerfeld
called to report a Neotropic Cormorant at gloverponds by farmington bay.
Cindy and Steve Sommerfeld (12 Sep 2010) - Today we
did our Antelope Island Bird Survey... Our count today was 98... [Here are
some highlights]: Sharp-tailed Grouse, Great Egret, Peregrine
Falcon, Long-eared Owl, Hermit Thrush, Townsend's Warbler...
Stephen Carlile (11 Sep 2010) - I visited
Antelope Island today - the Causeway and Garr Ranch... Highlights were: On the
Causeway...Peregrine Falcons eating the peeps, Pectoral Sandpipers
and the Ruddy Turnstone is still there... Garr Ranch - White-winged
Dove (Jack has the pictures), Barn Owl, lots of flycatchers, Townsends
Solitaire and seven warblers if I count the Yellow-rumped Warbler and
Nashville Warbler that Jack saw but I didn't...
Jeff Bilsky (6 Sep 2010) - The ruddy turnstone continues by the
no swimming bridge on the ai causeway. At present it is on the north side just
west of the bridge about 50 ft from the road. Awesome.
Joel and Kathy Beyer (5 Sep 2010) - We found
a female American Redstart at Fielding Garr Ranch on Antelope Island
today. It was foraging quite actively through the trees near the spring. The
Causeway had high numbers of Pectoral Sandpipers (~30) and
Semipalmated Plovers (~20). Also found one Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Robert Williams (4 Sep 2010) - today my brother and went
out to the island we did not find anything irregular on the causeway but did
find several warblers at the ranch two were note worthy, Black and white
Warbler (first seen along the far right of the ranch in the trees along the
fence line below the large picnic area then it flew over to the lower left
corner where the spring drains into the reeds, it was seen here by two others i
missed out on their names but they found it before my brother and i wandered
over there.) Northern Waterthrush (found in the trees through the gate
and below the swamp/reeds on the little trail that leads to the viewing
Oliver Hansen (2 Sep 2010) - I backpacked from Fuller Bottom to the
San Rafael Bridge last Friday through Sunday this past weekend. Beautiful
weather! Birds were few and far between. Humans were even more scarce (we ran
into 2 people in 3 days). Did see quite a few gnat-catchers, warblers, swallows,
swifts, and wrens. Also a few crows (ravens maybe...they were kind of high up)
mobbing a golden eagle which didn't seem to be too bothered. There was a swallow
colony on one of the cliff faces that was pretty neat to see. It was a great
weekend. Hope to get back down to Emery County in the future.
David Allan (27 Sep 2010) - An adult female
Northern Flicker spent Sunday (9/26) afternoon hanging around my yard
in Oak City, Millard Co.
Norman Jenson (26 Sep 20120) - I joined the Utah
Audubon excursion hosted by
Melanie Hoffmann and Mark Mossing in Draper at the Corner Canyon Trails
on September 24th, we had a great time. The highlight for me was seeing what I
believe is a
Cassin's Vireo.
I saw one at the Garr Ranch on the 22nd and was surprised that we would see one
in the canyon.
Stephen T. Carlisle
( 25 Sep 2010) - Encouraged by Tim’s e-mail of this week I spent this morning,
Saturday, at the Salt Lake
International Center (IC) and stopped at Lee Kay Ponds (LKP) on the way
home. Both are in
Salt Lake County. I ran into Tim and Jeff while at the IC. Nothing
unusual, but birds of note were – Barn Owl (IC-thanks to Tim and Jeff)
Belted Kingfisher and
Black-crowned Night Heron at LKP. A total of 44 species were seen.
Tim Avery (25 Sep 2010) - It was a great morning at
the Salt Lake International Center. I met Jeff Bilsky there just before 8 and
within 10 minutes we were into a large flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers on
Lindbergh...The group on Earhart was a Little more robust in terms of species,
also having a few Townsend's Warblers, and a lone Nashville moving
with it... Best bird of the day was a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW on the lawn in
front of the Fox 13 building at the T-intersection of Earhart and Lindbergh...
