Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
President's Message
Bird of the Month
Field Trip Reports
UCB June Meeting
Thursday, June 9th , 7pm
We will meet for a bird walk and eBird live demonstration at Northlake Park
in Lehi (https://goo.gl/maps/Uu3mUAXJYjv6LzSV8) on the North Shore of Utah Lake.
From there we may walk down to Loch Lomond Pond and bird along the shoreline
and/or the trail.
If you want help learning how to log a birding trip on your smart phone, bring
your phone with eBird installed and we can go through the steps as we bird along
the shoreline trail.
(Please bring walkie talkies set to 5-0)
June 3-4 2022
Washington County
Friday we will meet at 6 am at the Bluff street McDonald's in St. George.
We will drive out to Lytle Ranch. We will spend a lot of time there. Please
bring a lunch and water. After that we will see if we have time to go to the
Gunlock area to look for Common Blackhawk, go to Snow Canyon and Tonaquint
Nature Park.
Saturday we will meet at the Hurricane Walmart at 7 am. From there we will go
straight up Kolob Terrace to Lava Point Lookout to look for California Condors.
We will walk around the area there looking for birds, then drive around to a few
other good spots.
If we have time we will check out Dalton Wash for Rufous-crowned Sparrows and
hit Grafton. Plan on lunch that day as well.
Remember to book your hotels ASAP.
On your drive down Thursday please stop in Iron County to get your 22 species.
My favorite spot is the trail along the river that goes up Cedar Canyon-Lower (aka
Canyon trail) its a ebird hotspot, i also like Canyon Park. I would think you
could find all 22 species in a few hours there.
June 17, 2022
Nebo Bench Trailhead Fieldtrip
June 17th 2022 at 7:30 am
Meet at Payson Canyon Kiwanis Park
We will drive up the Nebo Loop to the Trailhead and walk down the trail to
the water trough. There is usually a lot of activity there. You can bring a
stool or camp chair. We will also stop at Rock Springs on the way down.
President's Message -
June 2022
by Machelle Johnson
As you know we are looking for people to volunteer for
positions on our board.
We are looking for a President and President Elect for 2023-2024.
Responsibilities of the president are to work with other board members in
keeping the club running. We have monthly meetings and field trips, we have a
web site, Facebook page, a Newsletter and email group. The president
contributes an article to the monthly newsletter so there is not a lot of time
involved in this position, other than the meetings and field trips.
Other positions on the board are program coordinator
who arranges the monthly meetings, a field trip coordinator who plans the
monthly field trips, a publicity coordinator who keeps up the Facebook page and
sends out information emails, a Bird of the Month newsletter article coordinator
who arranges for someone to write an article each month, a treasurer, and a
webmaster. The webmaster puts in the most time for this club. Milt Moody has
held that position for around 20 years. He is looking for someone who would like
to help with the various aspects of the web site and newsletter. Experience with
websites would be helpful for anyone interested in helping with that. Otherwise,
no experience is necessary for any position. If you are a birder, you have
experience! Right now we would like to fill President and President Elect and
have someone help with the website. If you are interested in the other positions
please email me about it. We would like to have this in place towards the end of
the year and make announcements at our January dinner meeting.
Please email me directly with any questions or especially if you are interested
in being more involved with the group by being on the board.
American Woodcock
(Scolopax minor)
Bryan Shirley
I just got back from a trip to Ohio and
I wanted to write about one of the birds I saw there – Woodcocks. I have only
seen then in Ohio when I have been there in the spring and every time has been
exactly the same – some kind birder asks if we have seen the woodcock and then
takes us over to where it is hiding on the ground. Even with somebody showing us
the bird a few feet away they are never easy to see because they are so well
camouflaged. This trip was the same. We had a bird about a foot off the paved
trail with birders, bikers, joggers, etc going by and nobody ever noticed this
bird until somebody pointed it out to us (and even then it took a while for
everyone to see it!)

