Unusual Sight Record for Utah
Summary Page

Utah Bird Records Committee

Rec. # 2024-18
Vaux's Swift

Date first observed: 27 Apr 2024
Tonaquint Park, St. George, Washington Co.


  • 27 Apr 2024 - Paul Hicks  [Record #2024-18] ,  Asher Lee, Kristin Hilts, Sharlene Kasadate, Ray & Laura Dahl, Caroline Newman [Record #2024-18] , Celia Sullivan

Sight Records:


Records Committee Review:

  Date Posted


1st round: 3 May 2024 3 acc, 5 not
2nd round: 5 Jun 2024 0 acc, 9 not
Completed: 26 Jun 2024 Not Accepted


Summary:   Though this bird is most likely a Vaux's Swift, there is no evidence to eliminate a Chimney Swift as a possibility. This could be accepted as a Chaetura swift species.
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