Along with this group of birds (which was between 30-40 Chipping Sparrows) were
2 Lazuli Bunting and one nicely marked female INDIGO BUNTING that still
possessed a white throat with plenty of streaking on the sides of the chest...A
first for me at the IC (and maybe the county?) was a CASSIN'S VIREO about
150 feet north up Mitchell from Earhart. Another first was a BARN OWL
that we flushed on accident...
Rich Young (20 Sep 2010) - [Sandy Pond] I located 2
Neotropic Cormorants in breeding plumage on the island where the 2 adults
were discovered in April. They have been notably absent from the Sandy Pond
until now... The little colony of NECOs (up to 7 individuals) I've studied at
Millrace Pond since May 2 still make more or less regular afternoon visits; and
seem pleased that this pond also is being stocked with trout...
Jack Binch (18 Sep 2010) - Bob Huntington, Bob
MacDougal and I met at Tri-county Peak this morning... Raptor list: Swainson's
Hawk, American Kestrel, Golden Eagle, Merlin, Sharp-shinned, Red-tailed,
Broad-winged Hawk, Coopers, Ferruginous, and Prairie Falcon... There were a
lot of other birds seen. Yellow-rumps, Mountain Chickadees, White-breasted
Nuthatch, Juncos, Clark's Nutcrackers, Dave [Hanscom] saw a couple of
Dusky Grouse on the hike up, swallows, and another year bird for me, lots of
White-throated Swifts...
Tim Avery (18 Sep 2010) - Carl Ingwell, Jeff Bilsky and I
found a possible Yellow-bellied Flycatcher on the south end of Charles
Lindbergh Drive at the Salt Lake International Center.
Jeff Bilsky (6 Sep 2010) - This morning at Parley's Gulch,
I saw the WESTERN SCREECH OWL back in his usual spot, several WARBLING
VIREOS, and a couple of WILSON'S WARBLERS.
Bryant Olsen (4 Sep 2010) - This morning I
had my first ever Calliope Hummingbird in my yard in Salt Lake City,a
female or juvenile. Its been a good year for hummers, and I've had a lot
lately,mostly Black-chinned and Rufous, fighting over the feeders and flowers.
Kimberly Roush (26 Sep 2010) - Saturday, Sept 25 a
second adult LEWIS'S WOODPECKER showed up. The juvenile and the first
adult had been here since September 19th.
Diane_Penttila (1 Sep 2010) - [Ouray National Wildlife Refuge - General
Waterbird Survey]
The following birds were seen within the survey route: (highlights) ...
Blue-winged teal 8, Wood duck 18, Great egret 1, American bittern 1,
Sandhill crane 44, Peregrine falcon 1, Great horned owl 1...
Jeff Bilsky (16 Sep 2010) - I decided to hike Skipper Bay (Utah County)
after work tonight. There were
pockets where it was quite prolific. Nothing rare or unusual that I found, but
some nice migrants with CASSIN'S VIREOS and 6 species of Warblers....
Jack Binch (12 Sep 2010) - ...River Lane had a
warbler-fest today. I saw Black & White, Nashville, Townsend's, Virginia's,
lots of Orange-crowned, Yellow-rumps, MacGillivrays, Yellow, and Wilson's
Warblers. Also present were a couple of Warbling Vireos, Common Nighthawks,
Lincoln Sparrow, Black-capped Chickadees, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and of
course some Song Sparrows...
Ned Bixler (6 Sep 2010) - ... Today, lake side of
Provo Airport, I saw an American Tree Sparrow...
Jeff Bilsky (4 Sep 2010) - [Provo Airport Dike -
Blackpoll Warbler] We were never able to relocate but I had fantastic
initial looks. If you want to try to find it, go to the southwest corner by the
lake and work your way north, looking in the thickets on the river side. That's
where I initially found it before it played disappearing warbler...
Jeff Bilsky (3 Sep 2010) - At the Provo Airport dike,
just before sunset, I observed a bird on the road that was flying short
distances, running, and repeating as I pursued it (reminiscent of a sage sparrow
in behavior)... I believe that indeed what I saw were LARK BUNTINGS.
The one I studied was a female and the others seemed similar in appearance but
could've been winter males as well as my looks were brief on these other 3.
