Records Under Review
Utah Records Committee

Vote - side by side format | Main Page | Proposal Ledger | Proposal Form | Listserv Archives | Review ListBylaws |

1st Round Records  |  2nd Round Records  |  3rd Round Records  | Recently Completed Records | Record Archives  |
(Click on the record number to view the documentation).

Bird Deadline** Location Voting Status* Rec.#



     Second Round:

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 8 Jul 2024 Castle Valley

1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: ds,ms


Scaled Quail 11 Jul 2024 East of Bluff

1st:  6 acc, 2 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: mm,bo,kp,ds,ms


Vaux's Swift 13 Jul 2024 Sand Hollow SP

1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: mm,bo,ds,ms


Cassin's Sparrow 13 Jul 2024 Provo R. Delta

1st: 6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: ds,ms


First Round: (new records)
Common Gallinule 1 Jul 2024 Sand Hollow Res.

1st: mm,bo,kp,mjs,ds,ms,dw,kw


Chestnut-sided Warbler 3 Jul 2024 Canyonlands NP

1st: mm,bo,kp,mjs,ds,ms,dw,kw


Laughing Gull 5 Jul 2024 Sand Hollow Res.

1st: mm,bo,kp,mjs,ds,ms,dw,kw


Least Tern 5 Jul 2024 Sand Hollow Res.

1st: mm,bo,kp,ds,ms,dw,kw


Mexican Duck 6 Jul 2024 Lake Powell

1st: mm,bo,kp,ds,ms,dw,kw


Lark Bunting 7 Jul 2024 Dixie Springs

1st: mm,bo,kp,ds,ms,dw


Tricolored Heron 7 Jul 2024 Jackson Flat Res.

1st:  mm,bo,kp,ds,ms,dw


Chestnut-sided Warbler 8 Jul 2024 North of Alpine

1st:  mm,km,bo,kp,ds,ms,dw


Hooded Warbler 17 Jul 2024 Bowman Fork Tr.

1st:  mm,bo,ds,ms


Bay-breasted Warbler 22 Jul 2024 Bowman Fork Tr.

1st:  mm,bo,ms,dw


White-winged Crossbill 26 Jul 2024 Silver Lake

1st:  mm,bo,dw


Painted Bunting 1 Aug 2024 Lave Point CG





* The "Voting Status" column for the first round records will have the initials of the Records Committee members who have voted on that record. For subsequent rounds the column will also have a vote summary for previous rounds.  The "Comments" Column beyond the first round will have a link to the votes and comments.
** Records Committee members are expected to vote in a timely manner, however, a deadline of  one months is set for each round. When a member need more time to evaluate the record properly because of an unusually difficult record, sickness, no access to the internet, etc., the Voting Member can request an extension from the Secretary, who should grant the extension liberally. A date highlighted with purple indicates a record whose deadline is less than 1 weeks away and a date highlighted with red indicates a record that is past the 1 month deadline. If the date is highlighted in teal, a deadline extension has been granted for this record.

| Voting Form |

   Recently-Completed Records:
Bird Date Location Voting Results Rec.# Comments
Vaux's Swift 27 Apr 2024 Tonaquint Park

1st:  3 acc, 5 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not


Zone-tailed Hawk 30 Jun 2024 Lava Point

1st: 9 acc


Least Bittern 1 Jul 2024 Sand Hollow Res.

1st:  4 acc, 5 not
2nd: 1 acc, 8 not


Sprague's Pipit 19 Apr 2024 Inland Sea S.R.

1st:  3 acc, 3 not, 3 to 2nd
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not


Field Sparrow (photos) 9 Jan 1999 Lindon B.H.

1st: 9 acc


White-rumped Sandpiper 27 Jun 2024 Pelican Lake

1st: 9 acc


Zone-tailed Hawk 8 May 2024 Boulder

1st: 9 acc


Least Tern 19 May 2024 Lake Shore

1st: 9 acc


Ruddy Turnstone 11 May 2024 Antelope I. Caus.