American Woodcock
by Bryan Shirley
©Bryan Shirley
Woodcocks are in the family Scolopacidae along with the
sandpipers and snipes. There are 6 Woodcock species in the world and they make
up a sub-family known as Scolopacinae. In North America we have one species, the
American Woodcock. They are found only in the eastern USA and Canada. In the
northern parts of their range they are migratory and winter in SE USA, while in
the southern portions of their range they are more sedentary. They are the
smallest of the 6 species of woodcock and are similar in size to a Wilson’s
Snipe. They have short primary feathers that make for short, rounded wings. They
have a long bill that they use to probe for insects and earthworms. Unlike
snipe, woodcocks are normally found in woodlands and brushy areas.
In the spring the males have an elaborate flight display, but it can be
difficult to observe since it is performed after dark. The males call from the
ground (sounds somewhat similar to a common nighthawk), then make a high pitched
chirping sound while performing the flight display. Males will breed with
multiple females and do not assist in nest building or raising the chicks. Many
people believe that the female will carry newborn chicks with its feet in
flight, but this has never been proven and is likely not true.
past Bird of the Month articles]
Field Trip Reports

Kane Creek |
Grand and San Juan County Fieldtrip
20-23 May 2022
Text and Photos by Suzi Holt
(unless otherwise indicated)

Spotted Towhee & Ash-throated Flycatcher |
On Friday May 20th twenty-four Utah
County Birders met at the city park in Moab ready for a couple days of
birding in Grand and San Juan Counties. We started off getting an
American Robin, Violet-green Swallows, Common Raven, Western Kingbirds
and Eurasian Collared Doves at the park.
Then went to the Kane Creek OHV parking lot that sits along the Colorado River. We added Western
Tanager, Yellow Warbler, Lucy's Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Spotted
Towhee, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Willow Flycatcher,
Western Wood Pewee, Northern Flicker, Turkey Vulture and
White-throated Swift.
That put us at 18 species! |
Western Tanager
Yellow Warbler
Spotted Towhee & Yellow Warbler |
Yellow-breasted Chat
Willow Flycatcher
White-throated Swift

Cacti -Moab-Grand County |

Tammy L. Northrup gave us
each |

...one of these!!
From there we went to
the Matheson Wetlands Preserve. We quickly added House Finch,
Black-headed Grosbeak, Plumbeous Vireo, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Hairy
Woodpecker, Black-chinned Hummingbird and Canada Goose. It was a
nice walk.
We ate our lunch there and sweet Tammy gave us each a
watercolor wild flower magnet.
We got 24 species in Grand County!
Black-headed Grosbeak
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Hairy Woodpecker

Recapture Reservoir-Ken's Lake-San Juan County |

Blue-winged Teal |
Off we went down the road to Ken's Lake and the start of
our San Juan County.
There wasn't a whole lot on the lake but we managed Violet-green
Swallows, Common Raven, a close flyby of two Great Blue Herons.
We also saw a California Gull, Western Grebe, Eared Grebe, Red-breasted
Merganser, Mallard and Blue-winged Teal.
At the Maverik in
Monticello we added House Sparrow and European Starling.

Devil's Canyon
Campground-San Juan County |

Black Throated Gray Warbler
by Lonny Northrup |

Grace's Warbler by Lonny Northrup
We finally got to Devil's Canyon Campground and set up
camp and had dinner. The Parsons had a great campsite where we saw
Black-throated Gray Warbler, Grace's Warbler and a Yellow-rumped
Warbler nest. We also saw Chipping Sparrow, Red Crossbill, Cassin's
Finch, Pygmy Nuthatch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Gray Flycatcher, Hairy
Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk and Turkey Vulture.
Grace's Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Red Crossbills
Cassin's Finch
Pygmy Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Violet-green Swallow
Hairy Woodpecker
Red-tailed Hawk |

Devils canyon campground |

Western Bluebird |
In the morning we met everyone else at 8:30.
We just walked around our campsites. We added Virginia's Warbler,
American Robin, Western Bluebird, House Wren and Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher to our list plus all the other birds from yesterday.
We got
in the cars and drove down the dirt road. We saw a dark Woodpecker but
couldn't relocate it, darn it was probably our Acorn! We did find a friendly
Mountain Chickadee, a unexpected Clark's Nutcracker, Woodhouse's
Scrub Jay, Stellar's Jay, Plumbeous Vireo, a flyover of a Western
Kingbird and a pair of Dusky Flycatchers on nest duty. We
also saw an American Kestrel, Northern Flicker, Broad-tailed Hummingbird,
and lots of Mourning Doves. But no Acorn Woodpeckers
House Wren
Clark's Nutcracker
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
Dusky Flycatcher
Dusky Flycatcher Nest by Lonny Northrup
Plumbeous Vireo
Grace's Warbler (Scarlet Gilia)

