Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
President's Message
Bird of the Month
Field Trip Reports
Tuesday July 5th, 2022, 7-9pm
In place of our meeting this month we will have another bird walk along the
North Shore Trail on a different night than usual because I didn't want to keep
folks out too late before the field trip on the 8th, and I'll be out of town
later in the month. We will meet at 7pm and bird the west end of the North
Shore Trail. Meeting location will be the little unpaved parking lot off of
the curve on Saratoga Rd (Turn south on 2300 W. from Pioneer Crossing) here:
https://goo.gl/maps/czH9JResGuvBNovcA. It was great to see some new folks
(and some familiar faces) at our bird walk last month. Hope to see you all
(Please bring walkie talkies set to 5-0)
Jul 8, 2022 - 6:30 am
Desert Lake fieldtrip
Meet at the Chevron on Powerhouse Road in Spanish Fork.
We will go to Desert Lake in Emery County.
If we have time we may stop by the Price Recreation Area in Carbon county on
the way home. Bring a lunch!
Jul 28, 2022 - 8:00 pm
We will meet at the Payson Walmart to the west of the Quick Quack carwash.
We will spend our time on the Nebo Loop.
Upcoming Fieldtrips for 2022
President's Message -
July 2022
by Machelle Johnson
In June I went on a cruise to Alaska with my parents and
sisters and their husbands. We had this planned for 2020 but it was cancelled
due to Covid-19. I've said before that I haven't traveled much, so this was the
first cruise I'd ever been on, also my first time to Alaska. Of course I was
excited about seeing new birds and spent some time studying up on what I could

Glaucous-winged Gull - lifer!
by Jack Binch
©Jack Binch |
Turns out you don't see much from a cruise ship. I did see what I believe was a
Black-footed Albatross on the second day when we were at sea, after that,
the cruise route goes up through the Inside Passage so we were always in sight
of land, and I saw about a bazillion Glaucous-winged Gulls and
Black-legged Kittiwakes, which were lifers for me. I also saw lots of
Arctic Terns and Mew Gulls, also lifers. Of course there were many,
many Bald Eagles, in all plumage forms. We had rain every day, in every
port. That made birding a bit challenging. I am still having knee problems so I
wore a knee brace and used trekking poles to get around.
Black-legged Kittiwake - lifer!
by Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins |
Arctic Tern - lifer!
by Bryan Shirley
©Bryan Shirley |
Mew Gull - lifer!
by Jack Binch
©Jack Binch |
The first port was Ketchikan. It was raining so I got on the shuttle to get up
to Creek Street, which eBird shows as a hot spot. It was not a hot spot on that
day. I saw Violet-green Swallows. Period. Didn't even hear anything else.
The boardwalk was really crowded too, so I got back on the shuttle to meet up
with my group. I was hoping to see birds in the harbor, but there were 4 cruise
ships in the port so no birds around.

Varied Thrush by Milt Moody |
Our second port was Juneau where we took the tram, and I walked the nature
trail for a bit. I was hearing warblers and robins so I turned on the Merlin
Sound ID to see what warblers there were. I was also hearing something that
sounded like someone blowing a whistle. I checked the sound ID and saw
Wilson's warbler, American Robin and Varied Thrush! I saw a Varied
Thrush at Garr Ranch a few years ago, but did not know what they sounded like. I
was so excited. Those guys are skulky little buggers, it took me quite a while
to locate one, I could hear 2 or 3 calling. The woods were so lush, so green,
and it was still raining and the trail was muddy, but I kept going because I
kept hearing other birds. My favorite bird song is the Hermit Thrush and
I was hearing 2 individuals, as well as an Orange-crowned warbler,
Yellow warbler, and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. I finally had to turn
back when the trail got too steep and muddy.
The third port was Skagway. Coldest, rainiest, windiest day yet. We took a bus
tour of the town and stopped at the old cemetery, which I was looking forward
to, but again, the rain, the mud. I'm hobbling along with my trekking poles and
trying to keep the umbrella over my head and listen for birds, and as you can
imagine, I wasn't too successful. My knee brace was around my ankle, my hair was
dripping and the trail was muddy. I wasn't having any fun there. Back on the bus
we went up the hill to the overlook. Skagway is 5 blocks wide and 20 blocks
long, a really small town. We saw a Dark-eyed Junco and a Robin.
So anyway, birding in AK when you're on a cruise is not that great, at least not
in early June. |