1st: 9 acc


Lark Bunting 11 May 2024 Blanding

1st: 9 acc


Gunnison Sage-Grouse 4 Apr 2024 San Juan Co.

1st: 9 acc


Vaux's Swift 8 Jun 2024 Willard Bay SP

1st: 9 acc


Western Gull 18 Apr 2024 Sand Hollow S.P.

1st: 9 acc


White-tailed Kite 23 Apr 2024 Antelope Island.

1st: 9 acc


Gilded Flicker 6 Jan 2024 Salt Lake Cem.

1st:  5 acc, 4 to 2nd
2nd: 8 acc 1 not

2024-04 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 15 Mar 2024 Provo Cemetery

1st: 9 acc


Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 23 Mar 2024 Alta

1st: 9 acc


Mexican Duck 24 Mar 2024 Tonaquint NC

1st: 9 acc


Bell's Sparrow 23 Jan 2024 Lytle Ranch Rd.

1st:  0 acc, 6 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 8 not


Brambling 4 Mar 2024 Croydon

1st: 9 acc


White-winged Crossbill 9 Dec 2023 Bountiful

1st:  0 acc, 8 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not


Mexican Duck 29 Jan 2024 Powell Lake

1st: 8 acc


Gyrfalcon 17 Dec 2023 Rockport Res.

1st:  6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd :8 acc, 1 not

2024-01 Comments
Gray Hawk 24 Jan 2024 Hurricane

1st: 9 acc


Thick-billed Longspur 16 Jan 2024 Ogden Bay

1st: 9 acc

2024-06 Comments
Yellow-throated Warbler 12 Dec 2023 Ogden Valley

1st: 9 acc

2024-05 Comments
American Black Duck 7 Jan 2024 Provo

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2024-03 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 23 Dec 2023 Virgin

1st: 9 acc

2023-86 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 19 Nov 2023 Ivins Reservoir

1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-83 Comments
Lark Bunting 31 Dec 2023 NE of Enterprise

1st: 9 acc

2024-02 Comments
Acorn Woodpecker 16 Dec 2024 Zion NP

1st: 8 acc

2023-84 Comments
Purple Finch 16 Dec 2023 West Warren

1st: 9 acc

2023-85 Comments
Canyon Towhee 26 Oct 2023 Snow Canyon

1st:  5 acc, 3 not
2nd: 1 acc, 8 not

2023-74 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 27 Sep 2023 Lytle Ranch

1st:  1 acc, 8 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-81 Comments
Purple Finch 27 Sep 2023 Lytle Ranch

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-82 Comments
Purple Finch 15 Sep 2023 Fish Springs

1st:  4 acc, 2 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not

2023-65 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 16 Sep 2023 Airport Road

1st: 9 acc

2023-79 Comments
Hepatic Tanager 27 Nov2023 West Valley

1st: 9 acc

2023-80 Comments
Tri-colored Heron 8 Sep 2023 Goose Egg Is...

1st:  7 acc, 2 to 2nd
9 acc

2023-67 Comments
Red Phalarope 14 Oct 2023 Pruess Res.

1st: 9 acc

2023-78 Comments
Magnolia Warbler 29 Oct 2023 Brooks NP

1st: 9 acc

2023-77 Comments
Red Phalarope 12 Nov 2023 Antelope Is.C.

1st: 9 acc

2023-76 Comments
Ruff 30 Sep 2023 Farmington Bay

1st: 9 acc

2023-75 Comments
Palm Warbler 4 Nov 2023 Bountiful Pond

1st: 9 acc

2023-73 Comments
Winter Wren 31 Oct2023 Brooks NP

1st: 9 acc

2023-72 Comments
Ovenbird 22 Oct 2023 Counthouse

1st: 8 acc

2023-71 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 20 Oct 2023 Grafton

1st: 0 acc, 8 not

2023-70 Comments
Blackpoll Warbler 19 Oct 2023 Antelope Is.

