Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Observer Voting Status* Rec.#


Black-legged Kittiwake 5 Jan 2002 Rick Fridell 7 acc 2002-01 Comments
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 8 May 1996 Darren Shirley 7 acc 2002-02 Comments
Little Gull 13 Dec 2001 Terry Sadler 7 acc 2002-03 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 17 Sep 2001 Bob Atwood 7 acc 2002-04 Comments
Anna's Hummingbird 18 Mar 2001 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 2002-05 Comments
Anna's Hummingbird 31 Mar 2001 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 2002-06 Comments
Painted Redstart 22 Apr 2001 Rob Dobbs 7 acc 2002-07 Comments
Eurasian Collared Dove 22 Nov 2001 Hal Black 1st: 4 acc, 2 not, 1 d
2nd:  7 acc
2002-08 Comments
Blue-winged Warbler 23 Jun 2001 Dr. Jimmie Parrish 7 acc 2002-09 Comments
Common Redpoll 27 Jan 2002 Milton Moody 7 acc 2002-10 Comments
Hudsonian Godwit 6 May 2001 Kathy & Joel Beyer 7 acc 2002-11 Comments
Curlew Sandpiper 6 May 2001 Kathy & Joel Beyer (Same as 9-2001) 2002-12 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 26 Aug 2001 Kathy & Joel Beyer 7 acc 2002-13 Comments
Clay-colored Sparrow 27 Apr 2002 Merrill Webb 7 acc 2002-14 Comments
Bronzed Cowbird 8 May 2002 Milton Moody 7 acc 2002-15 Comments
Hermit Warbler 11 May 2002 Pomera M. Fronce 7 acc 2002-16 Comments
Least Tern 15 May 2002 Kevin Wheeler 7 acc 2002-17 Comments
Canyon Towhee 21 May 2002 Alan Rogers 7 not 2002-18 Comments
Hermit Warbler 25 Apr 2002 Terry Sadler 7 acc 2002-19 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Summer 1999 Robert & Dorothy Igo 7 not 2002-20 Comments
Hudsonian Godwit 20 Apr 2002 Joel & Kathy Beyer 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd:  7 acc
2002-21 Comments
Clay-colored Sparrow 14 May 2002 Joel & Kathy Beyer 7 acc 2002-22 Comments
Philadelphia Vireo 14 May 2002 Joel & Kathy Beyer 1st:  1 acc, 6 not
2nd:  1 acc, 6 not
2002-23 Comments
Painted Redstart 13 May 2002 Joel & Kathy Beyer 7 acc 2002-24 Comments
Vaux's Swift 23 May 2002 Joel & Kathy Beyer 1st:   3 acc, 4 not
2nd:  3 acc, 4 not
3rd:   2 acc, 5 not
2002-25 Comments
Vaux's Swift 4 Jul 2002 Ron Ryel 7 acc 2002-26 Comments
Red-headed Woodpecker 7 Jul 2002 Ron Ryel 7 acc 2002-27 Comments
White-tailed Kite 12 Jul 2002 John Neill 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 3 acc, 4 not
3rd:  7 not
2002-28 Comments
Eurasian Collared-Dove 22 Sep 2002 Chris & Dave Dewey 1st:  4 acc, 3 not
2nd: 2 acc, 5 not
2002-29 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 29 Sep 2002 Rick Fridell, Steve Summers 7 acc 2002-30 Comments
Worm-eating Warbler 28 Sep 2002 Rick Fridell, Kevin Wheeler 7 acc 2002-31 Comments
Common Redpoll 20 Feb 2002 Tom Gordon 7 acc 2002-32 Comments
Broad-winged Hawk 14 Apr 2002 Rick Fridell, Kristen Comella 7 acc 2002-33 Comments
Red-necked Grebe 28 Oct 2002 Jack Torrey 7 acc 2002-34 Comments
Lawrence's Goldfinch 2/3 Oct 2002 (2 submissions) 7 acc 2002-35 Comments
Common Redpoll 22 Oct 2002 KC Childs 7 acc 2002-36 Comments
Red-necked Grebe 17 Nov 2002 Rick Fridell 7 acc 2002-37 Comments
Eurasian Collared-Dove 6 Nov 2002 Rick Fridell 7 acc 2002-38 Comments
Anna's Hummingbird 2 May 2002 Rick Fridell 7 acc 2002-39 Comments
Philadelphia Vireo 27 Oct 2002 (2 submissions) 7 acc 2002-40 Comments
Purple Finch 10 Sep 2002 Jens Munthe 7 not 2002-41 Comments
McCown's Longspur 11 Sep 2002 Garr Ranch 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 7 acc
2002-42 Comments
Eastern Bluebird 14 Dec 2002 Ron Ryel 7 acc 2002-43 Comments
Red-necked Grebe 1 Nov 2002 Lindon 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 6 acc, 1 not
2002-44 Comments

* Votes before 2002:  acc = accept;  not = not accept;  dic = discuss;  abs = abstain

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