UBRC Report |
Utah Birds Records Committee
– Report for 2020
Rick Fridell, Kenny Frisch, Stephanie Greenwood, Mike Hearell, Mike Schijf, Bryan Shirley, Mark Stackhouse, Larry Tripp, David Wheeler, Non-voting Members: Milt Moody (Secretary/Webmaster), Eric Huish (Archivist), Colby Neuman (eBird Liaison)
This annual report of the Committee summarizes 86 records of 62 species submitted in 2020. The Committee accepted 70 of these records (81.4%). The primary reason for records being rejected by the Committee during the period covered by this report was insufficient descriptive details to eliminate similar species. Other reasons included: signs that the bird may have been a hybrid, and a higher level of scrutiny for a first state record.
Incoming committee members for the 2021 year, Bryant Olsen and Steve Sommerfeld also participated in the review of some of the records included in this 2020 report:. The report was compiled by Milt Moody. Comments on the status of species and context of the records as well as proof reading and editing was provided by Mike Schijf.
This year two new species were added to the checklist of the birds of Utah. A first state record for a Blackburnian Warbler (2020-46) from Sand Hollow State Park in Washington County, was submitted by Jenner Bryson . The sight record included an excellent series of photos and was accepted unanimously by the Committee. The Mexican Duck was split from the Mallard species and was also added to the checklist. This brings the total number of species for the Utah bird list to 467.
All species evaluated by the Committee are listed by common and scientific name using the nomenclature and taxonomic order of the American Ornithological Society Checklist of North American Birds, 61st supplement, followed by the number of the records accepted for this species in the last ten years followed by the total number of official sightings for Utah (in parenthesis). The following information is included with each record in the species section: record number, the number of birds observed along with age and sex if known, sighting location, occurrence date, observers with the initial finder listed first, observer(s) who submitted written documentation of the record, observer(s) who submitted photographs or videos, and the final-round vote of the committee with the first number being the “accept” votes and the second number being the “not-accept” votes. A review summary (in parenthesis) will follow the final round vote for those records that were not unanimously accepted in the first round. Any comments about the species records as a whole will be in a final italicized paragraph at the end of the species section and comments about individual records will be in italics after that record.
The Utah Bird Records Committee would like to thank those individuals who submitted documentation of their
sightings. The Committee encourages all observers to document and submit a report of unusual sightings. Multiple
documentation of sightings is more valuable than a single report, since one observer may notice key field marks not
reported by other observers; those field marks may contribute significantly to the value of the record. The
submission of photographs and recordings of songs or calls, along with the written documentation is strongly
encouraged by the Committee.
(Branta bernicla) (1
/ 4)
Mexican Duck (Anas
diazi) (3
/ 3) 2020-76 - 5 Dec 2020 - Oquirrh Lake, Daybreak, Salt Lake Co., by Joe Dziedzina (adult male, Photos) 2nd: 2-7 - (Although there is an unclear line, most reviewers thought that there are to many indications of hybridization to accept this sighting).
2020-74 -
23 Nov 2020 - Sullivan Virgin River Park, Washington Co., by Jack Bushong
(adult male, Photos)
2nd: 8-1:
Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus
histrionicus) (3
/ 9)
Black Scoter (Melanitta
americana) (11
/ 26)
(0 / 1)
Ruddy Ground-Dove
(1 / 2) Rivoli's Hummingbird (Eugenes
/ 7)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) (2 / 3)
2020-07 -
7 Sep 2019 - Saratoga Springs, Utah Co., by Archita Benvie (one,
Photos) 1st round: 0-9
- (Other species could not be eliminated. Most reviewers thought it was more
likely a Black-chinned Hummingbird).
Broad-billed Hummingbird
/ 10)
Vaux's Swift (Chaetura
/ 22)
Hudsonian Godwit
/ 16)
2020-30 -
13 Aug 2020 - West Willard Playa, Box Elder Co., by Kendall Watkins,
Bryant Olsen
(adult, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
/ 9)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris
/ 2)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris
/ 9)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris
/ 6)
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus
fulicarius) (10
/23) 2020-48 - 22 Sep 2020 - Near Saltair, Great Salt Lake, Salt Lake Co., by Bryant Olsen (one, Photos) 1st round: 9-0 2020-68 - 7 Nov 2020 - Sand Hollow Reservoir, Washington Co., by Bryant Olsen (one, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Pomarine Jaeger
(Stercorarius pomarinus) (3
/ 5)
Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) (3 / 14)
2020-23 -
22 Sep 2007 - Farmington Bay WMA, Davis Co., by Ryan O'Donnellt
(juvenile, Photos) 2nd
round: 8-1 (With some field marks pointing more towards a Pomarine
Jaeger there was some question, but more reviewers ended up leaning
towards a Parasitic Jaeger). 2020-38 - 10 Sep 2020 - Sand Hollow SP, Washington Co., by Liam Murphy & Giulia Donato (juvenile, Photos) 1st round: 9-0 This is the first record of this species from the southern end of the state. (m.j.schijf)
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius
longicaudus) (4
/ 13)
Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus
atricilla) (1
/ 1)
Western Gull (Larus
occidentalis) (9
/ 13)
Red-throated Loon (Gavia
stellata) (11
/ 21)
adamsii) (3
/ 12) 2020-84 - 10 Dec 2020 - Deer Creek State Park, Wasatch Co., by Suzi Holt (one, Photo) 1st round: 9-0 eBird checklists showed photos of two individuals – a new high count for Utah. (m.j.schijf)
aura) (0 / 0)
Zone-tailed Hawk (Buteo albonotatus) (14 / 25) 2020-13 - 14 Apr 2020 - Kolob Canyon, Zion NP, Washington Co., by Jason Pietrzak, (Photos) 2nd 9-0
Boreal Owl (Aegolius
funereus) (5
/ 9) 2020-56 -
3 Oct 2020 - Uinta Mountains, Wasatch Co., by Jeff Cooper (three
adults, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus
varius) (23
/ 24) 2020-62 - 26 Oct 2020 - Allen Park, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by Quinn Diaz (juvenile, Photos) 3rd: round: 4-5 - (In a very close vote, the possibility of a hybrid could not be ruled out). 2020-77 - 3 Dec 2020 - Herriman, Salt Lake Co., by Kendall Watkins & Bryant Olsen (juvenile female, Photos) 1st round: 9-0 2020-83 - 27 Dec 2020 - Torrey, Wayne Co., by Kevin Lapp (juvenile, Photos) 2nd round: 9-0 - (Some concern about being a hybrid was alleviated in the 2nd round).