1st: 8 acc

2023-69 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 17 Sep 2023 Willard Spur

1st:  7 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc

2023-52 Comments

Buff-breasted Sandpiper

24 Sep 2023 Willard Spur

1st:  8 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc

2023-56 Comments
Gray Hawk 20 Oct 2023 Roy

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-68 Comments
Common Ground-Dove 14 Oct 2023 Cottonwood B.R..

1st: 9 acc

2023-66 Comments
Connecticut Warbler 7 Oct 2023 Rio Mesa

1st: 8 acc

2023-64 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 4 Sep 2023 Antelope Is.C.

1st:  7 acc, 1 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not

2023-47 Comments
Boreal Owl 14 Sep 2023 Murdock Basin

1st: 9 acc

2023-62 Comments
Boreal Owl 28 Sep 2023 Pitt & Page Hill

1st: 9 acc

2023-63 Comments
White-winged Crossbill 21 Sep 2023 Alta

1st: 9 acc

2023-53 Comments
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 8 Jun 2023 Rio Mesa

1st: 9 acc

2023-57 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 27 Sep 2023 Liberty Park

1st: 9 acc

2023-58 Comments
Ruddy Turnstone 25 Sep 2023 Antelope I.C.

1st: 9 acc

2023-59 Comments
Ruddy Turnstone 26 Sep2023 Willard Spur

1st: 9 acc

2023-60 Comments
Lark Bunting 10 Sep 2023 Garr Ranch

1st: 9 acc

2023-61 Comments
Bell's Sparrow 11 Aug 2023 Lytle Ranch

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-54 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 12 Sep 2023 Antelope Is. C.

1st: 9 acc

2023-50 Comments
Blackburnian Warbler 13 Sep 2023 River Lane

1st: 9 acc

2023-51 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 10 Sep 2023 Antelope Is. C.

1st: 9 acc

2023-49 Comments
Painted Bunting 24 Aug 2023 Rio Mesa Ctr.

1st:  8 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc

2023-46 Comments
Wandering Tattler 23 Sep 2023 Fish Springs

1st: 9 acc

2023-55 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 5 Sep 2023 DWR property

1st: 8 acc

2023-48 Comments
Red-headed Woodpecker 4 Jul 2023 Logan Canyon

1st:  5 acc, 2 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 5 acc, 4 not
3rd:  5 acc. 4 not

2023-32 Comments
Elf Owl

16 Aug 2023

Lytle Ranch

1st:  0 acc, 7 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-45 Comments
Rivoli's Hummingbird 29 Sep 2023 Lytle Ranch

1st:  1 acc, 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-36 Comments
Scarlet Tanager 3 Aug 2023 Taylorsville

1st: 8 acc

2023-44 Comments
White Ibis 13 Sep 2023 Quichapa Lake

1st: 9 acc

2023-43 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 11 Aug 2023 Quichapa Lake

1st: 9 acc

2023-41 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 4 Aug 2023 Kolob Ter. Rd.

1st: 9 acc

2023-42 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 16 Jul 2023 Lava Point Rd.

1st: 9 acc

2023-39 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 28 Jul 2023 Alpine Loop

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-40 Comments
Worm-eating Warbler 18 May 2023 Capitol Reef

1st: 8 acc

2023-38 Comments
Curve-billed Thrasher 26 Jul 2023 Fish Springs

1st: 8 acc

2023-37 Comments
Lark Bunting 15 Jun 2023 Decker Lake

1st:  6 acc, 2 not
2nd: 9 acc

2023-30 Comments
Bendire's Thrasher 28 Aug 2023 Lytle Ranch

1st: 0 acc, 9 not

2023-35 Comments
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 19 Jul 2023 Clay Marsh

1st: 9 acc

2023-34 Comments


   Records Committee Archives 

   Reviewed Records    (by year of submission)

 Internet records: | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
| 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 20142013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004200320022001 |
20001999 | pre-1999 |

   Committee Reports   (Yearly Reports from 1985 to last year).

   Special Sightings  (For sightings of birds NOT on the review list, but that are out of range or out of season)
   Public Archives  (Everything that we've posted on the internet)


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