Jeff Bilsky (2 Sep 2010) - Not too birdy at Swede and River after
work this evening but I did have 5 Warbler species: Nashville (1),
Yellow-breasted Chat (2), Yellow (3), Yellow-rumped (7), Orange-Crowned (1)
Other highlights included several Common Nighthawks, a Savannah
Sparrow, and a couple Loggerhead Shrikes.
Kristin Purdy (26 Sep 2010) - A light adult
BROAD-WINGED HAWK was one of the species observed by multiple happy people
this morning at about
11:00 from Tri-County Peak at the top of Guardsman’s Pass.
Ned Bixler (26 Sep 2010) - ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK -
along the road to Soldier Hollow towards Rocky Mtn. Outfitters
Jeff Bilsky (18 Sep 2010) - After parting ways with
Mr. Avery and Cedar Pete, I decided it had been too many days of birding in the
valley and I needed to see the mountains. Figured I'd check to see what kind of
migrants I could find up there. The Jordanelle Wetlands seemed like a logical
choice: I actually found some pretty good migrants. A NASHVILLE WARBLER
and a couple of CASSIN'S VIREOS. Also was able to get a glimpse of a
MERLIN near the riverside before it disappeared up and over a hill.
Bernie Morris, Emmaus, PA (24 Sep 2010) - On Friday
morning, 9/24, my wife and I were birding the orchards at Fruta in Capitol Reef
National Park. At about 10AM we had an adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler
just outside the Johnson orchard in the the picnic area, very close to the rest
Since we are from Pennsylvannia, seeing this bird did
not seem all that unusual, but when I looked in Sibley, the range map shows that
it is anything but usual in Utah. I could not get any photos, but we see this
bird all of the time at home, sometimes from our back porch. The bird did not
make any calls at all, but was seen closely, about 10-15 feet, for at least a
minute, before flying off into the orchard. We both saw the black throat and
face, the blue-gray head and back, and the small white spot on the wing....
Rick Fridell (28-29 Sep 2010) - This evening (9/29) I
stopped at Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., on my back from Mesquite and saw a male
Pyrrhuloxia. The bird popped up in a pomegranite bush in the orchard,
allowing a brief but excellent view... There were also 10-12 sapsuckers in the
orchard enjoying persimmons, including a Red-breasted Sapsucker and a RB
x Red-naped hybrid. And finally, on 9/28 I saw a Prothonotary Warbler
in St. George.
Brian Currie (22 Sep 2010) - On a very blustery day
yesterday (9/22) I had a few minutes to go to Red Hills Golf Course in St.
George. There was a male Vermillion Flycatcher in the line of trees east
of hole #2. It stayed in the area for the brief time I was there and is
definitely one of my favorite reasons to come to St. George...
Larry Tripp (13 Sep 2010) - It was rather quiet
today at Lytle [Ranch] compared to last Monday but there were a couple good
birds there. One of the first birds I saw in the parking area was a Red-eyed
Vireo...There was a young male and a female Vermilion Flycatcher at
the north end of the pomegranate patch. Probably the same ones that have been
around this summer. Along the creek there was a female type American Redstart
but not much else.
Larry Tripp (6 Sep 2010) - Birding today at Lytle
Ranch was very good with nice numbers of western migrants around. The highlight
was a Canada Warbler in the orchard where I watched it working the apple
and plum trees near the blackberry bushes. I watched it on and off for 5 minutes
or so with great close views. I last saw it flying north towards the
pomegranates where I was unable to relocate it... There was also a female
Vermilion flycatcher in the orchard that has been around for a while.
On the way home I stopped at the inlet of Gunlock Res.
looking at the few shorebirds there. Nothing unusual but there was a
Red-shouldered Hawk in the trees. Also of note I saw a Clay-colored
Sparrow at upper Sand Cove Res. on Friday.
Kristin Purdy (22 Sep 2010) - Kim's reports of the
Lewis's Woodpeckers in her yard in Summit County inspired me to visit Liberty in
Ogden Valley, Weber County, to check on the resident population. I saw more
Lewis's Woodpeckers today (about 15) than I've seen on any single day of my