Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
President's Message
Bird of the Month
Field Trip Reports
Thursday Dec 8th
7pm at the Bean Museum and online via Zoom
In honor of this year being our 50th
anniversary of our Provo Christmas Bird Count Circle we’ve invited a
few of our seasoned counters to share some favorite memories of Christmas Bird
Counts from past years. Following their stories we will go over some CBC
logistics, assign out any unclaimed areas, go over instructions for the counts
and if we have time, cover some tricks and tips for ID.
Springs Christmas Bird Count'
December 15th
The Fish Springs CBC will be held on Thursday Dec 15, 2022 9am- early afternoon
at Fish Springs Natl. Wildlife Refuge. Join us for this fun count in a unique
There is limited bunkhouse space available at the refuge for count participants.
Please contact Patrick Moffett (
to reserve a spot or Keeli Marvel (
Moffett to sign up to participate in the count.
Fish Springs NWR is a remote refuge located in the Utah West Desert.
Participants should be prepared for travel on snowy dirt roads with little or no
cell service and should bring plenty of food/water/spare tires/winter travel
Christmas Bird Count'
December 17th
The Provo Christmas Bird Count is
celebrating their 50th year of the Provo Count Circle this year! In honor of
the occasion, all participants will receive a specially designed
commemorative sticker. The Provo CBC will be held on Saturday, December
17th, 2022 8am-5pm with a potluck tally at the Utah Lake State Park HQ at
Contact Keeli Marvel at if you would like to participate.
Christmas Bird Count'
December 31st 2022
Payson CBC Saturday December 31st. Contact
Bryan Shirley at 801-722-9346 or for assignments.
President's Message -
Dec 2022
by Machelle Johnson

by John Crawley
©John Crawley |
Well, I guess it's December already!
What a great birding year! There have been many rare birds coming through just
in the past couple of weeks. You've still got time to get your counties checked
off for the gold level of the challenge! If you haven't reported your level yet,
please do as soon as you can. We are compiling a great list of prizes for you!
The new year will bring a few changes to the board, including a new president.
I'm pleased to announce that Yvonne Carter will be the President of the club for
the next 2 years! Yvonne has been a member for many years, we look forward to
hearing all about her at the next meeting and in her newsletter articles. If you
are interested in serving on the board please let us know. We are always looking
for volunteers to write an article, lead a field trip, and help with the
website. We also need a President Elect for 2025. For more information talk to a
board member.
I love being a member of this group! I've learned so much from the members that
are so willing to share their time and expertise. Thank you to all, I'm honored
to be associated with you and look forward to learning for years to come.

Green-Tailed Towhee
Piplio chlorurus
by Steve Van Winkle
Hiking and birding
amongst the shrubby sagebrush steppe, a summer resident of this mountain west
habitat in East Canyon during the second week of May, I enjoyed an encounter
with a handsome white throated, rust crowned, and overall gray “colorful
chirper” the Green -tailed Towhee sporting its distinctive yellow-green edged
wings and tail; singing whistled notes, buzzy trills while perched within a soon
to bloom Service Berry, Amelanchier utahensis. *And, more often is discovered
while voicing its familiar “mew” call.
By the way, quite aptly its New Latin name is derived from: Pipo (peep or
chirp); Chloro (green) and wasn’t able to find a latin or Greek meaning for Urus
other than that of a wild ancestral bull. Hardly a befitting name for our
The pair arrive late April to early May and the male begins to sing and defends
its territory very soon after arriving on its breeding grounds. Although, I’ve
never witnessed males making low aggressive flights, with puffed out feathers, a
raised rusty colored crown and an upright stiff pointed tail this is apparently
how a male demonstrates to other males its territorial behavior. Breeding pairs
are most often monogamous, but the male may on occasion breed outside of the
pair bond.
This large sparrow, although not necessarily secretive spends much of its time
(especially while raising their young hatchlings from clutches of 2-5 eggs in a
deep cupped nest well concealed in scrub and no more than knee-high above the
ground), double-scratching in leaf litter beneath shrubs for beetles,
caterpillars, and other insects, in addition to foraging for a variety of
berries and seeds dropped from filaree and dandelion and other forbs.
Well concealed most of the time, exposed particularly singing males, may become
a meal for predators including East Canyon residents: Cooper’s, Red-tailed, and
Swainson’s hawks and American Kestrel’s; their nests may be raided by Woodhouse
jays, magpies, weasels, snakes and skunks.
While my wife and I once again camped at the East Canyon reservoir state park
this past September, I hiked several areas where I had seen towhees during
spring and summer, but was unable to discover one. The Green-tailed towhee is a
true migrant and leaves for its wintering grounds in the fall for southern New
Mexico, Arizona, Texas and throughout Mexico.
Over-all the Green-tailed towhee population is fairly stable, however, more recent
population studies reveal a decline in specific habitat regions (sagebrush
steppe and lower mountain shrublands) as a result of increased development,
grazing, expanding agriculture and changing fire management systems.
Credits: The Cornell labs “All about Birds”;
The Smithsonian Handbook, “Birds of North America, Western Region”
past Bird of the Month articles]
Field Trip Reports

Mount Timpanogos from South Fork Canyon
TURKEY TROT 2022 - 491 Turkeys!!
19 Nov 2022
by Suzi Holt

BRrRrrrrrr |
14 turkeys, not chickens braved the 10° F morning and
trotted for South Fork Canyon around 8:40 am.
We found 247 Wild Turkeys!! Plus a couple Scrub Jays, Steller's Jay,
Dark-eyed Juncos, a Black-capped Chickadee, Mallards, Common Raven and a
Red-tailed Hawk. And 12 Peacocks haha!

