Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Location Voting Results* Rec.#


Chestnut-collared Longspur 3 Jan 2021 Golden Spike NHS 1st:  8 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-01 Comments
Thick-billed Longspur 3 Jan 2021 Golden Spike NHS 1st: 9 acc 2021-02 Comments
Red-throated Loon 5 Jan 2021 Glen Canyon NRA 1st: 9 acc 2021-03 Comments
Thick-billed Longspur 5 Jan 2021 Blue Creek Valley 1st: 9 acc 2021-04 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 12 Jan 2021 Ophir Canyon 1st: 9 acc 2021-05 Comments
Baltimore Oriole 20 Dec 2020 Salt Lake City 1st:  1 acc, 5 not, 3 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-06 Comments
Gyrfalcon 20 Jan 2021 Millard Co. 1st:  0 acc, 9 not 2021-07 Comments
Thick-billed Longspur 24 Jan 2021 Bird Refuge Road 1st: 9 acc 2021-08 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 21 Jan 2021 Davis County 1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2021-09 Comments
Chestnut-collared Longspur 28 Jan 2021 Ogden Bay 1st: 9 acc 2021-10 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 30 Sep 2018 Lytle Ranch 1st:  7 acc, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 8 acc
2021-11 Comments
Purple Finch 13 Feb 2021 Highland 1st: 9 acc 2021-12 Comments
Bell's Sparrow 21 Feb 2021 Beaver Dam Wash 1st:  1 acc, 6 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-13 Comments
Bendire's Thrasher 6 Mar 2021 Beaver Dam Slope 1st:  7 acc, 2 not
2nd: 8 acc, 1 not
2021-14 Comments
Purple Finch 9 Mar 2021 Provo, yard 1st: 9 acc 2021-15 Comments
Mexican Duck 5 Mar 2021 Utah Lake N.shore 1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2021-16 Comments
Thick-billed Longspur 24 Jan 2021 AIC Causeway 1st: 9 acc 2021-17 Comments
Thick-billed Longspur 24 Jan 2021 AIC road to Garr R. 1st: 9 acc 2021-18 Comments
Winter Wren 8 Jan 2021 Willard Bay SP 1st: 8 acc 2021-19 Comments
Rusty Blackbird 10 Jan 2021 Jensen 1st: 8 acc 2021-20 Comments
Rusty Blackbird 20 Dec 202 Howell 1st: 8 acc 2021-21 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 16 Mar 2021 Bonneville GC 1st: 9 acc 2021-22 Comments
Rusty Blackbird 31 Jan 2021 Sand Hollow SP 1st: 9 acc 2021-23 Comments
Vaux's Swift 24 Apr 2021 Utah L. Northshore 1st: 9 acc 2021-24 Comments
Vaux's Swift 17 Apr 2021 St. George 1st: 9 acc 2021-25 Comments
Blue-throated Mountain-gem 3 Aug 1972 Springdale 1st:  5 acc, 1 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2021-26 Comments
Vaux's Swift 8 May 2021 Skipper Bay Trail 1st:  3 acc, 5 not. 1 to 2nd
2nd: 3 acc, 6 not
2021-27 Comments
Baltimore Oriole 12 May 2021 Cedar City 1st: 9 acc 2021-28 Comments
Ancient Murrelet 18 May 2021 Utah Lake 1st:  8 acc, 1 No, Nat
2nd: 8 acc
2021-29 Comments
Vaux's Swift 9 May 2021 Salt Lake 1st: 9 acc 2021-30 Comments
Black Vulture 24 May 2021 Mutton Hollow 1st: 0 acc, 9 not 2021-31 Comments
Hudsonian Godwit 18 May 2021 Jackson Flat Res. 1st: 8 acc 2021-32 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 31 May 2021 Bryce Canyon 1st: 9 acc 2021-33 Comments
Orchard Oriole 4 Jun 2021 Jordan River NC 1st: 9 acc 2021-34 Comments
Painted Bunting 10 Jun 2021 Torrey 1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 6 acc, 1 no, nat
2021-35 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 14 Jun 2021 Yellow Fork CT 1st: 9 acc 2021-36 Comments
Blue-winged Warbler 17 Jun 2021 Rio Mesa 1st: 9 acc 2021-37 Comments
Gray Hawk 13 Jun 2021 Lytle Ranch 1st:  4 acc, 2 not, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-38 Comments
White-rumped Sandpiper 16 Jun 2021 Dugway PG 1st:  7 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-39 Comments
Least Tern 28 May 2021 St. George 1st:  8 acc 2021-40 Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 10 Jun 2021 Hurricane 1st:  7 acc, 1 No, Nat, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-41 Comments
Laughing Gull 16 Jun 2021 Recapture Res. 1st: 9 acc 2021-42 Comments
Vaux's Swift 27 Jun 2021 Little Cottonwood C. 1st:  2 acc, 7 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-43 Comments
Palm Warbler 8 Aug 2021 Big Cottonwood C. 1st:  1 acc, 8 not
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-44 Comments
Pacific-slope Flycatcher 12 May 2021 Fish Springs NWR. 1st:  3 acc, 2 not, 4 to 2nd
2nd: 1 acc, 8 not
2021-45 Comments
Heermann's Gull 17 Jul 2021 Salt Lake. 1st: 0 acc, 9 not 2021-46 Comments
Upland Sandpiper 3 Sep 2021 Jordan River Pkwy 1st: 9 acc 2021-47 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 3 Sep 2021 Decker Lake 1st: 9 acc 2021-48 Comments
Upland Sandpiper 4 Sep 2021 Utah L., north shore 1st: 9 acc 2021-49 Comments
White-rumped Sandpiper 2 Jun 2021 St. George GC 1st: 9 acc 2021-50 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 30 Aug 2017 Antelope Is. Caus.. 1st:  8 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-51 Comments
Ruff 3 Sep 2021 Utah Lake, w.shore 1st: 9 acc 2021-52 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 12 Sep 2021 Saratoga Springs 1st: 9 acc 2021-53 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 26 Sep 2021 Antelope Island 1st:  7 acc, 1 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 6 acc, 3 not
2021-54 Comments
Hooded Warbler 26 Sep 2021 Santa Clara River 1st: 9 acc 2021-55 Comments
Prothonotary Warbler 29 Sep 2021 Bountiful Pond 1st: 9 acc 2021-56 Comments
Long-tailed Jaeger 21 Aug 2021 Saratoga Springs 1st:  4 acc, 3 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not


