Unusual Sight Record for Utah
Summary Page

Utah Bird Records Committee

Rec. # 2024-39
Chestnut-sided Warbler

Date first observed:7 Jun 2024
 Mountain trail (Three Fall Trail) north of Alpine, Utah Co.


  • 7 Jun 2024 - Matthew Pendleton  [Record #2024-39]  (Photos)
  • 9 Jun 2024 -  David Wheeler
  • 10 Jun 2024 - Natalie Tanner (eBird Photos), KC Childs (eBird) [Three Fall Trail System - a bit east of the previous sighting]
  • 11 Jun 2024 - Suzi Holt (eBird Photos & Audio), Jessica Holt, Rich and Lynne Glassford, Daxton Bryce (eBird Photos & Audio) [Three Fall Trail System - a bit east of the original sighting]
  • 12 Jun 2024 - Keeli Marvel (Photo)
  • 16 Jun 2024 - KC Childs, Deanna McLaughlin (Photos), Felicia Alvare (Photos), Matt Hoecherl (Photos)
  • 19 Jun 2024 - Ryne Parrish, Jeff Cooper (Photos, Audio), Corey Jensen (Photos), Patrick McAtee (Audio)
  • 20 Jun 2024 - London Graham, Asher Lee, Peter Durham

Sight Records:


Records Committee Review:

  Date Posted


1st round: 8 Jun 2024  


Summary:       | 31 Vetted Records | All Sightings |


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