Our First Turkeys-South Fork |

South Fork |

South Fork |

South Fork |

South Fork |

Esther |

South Fork |

South Fork

Juniper Titmouse - Eastlawn Cemetery
We then trotted to East Lawn Cemetery. The turkey's were MIA :( but we found
a Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, Juniper Titmouse, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American
Robin, American Kestrel and a Townsend's Solitaire! Everyone else had
afternoon plans so we shared our delicious Chocolate/ Peanut Butter turkey
sugar cookies and Jess and I trotted off.
Yvonne stopped by Sundance and added 10 to our tally!
Jess and I stopped at ULSP for a hopeful look at the Snow Bunting, no luck
on the bunting but we did see Ian who saw it after we left ;(

Northern Pygmy Owl- |

Northern Pygmy Owl-Diamond Fork |

Red-tailed Hawk |
From there we trotted to Diamond Fork Canyon. We didn't find any turkey's on
the main road but by Red Ledges we spotted something better! A Northern
Pygmy Owl!! As we trotted down the canyon we decided to check up
We added 49 Turkeys!! Plus 2 Golden Eagles being harassed by a couple
Ravens. We saw a Red-tailed Hawk, Black-capped Chickadee, Woodhouse's Scrub
Jay, American Kestrel, American Robin, Song Sparrow and Dark-eyed Juncos!.

Diamond Fork |

Diamond Fork

Diamond Fork |

Spanish Fork Canyon |
It was so beautiful up there today out of the haze. On the
way down Spanish
Fork Canyon we saw a small group of 15 Turkeys!

Payson Canyon |
We trotted over to Payson Canyon. Jess and I enjoying the cookies all by
ourselves. In the meadow we had a 101 Turkeys and 2 Black-billed Magpies!

Payson Canyon |

Payson Canyon

Brown Creeper-Santaquin Canyon |
Last stop was Santaquin Canyon. We found
9 Turkeys, one Brown Creeper and a
Golden Eagle!!
Mom called and today there were 60 turkeys in
Elk Ridge!
We crushed our previous years with 491 Turkeys!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!! |

Santaquin Canyon |

Photo by Robert Parsons
LOON LOOP...Morgan and Summit Counties
12 Nov 2022
by Suzi Holt
TWENTY Birders
met at East Canyon Reservoir this
morning around 10 am. I was excited to find a pair of Long-tailed Ducks!!
We also had Ring-necked Ducks, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye, Common
Merganser, Ruddy Duck, Redhead, Lesser Scaup, Mallards, a White-winged
Scoter, Common Loon. We also saw Eared and Western Grebes,
American Tree Sparrow, Black-billed Magpie, Golden Eagle, Northern Shrike,
American Coot, Black Scoter thanks to Matt Pendleton! We heard a
Sandhill Crane, Canada Goose, Bald Eagle. Red-tailed Hawk, American
Goldfinch and a Merlin!! It was 15° and the wind was blowing,
it was freezing!!! But we finished Morgan County with 25 species and had a
great time!

Black Scoter |

East Canyon Reservoir

Amanda and the kiddos

East Canyon Reservoir

Photo by Robert Parsons

Photo by Robert Parsons |

Echo Reservoir
From there we made our way down to
Echo Reservoir. We started off with a
Bald Eagle, Hooded Mergansers, Common Goldeneye, Buffleheads a
Canada Goose, and a bunch of American Coots, we added a
Red-tailed Hawk and Great Blue Heron and Common Ravens,
at the reservoir we had Western and Eared Grebes, Northern
Shoveler, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, Gadwall, Wood Duck, Ruddy
Duck, Pied-billed Grebe, Redhead, Ring-billed Gull and Black-billed

Hooded Mergansers-Echo Reservoir |

Great Blue Heron

Rockport Reservoir |
Next stop
Rockport Reservoir!! Brrrrr!! Tatum had a blast playing in the
snow and we tried to keep Ember in the warm car for the most part! There
were Canada Goose flying over, rafts of Lesser Scaup, Ruddy
Ducks, tons of Common Loons and one Pacific Loon. We
also saw Horned,
Eared, Western. Clark's and Pied-billed Grebes, Mallards,
California, Ring-billed and Herring Gulls, Ring-necked Ducks,
Common Merganser, Black-billed Magpie and a Bald Eagle!
Finishing Summit County.

Canada Goose |

Common Loons and Pacific Loon |

Pacific Loon |

Pacific Loon- |

Pacific Loon |

Herring Gull |


Ember |

At the train burger
By then we were sufficiently frozen and
decided to head for warm food and home! Thanks to everyone for coming! And
for our guests...Matt and Darren Pendleton. Thanks to Weston for the tips
and Dave Hanscon and Margaret Sloan for sharing your area and expertise!!

And what a view of Timp!!
Utah County Birders website
Utah County Birders Board Members
If you'd like to write an
article for the news newsletter...
send it to: