Reviewed Records
Utah Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Bird Date Location Voting Results* Rec.#


Red-breasted Sapsucker 31 Dec 2004 Virgin 1st:  3 acc, 4 not
2nd: 3 acc, 4 not
3rd: 1 acc, 6 not
2005-01 Comments
Broad-billed Hummingbird 15 Aug 2004 Hyrum 1st: 0 acc, 7 not 2005-02 Comments
Lesser Black-backed Gull 3 Jan 2005 Bountiful Landfull 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2005-03 Comments
Glaucous-winged Gull 3 Jan 2005 Bountiful Landfull 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2005-04 Comments
Common Ground-Dove 30 Dec 2004 Near Hurricane 1st: 7 acc 2005-05 Comments
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 18 Jun 2004 Parowan 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2005-06 Comments
Cackling Goose 10 Apr 2005 Cutler Reservoir 1st: 7 acc 2005-07 Comments
Black-throated Blue Warbler 13 Apr 2005 Garr Ranch, Antelope Isl. 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2005-08 Comments
White-tailed Kite 9 Apr 2005 Washington Fields 1st:7 acc 2005-09 Comments
Hudsonian Godwit 24 Apr 2005 Antelope Island 1st: 7 acc 2005-10 Comments
Least Tern 12 May 2005 Utah Lake SP 1st: 7 acc 2005-11 Comments
Magnolia Warbler 14 May 2005 Salt Lake City 1st: 7 acc 2005-12 Comments
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 22 May 2005 Near Notom 1st: 7 acc 2005-13 Comments
Clay-colored Sparrow 6 Jun 2005 Millard County 1st: 7 acc 2005-14 Comments
Broad-winged Hawk 23 Apr 2005 Lytle Ranch 1st: 7 acc 2005-15 Comments
Least Tern 3 Jun 2005 N. of Milford 1st: 7 acc 2005-16 Comments
Lawrence's Goldfinch 7 May 2004 Near Gunlock Rec. 1st: 7 acc 2005-17 Comments
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 16 Oct 2004 Welcome Springs 1st: 0 acc, 7 not 2005-18 Comments
Cackling Goose 18 Feb 2004 Sand Hollow Reservoir 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 3 acc, 4 not
3rd: 2 acc, 5 not
2005-19 Comments
Ovenbird 18 Jun 2005 Ogden 1st: 7 acc 2005-20 Comments
Lawrence's Goldfinch 16 Oct 2004 Lytle Ranch 1st: 7 acc 2005-21 Comments
Least Tern 20 May 2004 Salt Marsh Lake 1st: 7 acc 2005-22 Comments
Scarlet Tanager 28 May 2004 Salt Marsh Lake 1st: 7 acc 2005-23 Comments
Clay-colored Sparrow 26 Sep 2004 Lytle Ranch 1st: 7 acc 2005-24 Comments
Red Phalarope 4 Aug 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 2 acc 5 not
2005-25 Comments
Curlew Sandpiper 14 Aug 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 3 acc, 4 not
3rd: 5 acc, 2 not
2005-26 Comments
Tennessee Warbler 25 Aug 2005 Willard Bay 1st: 7 acc 2005-27 Comments
Canada Warbler 19 Sep 1995 Fish Springs 1st:  4 acc, 3 not
2nd: 2 acc, 5 not
2005-28(R95) Comments
Laughing Gull December 1992 Roosevelt 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 3 acc, 4 not
3rd: 0 acc, 7 not
2005-29(R92) Comments
Mountain Plover 30 May 1992 Layton Marsh 1st:  6 acc, 1 not
2nd: 7 acc
2005-30(R92) Comments
Red Phalarope 30 May 1992 Howard Slough 1st:  2 acc, 5 not
2nd: 0 acc, 7 not
2005-31(R92) Comments
Ruddy Turnstone 12 Sep 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st: 7 acc 2005-32 Comments
Wandering Tattler 11 Sep 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st: 7 acc 2005-33 Comments
Prothonotary Warbler 8 Jul 2005 Lytle Ranch 1st: 7 acc 2005-34 Comments
Painted Redstart 3 Apr 2005 Zion NP 1st: 7 acc 2005-35 Comments
Gyrfalcon 1 Feb 1983 West of Kaysville 1st:  2 acc, 5 not
2nd: 1 acc, 6 not
2005-36(R83) Comments
Le Conte's Thrasher 5 Mar 1983 Beaver Dam Slope 1st: 7 acc 2005-37(R83) Comments
Broad-winged Hawk 14 May 1983 Willow Park, Logan 1st: 7 acc 2005-38(R83) Comments
Least Bittern 14 May 1983 Jensen 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 6 acc, 1 not
2005-39(R83) Comments
Veery 21 May 1983 Antelope Island 1st:  4 acc, 3 not
2nd: 4 acc, 3 not
3rd:  5 acc, 2 not
2005-40(R83) Comments
Mountain Plover 31 Aug 1983 Lake Shore 1st: 7 acc 2005-41(R83) Comments
Zone-tailed Hawk 9 Jun 2005 Lava Point, Zion NP 1st: 7 acc 2005-42 Comments
Red Phalarope 10 Oct 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st: 7 acc 2005-43 Comments
Chestnut-sided Warbler 13 Oct 2005 Dixie Red Hills GC 1st: 7 acc 2005-44 Comments
Common Ground-Dove 19 Jun 2005 Lytle Ranch 1st: 7 acc 2005-45 Comments
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 29 Aug 2005 Central, Washington Co. 1st: 7 acc 2005-46 Comments
Black-throated Blue Warbler 6 Oct 2005 Provo Canyon 1st: 7 acc 2005-47 Comments
Broad-winged Hawk 1  Nov 2005 Salt Lake City 1st: 0 acc, 7 not 2005-48 Comments
Mourning Warbler 1 Sep 2005 Matheson Wetlands Preserv 1st: 5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 1 acc, 6 not
2005-49 Comments
Red-breasted Sapsucker 8  Nov 2005 St. George 1st:  5 acc, 2 not
2nd: 4 acc, 3 not
3rd:  4 acc, 3 not
2005-50 Comments
Black Scoter 11  Nov 2005 Antelope Island Causeway 1st: 7 acc 2005-51 Comments

*  acc = accept;  not = not accept

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