Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Location Voting Results* Rec.#


Pacific-slope Flycatcher 23 Aug 2015 Lytle Ranch 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2015-24R Comments
Eastern Bluebird 1 Jan 2017 Jordan River 1st: 9 acc 2017-01 Comments
Iceland Gull 24 Dec 2016 Lee Kay Ponds 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 4 acc, 5 not
3rd:  3 acc, 6 not
2017-02 Comments
Red-breasted Sapsucker 7 Jan 2017
5 Mar 2017
Salt Lake City 1st:  2 acc, 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2017-03 Comments
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 19 Jan 2017 Monticello 1st: 9 acc 2017-04 Comments
Iceland Gull 21 Jan 2017 Farmington Bay 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2017-05 Comments
Bell's Sparrow 28 Jan 2017 Beaver Dam Slope 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2017-06 Comments
Boreal Owl 31 Jan 2017 Center Creek 1st:  4 acc, 5 not
5 acc, 4 not
3rd:  5 acc, 4 not
2017-07 Comments
White-rumped Sandpiper 2 Sep 2016 Utah Lake SP 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-08 Comments
Blue-headed Vireo 11 Sep 2016 Garr Ranch 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-09 Comments
Red Phalarope 26 Sep 2016 Antelope Island 1st: 9 acc 2017-10 Comments
Red-throated Loon 29 Jan 2017 Quail Creek Res. 1st: 9 acc 201 7-11 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 15 Oct 2016 Lytle Ranch 1st: 9 acc 2017-12 Comments
Great Gray Owl 3 Feb 2017 Mountain Green 1st: 9 acc 2017-13 Comments
Great Gray Owl 29 Jan 2017 Near Midway 1st: 9 acc 2017-14 Comments
Alder Flycatcher 13 Sep 2016 International Center 1st:  2 acc, 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2017-15 Comments
Least Flycatcher 4 Jun 2016 Little Dell Res. 1st: 9 acc 2017-16 Comments
Red-throated Loon 27 Jan 2017 Warm Creek Bay 1st: 9 acc 2017-17 Comments
Common Crane 10 Mar 2017 Green River 1st: 9 acc 2017-18 Comments
Black-throated Green Warbler 27 Mar 2017 Logan 1st: 9 acc 2017-19 Comments
Eastern Phoebe 2 Apr 2017 Matheson WP 1st: 9 acc 2017-20 Comments
Least Bittern 10 May 2015 Virgin River Trail 1st: 9 acc 2017-21 Comments
Little Gull 22 Oct 2013 Farmington Bay 1st: 9 acc 2017-22 Comments
Ruff 12 Apr 2017 Utah Lake SP 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2017-23 Comments
Magnificent Frigatebird 15 Apr 2016 Washington Co. 1st: 9 acc 2017-24 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 3 May 2016 Sand Hollow SP 1st: 9 acc 2017-25 Comments
Whip-poor-will 12 May 2017 Stockton Canyon 1st: 0 acc, 9 not 2017-26 Comments
Blackpoll Warbler 14 May 2017 Lytle Ranch Rd. 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2017-27 Comments
White-eyed Vireo 16 May 2017 Diamond Fork 1st: 9 acc 2017-28 Comments
Palm Warbler 16 May 2017 Garr Ranch 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-29 Comments
Little Gull 18 May 2017 Utah Lake 1st: 9 acc 2017-30 Comments
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 19 May 2017 Utah Lake 1st: 9 acc 2017-31 Comments
Brown Pelican 24 May 2017 Gunnison Island 1st: 9 acc 2017-32 Comments
Golden-winged Warbler 28 May 2017 St. George 1st: 9 acc 2017-33 Comments
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

