Cackling Goose
10-23 Apr 2005 - Cutler Reservoir, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel, Larry Ryel,
Melanie Spriggs, Keith and Judy Archibald, Bryan Dixon, Jean Lown,
Dominique Roche (photo by Ron Ryel) |
Sight Record |
- 6,7 Dec 2008 - Logan River Golf Course, Logan, Cache Co., by Ryan
O'Donnell, Stephanie Cobbold and Jason Piertzak (adult- photos) |
Record |
- 1 Feb 2009 - Sam Fellow Road and 4600 North in Cache county by Ryan
O'Donnell. (one - photos) | Sight
Record |
- 21 Mar 2009 - Sam Fellow Road, Cache Co., by Ryan O'Donnell, Steve
Carr and Craig Fosdick (one adult - photos) |
Record |
American Black Duck
26 Dec 1959 - Hyde Park, Cache Co. reported by Follett
Harlequin Duck
21 Dec 1985 to 21 Feb 1986 - First Dam, Logan River, Cache Co. by Patricia
Bahler and many others (photo by Ella Sorensen - one female - seen during
CBC) |
UOS report
Red-throated Loon
Red-necked Grebe
- 4 Nov 1990 - Cutler Reservoir near Benson Marina,
Cache Co. by Lawrence Ryel, Ronald Ryel, Keith Archibald, Allen
Stokes, Terry Sadler, Craig Kneedy, Ella Sorensen, others (photo by
Lawrence Ryel - one juvenile) |
UOS report
- 20 Apr 2003 - Hyrum Reservoir, Cache Co. by Ron
Ryel |
Birdnet Report |
Sight Record |
UOS report |
Glossy Ibis
5 - 18 Jun 2006 - Benson, Cache Co. by Ron Ryel, Joel and Kathy
Beyer and others (adult) |
Sight Record |
Reports |
10 Jun 2006 - Cache Valley, Cache Co., by David Wheeler and Larene
Wyss (adult) | Sight Record |
3 Jul 2008 - Logan City Polishing Ponds, Benson, Cache Co., by Ryan
O'Donnell (adult - photos |
Sight Record |
Broad-winged Hawk
22 Sep 1982 - Wellsville Mountains northwest of Mendon, Cache Co., by
Michael Tove, Keith Archibald (one adult, two immature)
2 Oct 1982 - Clarkston Mountains, near Beaver Dam, Cache Co., by Michael
Tove, Jack Kirkley (photo - adult)
14 May 1983 - Willow Park, Logan, Cache Co., by Mike Tove, Keith Archibald
26 Sep 2004-
Wellsville Mts., Cache Co., by Jack Skalicky, Rob Spaul and Mark Fogg.
(two adult)
Sight Record |
report |
15 Nov 1990 - Logan, Cache Co., by Robert A. Atwood, Gladys Ann Atwood,
Keith Archibald, Scott Datwyler, Ron Ryel, Larry Ryel (photo by
Robert A. Atwood - one white phase adult) |
UOS report |
Hudsonian Godwit
5 Jun 1976 - Amalga, Cache Co., (one)
19-22 May 1999 - Amalga Barrens, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel, Larry Ryel, Bob
Atwood, Mark Stackhouse, others (photo by LR - adult ?female) |
Sight Record |
report |
Red Phalarope
- 29-30 Sep 1991 - Logan Sewage Ponds, Cache
Keith Archibald (photo by Keith Archibald - one immature) |
UOS report
Heermann's Gull
- 2 Nov 1985; - Logan Sewage Ponds, Cache Co., by
Mike Tove, Terry Barnes, Ron Ryel (one adult) |
UOS report
Iceland Gull
4-7 Nov 2008 - Logan River Wetlands and Shorebird Playa,
Logan, Cache Co., by Jason Pietrzak, Ryan O'Donnell, Jason Pietrzak,
Craig Fosdick, Bob Atwood (first-winter? - photos) | Sight Record |
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
10 Nov 1989 - Logan Sewage Ponds, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel, Lawrence Ryel
(one first winter) |
report |
Ancient Murrelet
24 Nov 1962 - Logan Cache Co., reported by Verbeek (specimen found dead)
