Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
President's Message
Bird of the Month
Special 2020
Challenge Report
Field Trip Reports
Thursday, Feb 17th
Join us virtually for Birding Panama, a presentation
by Bryan Shirley. Meeting zoom link and passcode will be sent out via the
UCBirders email the week before our meeting. Hope
to see you all there!
(Please bring walkie talkies set to 5-0)
February 12,
Farmington Bay/Lee Kay Ponds
Meet us in Farmington at the George S. and Delores Dore Eccles Wildlife
Education Center at 9 am. The address is 1157 S. Waterfowl Way, Farmington,
We will meet Billy Fenimore and Kendall Watkins in the auditorium for a
short introduction, then head out to search for birds. We will also drive
the auto route, hopefully finding some interesting gulls. If we have time we
will go to Lee Kay Ponds to continue our gull search.
We are hoping to get our 22 species in Davis and Salt Lake counties. Please
bring a lunch.
February 26, 2022
Delta Snow Goose Festival
Meet at 8 am at the Payson Walmart parking lot on the west
side of the Quick Quack carwash. We will be driving our own cars. We have a few
walkie talkies but if you have one please bring it. We will watch for birds in
Juab county on our way to Delta, hopefully adding species if we need to get to
22. Our first stop will be Gunnison Bend Reservoir for the Snowgoose Festival
and hopefully we'll see 1000's of Snow Geese and a few Ross's geese. Then we
will work on getting our 22 species in Millard County. Bring a lunch and plan on
being home in the afternoon.
We do have a couple out of town challenge field trips planned.
The first one is:
20-21 2022
Grand and San Juan County
On Friday we will meet at the Swanny Ciy Park 400 N.100 W. Moab at 11 am.
Our first birding spot will be by the Kane Creek OHV parking lot. I usually see
a lot of birds here, hopefully we will get our 22 species for Grand County, if
not we will stop at the Scott S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve and around town.
Please bring snacks, a lunch and water.
Then we will head to Devil's Canyon Campground to set up camp. Or if you want
there are hotels in Monticello and Blanding. I would recommend getting
reservations ASAP.
After setting up camp we can look for birds around the campground.
Saturday we will meet at 8 or 9 am depending on the weather to look for birds
around the campground, drive to Recapture reservoir and if we have time go check
out the Blue mountains. I love this area and I am excited to share it with you
all. My favorite species down here are Acorn Woodpecker, Western Bluebird, Pygmy
Nuthatch, Grace's Warbler and hopefully Red Crossbill! I have also seen
Williamson's Sapsucker, Lewis's Woodpeckers and so many others!
Second field trip:
June 3-4 2022
Washington County
Friday we will meet at 6 am at the Bluff street McDonald's in St. George.
We will drive out to Lytle Ranch. We will spend a lot of time there. Please
bring a lunch and water. After that we will see if we have time to go to the
Gunlock area to look for Common Blackhawk, go to Snow Canyon and Tonaquint
Nature Park.
Saturday we will meet at the Hurricane Walmart at 7 am. From there we will go
straight up Kolob Terrace to Lava Point Lookout to look for California Condors.
We will walk around the area there looking for birds, then drive around to a few
other good spots.
If we have time we will check out Dalton Wash for Rufous-crowned Sparrows and
hit Grafton. Plan on lunch that day as well.
Remember to book your hotels ASAP.
On your drive down Thursday please stop in Iron County to get your 22 species.
My favorite spot is the trail along the river that goes up Cedar Canyon-Lower (aka
Canyon trail) its a ebird hotspot, i also like Canyon Park. I would think you
could find all 22 species in a few hours there.
President's Message -
February 2021
by Machelle Johnson
We're a month in to our challenge year, how are you doing
so far? We had a great field trip to Juab County and got our 22 species there.
This month we'll go to Salt Lake county and Millard county. If you already have
Utah county done then by the end of the month you will have 4 counties checked
If you are unable to make it on field trips our website is a great resource for
places to bird in each county (utahbirds.org). There are thousands of photos in
the photo gallery, links to local and statewide birding organizations, birding
resources links and info, hotline sightings, and other fun articles. You can
also see a checklist of birds seen in each county, and the Utah checklist. Milt
Moody is our awesome webmaster. We are currently looking for an assistant
webmaster, if you are interested in this please contact a board member.
Suzi has posted the field trip outline for the year. We have a few over-night
trips that will take us to those counties that are harder to get to, so make
some plans in advance! We are going to Grand and San Juan counties in May, I
just booked a campsite in Devil's Canyon campground, there is still some
availability there.
Something I loved about the 2020 challenge was visiting some of the Utah State
Parks that I'd never been to. You can buy an annual State Park Pass that will
get you into all of the parks for a year, for $100.00. This is handy and will
pay for itself, especially this year if you're doing the challenge. I like to be
able to zip down the Utah Lake State Park several times a month to see what's
showing up, I just hang my tag in the window and go on in. This link shows a
list of State Parks in each county:
List of Utah
State Parks - Wikipedia.
I'm sure you've got some favorite places to bird, and I'm sure you'll add to
that favorite list this year as we go out to all corners of the state! Thanks to
Suzi, Keeli and Milt for all they do to keep us up to date and informed, and to
help us get out there birding!
Vermilion Flycatcher
(Pyrocephalus rubinus)
By Tammy Northrup
When I
first started birding a few years ago the Vermilion Flycatcher was on my
Southern Utah bird wish list. On a trip to St George in September of 2020 it was
one of the birds my husband and I really wanted to see. I searched eBird and
learned that Boots Cox Park was the best place to see them. We weren’t
First thing in the
morning we went to the Southeast corner of the park behind the tennis courts.
There is a fence there that divides the park from some farmland. We waited and
watched. First we saw a Black Phoebe and a Western Kingbird. Then we saw a flash
of bright red as a Vermilion Flycatcher landed on some dead limbs in the field.
Typical of most Vermilion Flycatchers it sat perched on a branch in the open
then flew out and caught a small bug and returned to where it started. After a
few minutes it flew away and we thought it was gone, but we saw it again on the
fence then in the tall trees nearby.
We have returned to St George
a few times since that first sighting and we make it a point to visit Boots Cox
Park. Spring and Fall we have been happy to see a Vermilion Flycatcher in the
field or tall trees nearby. Unless they are mating they are solitary birds so
they aren’t usually seen in flocks.