Northwestern Crow
by Bryan Shirley
©Bryan Shirley |
We cruised through Glacier Bay and College Fjord, which were so beautiful. We
saw several glaciers and miles and miles of thick green forest. We still had
clouds and a breeze, but the rain had let up. We saw so many sea otters, several
seals and 2 bears. No whales. I'm considering posting one of those yelp reviews
about how 'nature' ruined my cruise☺. We docked in Whittier and woke up to a
little bit of sunshine. We were still surrounded by the Glaucous-winged Gulls
and Black-legged Kittiwakes, but we also saw 2 Black Oystercatchers,
a Tufted Puffin and some Northwestern Crows. Everything I read
about Northwestern Crows says there is confliction about whether this is a
separate species. These crows were 'beachcombing' with the oystercatcher, which
is the habitat and feeding behavior of them, unlike American Crows, so I don't
know if I saw a 'lifer' or not. The sun came out as we got on the bus to go to
Anchorage, the highway goes along Cook Inlet. Our bus driver said Beluga whales
are often seen, but of course, we did not see any Beluga whales. So
disappointing. We saw a Trumpeter Swan family, Canada Geese, the
gulls, and some others things too far away to ID while riding in a bus going 50
mph. Closer to Anchorage we saw a mama and baby Moose. That was the end of our
wildlife sightings. No, wait, there were Magpies near the airport.
Don't get me wrong, Alaska is very beautiful and very lush. I enjoyed spending
the time with my sisters and parents. I enjoyed being on a cruise for the first
time. I enjoyed the touristy things we did in the cities. I think my
expectations were too high for birding though, so I felt disappointed about
that. I think that if you want to 'experience' Alaska you need to spend more
time, and go interior, not just around the edges. But, take what you can get, it
is breathtaking!
Lucy's Warbler
by Kayla Echols
Back in late April, I and my mom,
Rachel Echols, took a mini-vacation to St George, Utah, where we spent several
days seeing as many birds and other wildlife as we could manage. One place we
visited was Lytle Ranch, a very special place whose location in Utah's southwest
corner puts it on the edge of the Mojave Desert. At Lytle Ranch you can find a
lot of birds that don't usually show up anywhere else in the state, but the one
I want to highlight is the Lucy's Warbler.
According to Cornell University's All About Birds website, "Lucy’s Warbler was
named in honor of Lucy Hunter Baird, the daughter of ornithologist Spencer
Fullerton Baird, the second secretary of the Smithsonian Institution."
In the US, the Lucy's Warbler is found in parts of California, Nevada, Utah,
Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. For a warbler, its appearance is rather
unremarkable: mostly pale, smooth gray, with a hint of rufous crown, a reddish
rump, and a slim, pointed bill. But this species does something that sets it
apart from almost all other warblers in North America: It nests in cavities. The
only other warbler on the continent that does this is the Prothonotary Warbler,
found in swampy habitats of the eastern US.
When nesting season comes around, the female Lucy's Warbler builds a little cup
nest of twigs, grass and other plant matter, lined with feathers or hair, inside
her chosen nest cavity. She lays 3 to 7 eggs that are white with reddish spots,
and both parents take turns incubating. Once the eggs hatch, the chicks--naked
and helpless at first--are fed a diet consisting almost entirely of insects and
During our visit to Lytle Ranch, my mom and I were fortunate enough to find a
pair of Lucy's Warblers attending to a nest! Every few minutes one of the adults
would squeeze into the crevice of a damaged tree trunk about 15 feet off the
ground, carrying a caterpillar or other bug to feed to the babies hidden inside.
It was a very memorable experience, and I wish all the Utah County Birders the
chance to see a Lucy's Warbler!
Info obtained from AllAboutBirds.org. Photo credits: Lucy's Warbler with
caterpillar by Kayla Echols. Pair of Lucy's Warblers at the nest cavity by
Rachel Echols, used with permission.
past Bird of the Month articles]
Field Trip Reports

Mt Nebo Lookout |
Nebo Bench Fieldtrip
17 June 2022
by Suzi Holt
Eight birders met at Beer Can Flats at Payson Canyon
Kiwanis Park at 7:30 am. From the parking lot we had a Cooper's Hawk,
Warbling and Plumbeous Vireos and a Western Tanager.
started up the Nebo Loop and didn't see a lot of birds on our way up to
Bench Trailhead. We did see a few Mountain Bluebirds and a
Red-tailed Hawk. It was 59° at the trailhead, cloudy and windy.

Western Tanager
Beer Can Flats

Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Nebo Bench Trailhead |

Hairy Woodpecker
Nebo Bench Trailhead |

Hermit Thrush
Nebo Bench Trailhead |

Dark-eyed Junco |

American Robin |

Mountain Chickadee |
In the parking lot a couple Mountain Bluebirds
greeted us. We then walked down to the water trough and set up our chairs.
Only a couple of us touched the stinging nettle...not on purpose haha. We
were serenaded by lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Dark-eyed Juncos,
Chipping and White-crowned Sparrows. As we sat there we added
Hairy Woodpecker, Cassin's Finch, Mountain Chickadee, Hermit Thrush,
Violet-green Swallow, Western Tanager, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Western Wood
Pewee, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Red-breasted Nuthatch, American Robin, Pine
Siskin, Lincoln's Sparrow, Northern Flicker, Common Raven and
Red-tailed Hawk.

Western Tanager |

Hermit Thrush |

Western Wood Pewee |

Western Tanager
Nebo Bench Trailhead |

Dark-eyed Junco
Nebo Bench Trailhead |

American Robin
Nebo Bench Trailhead

Violet-green Swallow
Purple Martin Colony |

Purple Martin
Purple Martin Colony |
We stopped at the Mt Nebo
lookout to checkout the view in a hurricane and left before being
accidentally swept off the edge.
On the way down the canyon we stopped first at the
Purple Martin Colony and had a couple flying around. We also saw some
Violet-green Swallows, a Northern Flicker, and heard a House
From here we headed to Rock Springs
by the Guard
Station. The wind was still terrible. We did have Yellow Warbler, Lazuli
Bunting, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Turkey Vulture, and Song Sparrow.
We also heard a MacGillviary's Warbler, House Wren and
White-crowned Sparrow. A Red-tailed Hawk was flying around and a
few minutes later we had a surprise Northern Goshawk flyby, followed
by a Sharp-shinned Hawk flyby. The wind continued so we headed down
the canyon. We stopped at the lower Jones Ranch and found more Yellow
Warblers, a Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, MacGillviary's
Warbler, Common Raven and Mountain Bluebird.

Lazuli Bunting
Rock Springs |

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Rock Springs |

Swallowtail Butterflies

Fox Sparrow
Jones Ranch |

MacGillviary's Warbler
Jones Ranch |

Cordilleran Flycatcher
Nebo Loop |
Down by the narrows along the river we stopped by to
check and see if the Cordilleran Flycatchers were there. We got good
looks at one!
It was windy and not the weather we expected but it
was nice to be out of the valley heat for a little while. We also had a few
new birders join us and some even got lifers!
Thanks for coming!

Beaver Dam Slope |
Washington County
June 3-4 2022
by Suzi Holt

Ash-throated Flycatcher-Beaver Dam Slope |

Loggerhead Shrike-Beaver Dam Slope |
We started our
Washington County fieldtrip bright and early at 6 am. 24 Utah County Birders
met at McDonalds. Our first bird was a Great-tailed Grackle. We
quickly got on our way to Lytle Ranch. It is a beautiful area in the desert
with lots of Cactus, Joshua trees, Cottonwood, Mesquite and many other
native plants. The terrain is rocky with lots of dirt, and did I mention
HOT! If you plan on a visit bring lots of water, a tank full of gas and good
tires or know how to change one. The birding is spectacular!! On the
Beaver Dam Slope we saw a few Western
Kingbirds, a Cactus Wren, Red-tailed Hawk, Ash-throated Flycatcher,
Black-throated Sparrow and some House Finch.
At the ranch [Lytle
Ranch] we tried to walk the wash but it was a little rough with
our group. We did see Lucy's Warblers, a lot of Phainopeplas
and a couple Ash-throated Flycatchers, but decided on the more
traveled path out through the orchards, up the draw and to the pond. As we
dropped off our jackets by the cars we saw a Costas and a Anna's
Hummingbird, a Ladder-backed Woodpecker, a couple Summer
Tanagers, Hermit Thrush, Gambel's Quail, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
House Finch and House Sparrows. In the Pomegranate Orchard we saw
a couple Black Phoebes getting a drink out of the sprinklers. We then
headed up the draw and found a few more Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and
then heard a Black-tailed Gnatcatcher. I got one identifiable shot of
a female! At this area we also had Bell's Vireo, lots more Lucy's a
couple Yellow Warblers, a Verdin, lots more Phainapeplas,
a Ash-throated Flycatcher, Common Ravens, Lesser Goldfinch, Cooper's
Hawk, Mourning Dove, Red-tailed Hawk, another Ladder-backed
Woodpecker and White-throated Swift. As we walked down towards
the pond we saw tons more Lucy's Warblers, heard a Black-throated
Gray Warbler, more Bell's Vireo, some Northern Rough-winged
Swallows, a pair of Blue Grosbeaks, Wesrern Kingbird, Eurasian
Collared Doves, more White-thoated Swifts, a juvenile
Black-throated Sparrow, and another Black Phoebe. In the
cottonwoods we saw a Cooper's Hawk nest and had a Western Tanager.
Machelle and Amanda also saw Cedar Waxwings and a Red-naped
Sapsucker while by the cars. Down by the river in the wash we got some
Wild Turkeys and a Brown-crested Flycatcher!! |

Ladder-backed Woodpecker |

Summer Tanager |

Verdin |

Black-tailed Gnatcatcher |

Ash-throated Flycatcher |

Cooper's Hawk |
From there we decided to take the
Indian Creek road to look for some Scott's Orioles. The road got
a little rough for some of the sedans and we saw a guy coming the other way
that said it would be doable but it would be a hour or so farther so we
decided to turn around. We did see more Ash-throated Flycatchers,
Black-throated Sparrows, Gambel's Quail, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and
added a Turkey Vulture and some saw a Greater Roadrunner. It
was quite the adventure!

Chuckwalla-Beaver Dam Slope |

Vermillion Flycatchers-Boots Cox Park |
We got back on the main
Lytle Ranch road and as we rounded a
corner I saw a huge lizard basking in the sun on a rock. I quickly pulled
over. I know it wasn't a bird, but it was a Chuckwalla!! I got one shot
before it dropped off the backside of the rock, Quin Dias would be jealous!
We also got good looks at another Cactus Wren and a Loggerhead Shrike.
From there we drove down to
Gunlock Reservoir. We found a Common
Black Hawk and a nest. Unfortunately we were on Reservation land and did
not have a permit to birdwatch...(I felt bad I didn't know that) we were
quickly informed that we were to move on. So that we did.
Some decided to go home and rest, others
of us went to Boots Cox Park to see the
Vermillion Flycatchers there was a family of 3! We also saw another
Greater Roadrunner with a lizard for lunch, another Blue Grosbeak,
Western Kingbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds. After that we
stopped at the Virgin River Trail, we had another Greater Roadrunner,
some Cliff Swallows, House Sparrow, Turkey Vulture, Bullock's Oriole
and a Barn Owl!
Others decided to go to
Tonaquint Park and the Parsons and Sammy
and I went to Hurricane for the Inca
Doves. We heard one calling and quickly found it in the same tree I'd seen
it in ovef spring break. Here's Machelle's report from Tonaquint We saw
GBH, Ring-necked Duck, Mallard, Coot, Abert 's Towhee, Cooper's Hawk on
a nest, Hooded Oriole, BC and BT Hummer, Anna's Hummer, House
Sparrow, House Finch, Cliff Swallow, Verdin, Lesser GF, DC Cormorant, Black
Phoebe, EC Dove, heard Song Sparrow. Hadlocks, Glassfords,
Hincklys, and us. |

Greater Roadrunner-Virgin River Trail |

Bullock's Oriole-Virgin River Trail |

Black Phoebe-Virgin River Trail |

Barn Owl |

Inca Dove-Hurricane |

Mule Deer |
With the Parsons we saw Inca,
Mourning, Eurasion-collard and White-winged Dove, Wild Turkeys,
Western Kingbirds, Phainopepla, House Sparrow and House Finch.
Sammy and were so tired we decided to come home for a relaxing swim. The
Parsons headed back to Tonaquint.
It was a rough night thinking about
Gunlocks adventure but we did get up at 6 to meet everyone at the Hurricane
Walmart. We had a Yellow-headed Blackbird flyover, almost hit a
Eurasian Collared Dove in Hurricane. At the bottom of the Kolob Terrace
road we saw a Red-winged Blackbird. A little further up a Western
Tanager and a couple Mountain Bluebirds.
If you have not been up
Kolob Terrace it is beautiful and it is a free part of Zion
National Park. When you are on the red asphalt you are in Zion NP. We went
straight for Lava Point Lookout. There
was a Western Tanager, Spotted Towhee, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Hermit
Thrush, Cassin's Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, White-throated Swifts and
Violet-green Swallows there to welcome us. As we walked around on the
trails we saw a couple Mule Deer in velvet! We also saw Dusky Flycatcher,
Northern Flicker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Chipping Sparrow, Green-tailed
Towhee, Mountain Chickadee, Warbling Vireo, Grace's Warbler, Red-breasted
Nuthatch, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Western Wood Pewee and a Townsend's
Solitaire. |