Great Gray Owl
6 Mar 1960 - Logan, Cache Co., shot by Oring (specimen in a sporting goods
store in Logan)
16 Feb 1989 - Paradise, Cache Co., Ed Connia, Verl Hatchett (one
adult) |
UOS report
Boreal Owl
26 Mar to 4 Apr 1999 - head of Hell's Kitchen Canyon, Cache Co., by
William Masslich, Ronald J. Ryel, Bryan Dixon, Jean Lown, Stuart Reynolds,
Tim Slocum (photo by William Masslich) |
Hotline Report |
UOS report |
19-28 Jun 2008 - Green Canyon, near Logan, Cache Co., by
Ron Ryel, Ryan
O’Donnell, Craig Fosdick, and Stephanie Cobbold. (adult male - audio
recording) | Sight Record |
Vaux's Swift
31 Jul 1982 - north of Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Cache Co., by Mike Tove,
Jack Kirkley, Lee Jones
4 Jul 2002 - North Logan, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel |
Sight Record |
report |
Red-headed Woodpecker
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
1-3 Jul 1992 - Logan, Cache Co., by Bryan Williams, Nancy Williams,
Lawrence Ryel, Terry Sadler, Ron Ryel, Keith Archibald, Allen Stokes,
Terry Barnes, John Barnes, Robert Atwood, Keith Dixon, Alice Lindahl,
Merrill Webb, others (photo by Lawrence Ryel) |
UOS report |
Yellow-throated Vireo
- 11 Jun 1974 - Logan, Cashe Co., by Keith Dixon
(American Birds 29 (1): 96, 1975)
- 8 May 1997 - Logan, Cache Co., by NW by Nancy
Williams (one adult) [first] |
report |
Eastern Bluebird
20-31 Dec 1997 - Logan CBC, Cache Co., by Keith Archibald, Ron Ryel,
Lawrence A. Ryel, Bob Atwood, Bryan Dixon (photo by Lawrence A. Ryel)
(one adult female) |
report |
14,15 Dec 2003 - Logan Golf Course, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel; Jean Lown
| (male on Logan CBD)
Sight Record |
report |
21 Jul 1927 - northeast of Wellsville, Cache Co., by Sanford (specimen
Blue-winged Warbler
- 20 May 1976 - Logan, Cache Co., by Peter Landres,
David Factor (American Birds 30 (4):871,1976)
Chestnut-sided Warbler
9 Jul 1978 - Logan, Cache Co., by Elinor and Stauffer Miller (American
Birds 32 (6): 1193, 1978)
Palm Warbler
24 Nov 1985 - Smithfield, Cache Co., by Jeff Smith |
UOS report
21 to 23 Sep 1988 - Logan, Cache Co., Tom Lyon, Janis Lyon, Scott Cheney,
Keith Archibald, Larry Ryel, Ron Ryel |
UOS report
Hooded Warbler
18 May 1988 - Logan, Cache Co., by Ron Ryel, Keith Archibald, Larry Ryel
UOS report
Clay-colored Sparrow
27-28 May 1980 - Logan, Cache Co., by Alan Grenon, Allen W. Stokes and
Aaron E. Wright, Jr. (banded, photo)
McCown's Longspur
27 Dec 1956 - Logan, Cache Co., by Ron Ryder (Audubon Field Notes 2 (2):
215, 1957)
12-26 Dec 1983 - bird feeder in Logan, Cache Co., by Alice Stewart, Tim
Helentjaris, Sherwood Casjens, Dennis Shirley, Craig Kesselheim, Bill
Hunter (photo - adult female)
Common Redpoll
20 Feb 2002 - Clarkson, Cache Co., by Tom Gordon (male) |
Sight Record |
report |
23-26 Mar 2008 - Richmond, Cache Co., by Ryan P. O'Donnell, Craig
Fosdick, John Barnes, Keith Archibald, Ron Ryel and Alan Christiansen.
(adult male - photos) |
Sight Record |
Hoary Redpoll
- 26 Feb 1999 - Feeder in Hyde Park, Cache Co., by
Gordon Bosworth, Ronald J. Ryel, Lawrence A. Ryel (one adult female)
Hotline Report |
UOS report