Female Vermilion Flycatcher at the
Salem Marshes |
Vermilion Flycatchers are found
in the Southwestern U.S. and down through Central and South America. Watch for
them in insect-rich places such as scrublands, farmlands, deserts, parks and
along streams. They often perch on exposed branches about 10 feet off the
ground. This usually makes them easy to see. In addition to St. George we have
also seen Vermilion Flycatchers when visiting Gilbert,
In October of 2020 I was
looking for birds in the Salem area. It was late afternoon and I was almost
ready to go home. I made one last stop at the Salem Marshes. There wasn’t much
bird activity there that late in the day. I thought I saw a Say’s Phoebe and
took a few pictures. I used the Merlin app and was surprised to discover it was
a female Vermilion Flycatcher! I wish I knew how this little bird found her way
to Utah County!
What an amazing world we live
in and what a joy it is to discover new birds near and far!
by Tammy Northrup
Field Trip Reports
Payson Bird Count
January 1, 2022
by Bryan
had 17 people who braved the cold and woke up early to welcome the New Year
by counting birds. We totaled 86 species - one above our count average. A
few of the out of the ordinary species were Northern Mockingbird,
Cassin's Finch, Say's Phoebe, and Brewer's Sparrow. The Brewer's
Sparrow was a new species for our count is the craziest story of the day
Here is Jeff Cooper's
report from ebird:
This bird was mixed with American Tree
Sparrows foraging on the roadside where snow had melted and occasionally
perching on and taking cover among sunflowers bordering a wire fence.
Unfortunately for the sparrow, a female Kestrel preyed upon it when the
sparrow took cover after a short attempt to flee. A Ferruginous Hawk gave
chase to the Kestrel as it towed the sparrow. Moments later we observed the
kestrel plucking feathers and eating the sparrow. It was surreal to see the
Kestrel take the sparrow as we were observing it. Too bad it didn't migrate
with others of its species.
This kestrel appeared while we were
photographing the Brewer's Sparrow. The kestrel pursued, captured, an
eventually consumed the sparrow. A Ferruginous Hawk actually pursued the
kestrel as it rose from the fence line with the sparrow in tow. The kestrel
eluded the hawk. We came upon the kestrel moments later as it was plucking
feathers from the sparrow at the top of a power pole.