Kolob Terrace Road/Zion National Park |

Western Tanager-Lava Point |

Spotted Towhee-Lava Point |

Dusky Flycatcher-Lava Point |

Ruby-crowned Kinglet-Lava Point |

Long-billed Curlews-Big Springs |

Vesper Sparrow-Big Springs |

Band-tailed Pigeons-Kolob Creek Waterfall |
At Big Springs
we saw 7 Long-billed Curlew! A surprise at that elevation. A family
of Canada Geese, a Mallard, Osprey, Vesper Sparrow, Mountain
Bluebird, Western Wood Pewee. Then a bunch of Turkey Vultures
starting soaring. They moved over the ridge so we hurried to Kolob Creek
Waterfall. Rich showed me one of his photos with the Turkey Vultures and he
had got a California Condor. Out to the west i saw some more big black birds
starting to crest the ridge so we got in the cars to head over, as soon as I
got on the road I saw a Condor out over the falls! Got on the walkie talkie
and haphazardly got turned around. We all got back to the falls and had
awesome looks at a few California Condors!
Some were in need of a restroom so we
decided to go to the reservoir. We hadn't got 2 tenths of a mile when a
Acorn Woodpecker flew past me and so I got on the walkie talkie again
yelling look at the Acorn Woodpecker as it flew past our car train.
Not sure if I had enough sense to look at my hands and choose right or left
as I frantically turned around to see if we could watch where it went. I saw
it go into the pines beside the falls. So back again we all were at the
lookout! No restroom break yet!! We were just in time for a Brown-headed
Cowbirds, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Violet-green Swallows, Band-tailed
Pigeons, Stellar's Jay, Cordilleran Flycatchers, American Robin,
Orange-crowned Warbler, White-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Cassin's Finch,
Dusky Flycatcher and a Bald Eagle Flyover. There were more
California Condors for a total of 6! We even got some wing tags to check
on condorspotter.com!! We had TC, 25 and R1!! |

California Condor
TC- Kolob Creek Waterfall |

California CondorTC
Kolob Creek Waterfall |

California Condor R1
Kolob Creek Waterfall
photo by Lonny Northrup |

California Condor 25
Kolob Creek Waterfall |

California Condor 25
Kolob Creek Waterfall |
We finally made it to the reservoir and
had lunch, oh and added MacGillviary's Warbler.
We drove through Whispering Pines subdivision and didn't add anything else
but we got a beautiful close up of another California Condor. On the
way past Blue Springs we saw a Western Bluebird.

Bushtit-Wildcat Trail |
Next stop was
Wildcat Trail. In the parking lot we got a small flock of
Bushtits! A few of us walked down the trail a ways to the Ponderosa
Pines. We saw another Ash-throated Flycatcher, Olive-sided Flycatcher,
Dusky Flycatcher, Spotted Towhee, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, nesting
Pygmy Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, another Grace's Warbler,
Chipping Sparrow, Western Tanager with a nest, Plumbeous Vireo,
Western Wood Pewee and a Woodhouse's Scrub Jay. Machelle and
Amanda saw a Black-throated Gray and Virginia's Warbler from
the cars.
A few of us went to Dalton Wash. We
couldn't find any Rufous-crowned Sparrows but had a Black-chinned
Hummingbird, a family of Black-throated Sparrows, Rock Wrens and
a Common Raven. And a few pieces of petrified wood. |

Sego Lily-Wildcat Trail

Robber fly-Wildcat Trail |

Pygmy Nuthatch-Wildcat Trail |

Grace's Warbler-Wildcat Trail |

Black-chinned Hummingbird
Dalton Wash

Black-throated Sparrow
Dalton Wash |

Lynne and
Sammy |

Petrified Wood

Thanks Holly!! |
Everyone was hot and tired so we decided
to call it a day. Sammy and Amanda and I were still on the hunt for
petrified wood so Machelle drove up on a Mesa and we found a few beautiful
On our way home we stopped by Hurricane to see the Incas again. We heard
them but couldn't locate them in the tree.
It was a great two days. I am probably
missing some birds but we hit 100 species in my trip report! A few of us
also completed Beaver and Iron County with our 22 species. We definitely
exceeded 22 in Washington County.
I am grateful for all who join us
with excitement and love for nature and birds. And for those who couldn't
join enjoy the photos and my crazy posts. Thanks for being patient and so
kind to me! I also love my new birding bag! Thanks Holly!
I love you all! Happy Birding! |
Utah County Birders website
Utah County Birders Board Members
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