Gilded Flicker
(Colaptes chrysoides) (3
/ 3)
(Falco rusticolus) (2
/ 8)
Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis
phoebe) (7
/ 22)
Blue-headed Vireo (Vireo
solitarius) (2
/ 5)
Winter Wren
hiemalis) (9
/ 10)
Eastern Bluebird (Sialia
/ 8)
Veery (Catharus fuscescens)
/ 14)
Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) (12 / 30) 2020-55 - 24 Sep 2020 - Feeder in Big Water, Kane Co., by Pat Larkin (one) 1st round: 9-0 2020-59 - 24 Sep 2020 - Buffalo Ranch Pond, Farmington, Davis Co., by Colin Maguire (one, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
28 Sep 2020 - Fish Springs NWR, Juab Co., by Janice Gardner
(adult, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Rosy-Finch (Leucosticte
australis) (7
/ 8)
2020-69 -
12 Nov 2020 - La Sal Mountain Loop Road, Grand Co., by Steve Heinrich
(several, Photos) 1st round:
Thick-billed (McCown's) Longspur 2020-80 - 19 Dec 2020 - Ogden Bay WMA, Weber Co., by Mike Hearell (>three adults, Photos) 1st round: 9-0 2020-79 - 6 Dec 2020 - Harold Crane WMA, Weber Co., by Kristin Purdy (adult,.Photo) 1st round: 9-0
2020-86 -
28 Dec 2020 - Upper Gold Hill Road, Tooele Co., by Bryant Olsen
(female?, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Cassin's Sparrow
(Peucaea cassinii)
/ 4) 2020-25 - 5 Jul 2020 - Desert Lake WMA, Emery Co., by Kevin Glueckert (adult male, Audio, Photos) 1st round: 8-0
2020-85 -
27 Dec 2020 - Washington Fields area, Washington Co., by Tony Jones
(one, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Ovenbird (Seiurus
/ 26)
Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia
/ 1)
Warbler (Vermivora
/ 5)
Kentucky Warbler
/ 3)
Hooded Warbler (Setophaga citrina) (4 / 9) 2020-15 - 9 May 2020 - Lytle Ranch, Washington Co., by Monte Neate-Clegg, 3rd round: 5-4 - (With no photos for this bird, the decision was close but ended up to accept.). 2020-60 - 23 Oct 2020 - Allen Park, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., by Pomera Fronce (male, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Cerulean Warbler
Northern Parula
/ 31)
2020-17 -
13 May 2020 - Garr Ranch, Antelope Island, Davis Co., by Cullen Clark, (Photos)
1st round: 9-0 2020-31 - 16 Aug 2020 - Jordan River Parkway Trail, Salt Lake Co., by Kendall Watkins (1st Year, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Warbler (Setophaga
/ 15)
25 Sep 2020 - Confluence Park, La Verkin, Washington Co., by Mike Schijf
(female, Photos) 1st round:
Bay-breasted Warbler (Setophaga
/ 6) 2020-28 - 8 Aug 2020 - Duck Creek Visitor Center, Kane Co., by Bryant Olsen (adult male, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga
/ 1)
Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata) (9 / 21) 2020-40 - 13 Sep 2020 - Willard Spur, Box Elder Co., by Mike Hearell (1st year, Photos) 1st round: 9-0 2020-45 - 19 Sep 2020 - Buffalo Ranch Pond, Davis Co., by Bryant Olsen (one, Photo) 1st round: 9-0
Blue Warbler (Setophaga
/ 23) 2020-66 - 24 Oct 2020 - Lytle Ranch Preserve, Washington Co., by James Loveless (male, Photos) 1st round: 9-0
Palm Warbler (Setophaga
/ 26)
* The heading photo is of a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, |