Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Observer Voting Status* Rec.#


Yellow-billed Loon 14 Jan 2000 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 1-2000  
Canyon Towhee 7 Jan 2000 Dana Green 7 acc 2-2000  
American Black Duck 31 Mar 2000 Merrill Webb 1st r:  5 acc, 1 abs,1 d, 
2nd round: 7 acc
3-2000 Comments
Sabine's Gull 16 Sep 2000 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 5-2000 Comments 
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 4 Sep 2000 Rita Schlageter 7 acc 6-2000 Comments 
Prothonotary Warbler 17 Sep 2000 Tuula Rose 7 acc 7-2000 Comments 
Prothonotary Warbler 24 Sep 2000 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 8-2000 Comments 
Least Flycatcher 24 Sep 2000 Robert Dobbs 1st:  5 acc, 1 not, 1 d
2nd: 4 acc, 3 not
3rd:  5 acc, 2 not
9-2000 Comments 
Black-and-white Warbler 22 Oct 2000 Robert Dobbs 7 acc 11-2000 Comments 
Blue Jay 23 Oct 2000 Liz Shaner 7 acc 12-2000 Comments 
Red-shouldered Hawk 25 Jul 2000 Jay Banta 5 not, 1 dis, 1 abs
2nd round: 7 N, ID
13-2000 Comments 
Eurasian Collared Dove 25 May 2000 Tyler Hicks 1st:  3 acc, 2 not, 2 d
2nd: 4 acc, 3 not
3rd:  7 acc
14-2000 Comments 
Red Knot 17 May 2000 Tyler Hicks 6 acc, 1 not
2nd round: 7 N, ID
15-2000 Comments
Red-shouldered Hawk 5 Dec 2000 Merrill Webb 7 acc 16-2000 Comments

* Votes before 2002:  acc = accept;  not = not accept;  dic = discuss;  abs = abstain

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