After looking at the Bald Eagle we spent a while
waiting for the Pied-billed Grebe to come up...no luck. |
Burraston Ponds,
Mona Area-Juab County field trip
22 Jan 2022
by Suzi Holt
had 14 cars and I think 30 birders on our field trip this morning to
Burraston Ponds. It was 24 degrees when we got there, boy it was cold.
But we found some birds. Our firsts were some lovely European
Starlings and a couple Common Ravens. Next birds were a
Northern Flicker, Canada Goose, Red-winged Blackbird,
Pied-billed Grebe and a long distance Bald Eagle. We also had
a Mallard and a group of 5 Redheads flyover. We found
Song and White-crowned Sparrows, Spotted Towhee and lots of
American Robins. We then stopped for a Great Blue Heron, Downy
Woodpecker, more Spotted Towhees, Song Sparrows and
White-crowned Sparrow, lots more American Robins and a lone Cedar
Waxwing. Next stop we walked the trail on the North side of the big
pond. It was really boring and we only found 3 Black-billed Magpies
and 3 hen Ring-necked Pheasants. Rob wanted to make sure everyone
got a great look. We saw a beautiful Red-tailed Hawk as we drove
around the big ponds looking for the Pied-billed Grebe and
spotted him shortly but only a few saw it again. From there we decided
to look around town. We were headed down the main road and saw a
American Kestrel and a few Eurasian Collared Doves. |

Checking out the Red-winged Blackbirds and the Song
Sparrows. |

Red-tailed Hawk |

Rob looking for the
Ring-necked Pheasant |

Burraston Pond slightly frozen.

It's cold momma |

Tatum was pretty frozen! |
As we were about to the turn to head
towards Mona Reservoir I heard some House Sparrows. We all got safely pulled
over and as we were getting out of the car. The Sheriff across the street
asked, "were my lights on? Why did everyone pull over?" I explained we were
Birders looking for a House Sparrow to add to our 22 speices in Juab County,
and she said, " Oh I can turn on my lights to let the other know of the
hazard" She really was nice. After we had all seen the House Sparrows
we headed west towards the reservoir.

The nice Sheriff |

Looking at the House Sparrows Haha! |

Missing a couple but here was our crew! |
There is a small creek just past the
train tracks and we stopped there and saw a few more Common Ravens,
Black-billed Magpies and a few Dark-eyed Juncos hitting our 22
species goal for the day. At this point I had a drill competition to head
off to so Machelle and Robert took over. They were able to find a few
Common Goldeneye at Mona Reservoir and a Northern Harrier in the
field helping others to reach 22!
After that Robert took a few others back
into town to find a few others species, a House Finch and a Eurasian
Collared Dove. Then back to Burraston Pond for one more check on the
Pied-billed Grebe. They saw it and reached their 22 Speciesl!!! It was a
fun day and I am grateful for all who came and for all who helped! See ya
next month!
Utah County Birders website
Utah County Birders Board Members
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