Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Location Voting Results* Rec.#


Great Black-backed Gull 11 Jan 2019 Flaming Gorge 1st: 9 acc 2019-01 Comments
McCown's Longspur 8 Feb 2019 Mosida 1st: 9 acc 2019-02 Comments
Brown Pelican 22 Nov 2016 Grand Co. 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2019-03 Comments
Brown Thrasher 9 Nov 2014 Grand Co. 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2019-04 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 9 Nov 2018 Royal Oaks Park 1st: 9 acc 2019-05 Comments
Red-throated Loon 8 Feb 2019 Quail Creek 1st: 8 acc, 0 not 2019-06 Comments
Mexican Duck  (as ssp.) 13 Sep 2018 Big Cottonwood Pk. 1st:  5 acc, 1 not, 1 nat, 1 nas
2nd: 6 acc, 1 nas
2019-07 Comments
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 31 Mar 2019 Alta Feeders 1st:  1 acc, 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2019-08 Comments
Little Blue Heron 3 May 2019 Lytle Ranch 1st: 9 acc 2019-09 Comments
Painted Bunting 12 May 2019
Camp Floyd 1st:  6 acc, 3 not
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not
2019-10 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 2 May 2019 St. George 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2019-11 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 16 May 2019 Hurricane 1st: 9 acc 2019-12 Comments
Chimney Swift 27 May 2019 Jensen Bridge 1st:  8 acc, 1 nas
2nd: 7 acc
2019-13 Comments
Baird's Sparrow 9 Jun 2019 U of U 1st:  4 acc, 3 not
2nd: 3 acc, 6 not
2019-14 Comments
Curve-billed Thrasher 2 Jun 2019 Cannonville

1st:  3 acc, 4 not
2nd: 2 acc, 7 not

2019-15 Comments
Swallow-tailed Kite 14 Jun 2019 I-15 south of S.F. 1st: 0 acc, 8 not 2019-16 Comments
Prothonotary Warbler 20 Jun 2019 Big Cottonwood Pk. 1st: 8 acc 2019-17 Comments
Bendire's Thrasher 6 May 2019 Browse Exit 1st:  4 acc, 2 not
2nd: 2 acc, 7 not
2019-18 Comments
Least Tern 27 May 2019 Inland Sea Pres. 1st:  4 acc, 3 not
2nd: 2 acc, 7 not
2019-19 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 21 Apr 2019 Confluence Park 1st: 9 acc 2019-20 Comments
Palm Warbler 12 Oct 2018 Springdale

1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 8 acc

2019-21 Comments
Boreal Owl 25 Dec 2003 Deer Valley 1st: 7 acc 2019-22 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 16 Aug 2019 Pine Park 1st: 8 acc 2019-23 Comments
Brown Pelican 23 Aug 2019 Refuge Road 1st: 7 acc 2019-24 Comments
Wandering Tattler 28 Aug 2019 Antelope Island C. 1st: 8 acc 2019-25 Comments
Nelson's Sparrow 1 Sep 2019 Bear River MBR. 1st:  2 acc, 6 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2019-26 Comments
Blackpoll Warbler 31 Aug 2019 Fielding Garr R. 1st: 8 acc 2019-27 Comments
White-eyed Vireo 10 Sep 2019 North Arm, Eden. 1st: 8 acc 2019-28 Comments
Ruddy Ground-Dove 13 Sep 2019 West Abajo Mtns. 1st:  2 acc, 6 not
2nd: 1 acc, 6 not, 2 nas
2019-29 Comments
Veery 11 Sep 2019 Holladay 1st: 8 acc 2019-30 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 29 Sep 2019
26 Nov 2019
Utah Lake trail 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2019-31 Comments
Blackpoll Warbler 24 Sep 2019 Tonaquint Nat. Ctr. 1st: 9 acc 2019-32 Comments
Red Phalarope 5 Oct 2019 Lee Creek delta 1st: 9 acc 2019-33 Comments
Reddish Egret 8 Oct 2019 Ken's Lake 1st: 9 acc 2019-34 Comments
Tropical Kingbird 14 Oct 2019 Seegmiller Farm 1st: 9 acc 2019-35 Comments
Fulvous Whistling-Duck 16 Oct 2019 Jackson Flat Res. 1st:  8 acc, 1 no,nat
2nd: 9 acc
2019-36 Comments
Black Scoter 3 Nov 2019 East Canyon Res. 1st: 9 acc 2019-37 Comments
Black Scoter 2 Nov 2019 Antelope Is. Caus. 1st: 9 acc 2019-38 Comments
Gila Woodpecker 16 Nov 2019 La Verkin 1st:  4 acc, 5 not
2nd: 2 acc, 7 not
2019-39 Comments
McCown's Longspur 29 Nov 2019 West of Reese 1st: 9 acc 2019-40 Comments
Boreal Owl 4 Oct 2019 Soapstone Basin 1st: 8 acc 2019-41 Comments
McCown's Longspur 1 Dec 2019 Enterprise 1st: 9 acc 2019-42 Comments
Eastern Bluebird 14 Dec 2019 N. of Grafton 1st: 9 acc 2019-43 Comments
Black Scoter 25 Oct 2019 Huntington Lake 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not
2019-44 Comments
Bronzed Cowbird 25 Sep 2017 Arches NP 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2019-45 Comments
Pomarine Jaeger 15 May 2011 Antelope Is. Caus. 1st: 9 acc 2019-46 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 26 Dec 2019 Lytle Ranch 1st:  8 acc, 1 not
2nd: 9 acc
2019-47 Comments

*  acc = accept;  not = not accept

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