Parasitic Jaeger 20 Sep 2021 Rockport 1st:  2 acc, 5 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-58 Comments
Red Phalarope 9 Oct 2021 Antelope Island 1st: 9 acc 2021-59 Comments
Tropical Kingbird 24 Sep 2021 Bountiful Pond 1st:  0 acc, 7 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-60 Comments
Red-throated Loon 23 Oct 2021 Rockport Reservoir 1st:  8 acc, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 9 acc
2021-61 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 26 Oct 2021 Oakley 1st: 9 acc 2021-62 Comments
Mexican Duck 24 Oct 2021 Virgin River Park 1st:  7 acc, 2 to 2nd
2nd: 8 acc
2021-63 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 2 Oct 2021 Bountiful Pond 1st: 0 acc, 8 not 2021-64 Comments
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 8 Jun 2021 Brown's Park Rd. 1st: 9 acc 2021-65 Comments
Parasitic Jaeger 4 Nov 2021
16 Dec 2021
Antelope Island 1st:  0 acc, 8 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-66 Comments
Red-throated Loon 6 Nov 2021 Willard Bay 1st: 9 acc 2021-67 Comments
Black-throated Blue Warbler 9 Nov 2021 Logan 1st: 9 acc 2021-68 Comments
Rusty Blackbird 28 Sep 2021 Daggett Co. 1st: 0 acc, 9 not 2021-69 Comments
Western Gull 16 Nov 2021 Farmington Bay

1st: 9 acc

2021-70 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 23 Oct 2021 Salt Lake City 1st: 9 acc 2021-71 Comments
Little Gull 28 Nov 2021 Antelope Island 1st: 9 acc 2021-72 Comments
White-tailed Kite 17 Dec 2021 Blue Creek Valley 1st: 9 acc 2021-73 Comments
Snowy Owl 22 Dec 2021 Plain City 1st:  0 acc, 8 not, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 0 acc, 9 not
2021-74 Comments
Purple Gallinule 30 Dec 2021 Rockport Res. 1st:  1 acc, 6 not
2nd: 0 acc, 8 not
2021-75 Comments
Because of a change in the bylaws on how we treat first-state records the following records were reviewed to
see if any were appropriate to be included on the committees main checklist. Only record 2008-08 for a
Mississippi Kite was deemed appropriate for the Official State Checklist.  The others are listed on the Auxiliary
under the appropriate category.
Tufted Duck (resub.) 23 Feb 2021 Alton, Kane Co. 1st:  5 acc, 2 no nat, 1 to 2nd
2nd: 5 acc, 1 not, 3 no nat
3rd:  4 acc, 5 no nat
2006-26r Comments
Mississippi Kite  (resub.) 5 May 2008
(23 Feb 2021)
Logan River GC 1st:  7 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc, 2 not
2008-08r Comments
Eastern Meadowlark (resub.) 23 Feb 2021 Beaver Dam slope 1st:  3 acc, 2 not,  2 to 2nd
2nd: 3 acc, 5 not
3rd: .1 acc, 6 not
2016-09r Comments
Gila Woodpecker (resub.) 23 Feb 2021
La Verkin 1st:  5 acc, 3 not
2nd: 4 acc, 5 not
3rd:  3 acc, 6 not
2019-39r Comments
Cerulean Warbler  (resub.) 20 Aug 2020
(23 Feb 2021)
North Shore Trail 1st:  3 acc, 5 not
2nd: 3 acc, 6 not
2020-33r Comments

*  acc = accept;  not = not accept

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