31 May 2017

Wide Hollow Res. 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-34 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 1 Jun 2017 Kolob Terraces 1st: 9 acc 2017-35 Comments
Vaux's Swift 1 Jun 2017 Tonaquint Park 1st: 9 acc 2017-36 Comments
Northern Parula 1 Jun 2017 Bryce Canyon NP 1st: 9 acc 2017-37 Comments
Connecticut Warbler 2 Jun 2017 Sandy 1st:  3 acc, 6 not
2nd: 3 acc, 6 not
2017-38 Comments
Least Flycatcher 10 Jun 2017 Weber River PT 1st: 9 acc 2017-39 Comments
Least Flycatcher 16 Jun 2017 Warm Springs 1st:  9 acc 2017-40 Comments
White Ibis 17 Jun 2017 Farmington Bay 1st:  9 acc 2017-41 Comments
Eastern Towhee 19 Jun 2017 Kolob Canyon 1st: 0 acc, 9 not 2017-42 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 12 Jun 2017 East of Cisco 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-43 Comments
Palm Warbler 30 Jun 2017 Ponderosa CG 1st:  5 acc, 4 not
2nd: 2 acc, 7 not
2017-44 Comments
Scaled Quail 19 Jul 2017 Boulder 1st:  2 acc, 7 No, Nat
2nd: 9 No, Nat
2017-45 Comments
Arctic Tern 10 Aug 2017 Willard Bay 1st: 9 acc 2017-46 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 17 Sep 2017 Antelope Island 1st: 9 acc 2017-47 Comments
Prothonotary Warbler 25 Sep 2017 North Fork Park 1st: 9 acc 2017-48 Comments
Ruff 27 Sep 2017 Farmington Bay 1st: 9 acc 2017-49 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 28 Sep 2017 Sandy 1st: 9 acc 2017-50 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk

19 Apr 2017

Lytle Ranch 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2017-51 Comments
Black-throated Blue Warbler 29 Sep 2017 Lytle Ranch 1st: 9 acc 2017-52 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 10 Sep 2017 West Valley City 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2017-53 Comments
Broad-billed Hummingbird 2 Oct 2017 Castle Valley 1st: 9 acc 2017-54 Comments
Eastern Phoebe 24 Sep 2017 Matheson Preserve 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not
2017-55 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 25 Sept 2017
International Center 1st:  3 acc, 6 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2017-56 Comments
Dusky-capped Flycatcher 29 Oct 2017 Docs Pass 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-57 Comments
Red-necked Grebe 11 Nov 2017 East Canyon Res. 1st: 9 acc 2017-58 Comments
Red-necked Grebe 16 Nov 2017 Pineview Res.. 1st: 9 acc 2017-59 Comments
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 15 Nov 2017 Big Drop 1st: 9 acc 2017-60 Comments
Eastern Phoebe 10 Nov 2017 Confluence Park 1st: 9 acc 2017-61 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5 Nov 2017 Lytle Ranch 1st: 9 acc 2017-62 Comments
Common Redpoll 19 Nov 2017 Alta 1st: 9 acc 2017-63 Comments
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 19 Nov 2017 Alta 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 5 acc, 4 not
3rd:  4 acc, 5 not
2017-64 Comments
Philadelphia Vireo 8 Sep 2007 Jordan River Pkwy. 1st:  2 acc. 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2017-65 Comments
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 28 Nov 2017 Latigo Wind Farm 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-66 Comments
Common Redpoll 3 Dec 2017 Croydon 1st: 9 acc 2017-67 Comments
Rusty Blackbird 28 Nov 2017 Boulder 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2017-68 Comments
Dickcissel 17 Dec 2017 Tonaquint Park 1st: 9 acc 2017-69 Comments
Red-breasted Sapsucker 10 Dec 2017 Zion National Park 1st:  3 acc, 6 not
2nd: 0 acc, 8 not
2017-70 Comments
Red-throated Loon 3 Nov 2017 Scofield Reservoir 1st: 9 acc 2017-71 Comments
McCown's Longspur 16 Dec 2017 Harold Crane WMA 1st: 9 acc 2017-72 Comments
Common Redpoll 11 Nov 2017 Powder Mountain 1st: 9 acc 2017-73 Comments
Common Redpoll 23 Dec 2017 Salt Lake City 1st: 9 acc 2017-74 Comments
Common Redpoll 19 Dec 2017 Yellow Fork Cnyn. 1st: 9 acc 2017-75 Comments
Northern Parula 29 Dec 2017 Salt Lake City 1st: 9 acc 2017-76 Comments
Philadelphia Vireo 27 May 2016 City Creek Cnyn. 1st:  1 acc, 8 not
2nd: 0 acc, 8 not
2017-77 Comments

*  acc = accept;  not = not accept

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