Records Committee
Utah Ornithological Society
Status & Comments
Year 2024 (records 31 through 60)

2024-31 Zone-tailed Hawk

Evaluator Date Vote Comment
Max M. 6 Jun 2024 Acc  Nice documentation photo in expected area.
Keeli M. 23 Jun 2024 Acc Great photo and description supportive of ID.
Bryant O. 30 May 2024 Acc Nice photo of an adult
Kris P. 6 Jun 2024 Acc  
Mike S. 13 Jun 2024 Acc Definitive photos at a known location.
Dennis S. 8 Jun 2024 Acc Ventral flight photos leave no shadow of doubt. Often seen in this area.
Mark S. 7 Jun 2024 Acc Good documentation; photo shows Zone-tailed Hawk.
David W. 5 Jun 2024 Acc Good photo and writeup.
Kevin W. 13 Jun 2024 Acc Photos show the banded tail and lightly barred underwing characteristic of the species.