Unusual Sight Record for Utah
Summary Page

Utah Bird Records Committee

Rec. # 2024-26
Cassin's Sparrow

Date first observed: 11 May 2024
 Prove River Delta, Utah County


  • 11 May 2024 - McKay Olson   [Record #2024-26]  (Photos), Jeff Cooper, Esther Sumner  (Photos), KC Childs, Natalie Tanner, Keeli Marvel.  (Additional Photo)

Sight Records:


Records Committee Review:

  Date Posted


1st round: 14 May 2024 6 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd round: 13 Jun 2024 1 acc, 8 not
Completed: 16 Jul 2024 Not Accepted


Summary:   The alternatives seemed to be Cassin's or Sagebrush Sparrow, but the photos didn't clearly show either one convincingly, so to be on the safe side, it was decided not to accept this record for this very rare species.
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