Recapture Reservoir |

Rock Wren |

Canada Goose and his Barnyard Duck |
After everyone had at least 22 species some headed
home. We decided to make lunch and we hopped in with the Parsons and Northrups, Machelle and Amanda and their parents followed us to
Reservoir. We had our lunch there. It was beautiful and we added Rock
Wren, Peregrine Falcon, Red-necked Phalarope, American Coot, White-throated
Swift, Ruddy Duck, Canada Geese and a huge Barnyard Duck! Lonny hiked
over to take a few shots.

Blanding Ruins-San Juan County
The Northrups friend had told them about some ruins
over by Blanding so we all went over there. It was really neat.
We stopped by the Blanding WTP and found Red-winged Blackbirds, Western
Meadowlark with young, Cliff, Barn, Tree and Violet-green Swallows,
Clark's Grebe and Redheads. On The way out of town by the
cemetery we saw Brewer's Blackbirds and House Finch.
When we got to camp the birds were singing and we added a Spotted Towhee.
We enjoyed just resting in the campground listening to birds and finding
rocks for the rest of the evening.
Blanding Ruins-San Juan County
Blanding (plant of the
sunflower family) |

Carbon County |

Western Tanager
Green River SP-Emery County |

Vesper Sparrow
Emma Park Road-Carbon County |
Sunday morning on our way out of the campground we saw
a Olive-sided Flycatcher with breakfast! Yum!
It was a great trip!! Our total for the UCB 2 days was 67 Species!! And we
completed two more counties!
On our way home a lot of us got our 22 species for Emery County at the Green
River SP. Machelle and Amanda even found a Summer Tanager there. Most
finished Carbon County with 22 species as well.
Our group of Mom, Jessie, Amanda, Tatum and I saw 81 species over our 4 day
trip! Thanks to everyone who came down. It was so much fun!!
[Even young Tatum got in on all the fun!] |
Tatum at Ken''s Lake-San Juan County
Devils canyon campground |

Goshen Canyon |
Utah County Hotspots Prep Trip
6 May 2022
by Suzi Holt

Brown-headed Cowbirds Warm Springs WMA |
We met at 7 am in the morning at
Walmart in Payson. Our first bird was a Great-tailed Grackle in the parking
lot! Yippie!
First stop was Warm Springs WMA. It was pretty birdy there this morning with
27 species. We saw lots of Western Kingbirds, Bullock's Orioles, Cedar
Waxwing feasting on the olives, American Kestrel, American Robins, some saw
a Yellow-breasted Chat, Mourning Doves, a Sora, heard a Virginia Rail, had
Common Yellowthroat, Marsh Wren, Tree Sparrow, Ring-necked Pheasant
Yellow-headed and Red-winged Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Yellow
Warbler, American Goldfinch, Sandhill Cranes, Snowy Egret, Canada Goose,
Mallard, Song Sparrow, European Starling, Black-billed Magpie, Common Raven
and a Wilson's Snipe.

Bullock's Oriole-Warm Springs WMA
Sora Warm Springs WMA
Yellowthroat-Warm Springs WMA American
Goldfinch-Warm Springs WMA

Red-necked Phalarope-East Goshen Pond |

Northern Mockingbird-Goshen |

Brewer's Sparrow-
East Goshen pond |
Off next to the "Goshen Ocean" ( East Goshen Pond) for lots of
Phalarope, Wilson's Phalarope, Gadwall, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon,
a nice flight show by a Willet and Rough-winged Swallow, we also saw
Northern Harrier, Red-tailed Hawk, Northern Mockingbird, Horned Lark, Lark
Sparrow, Brewer's Sparrow and a Long-billed Curlew., Broad-tailed
Hummingbird, Turkey Vulture and Killdeer.
We saw more Northern Mockingbirds in Goshen plus Barn Swallow,
House Finch,
House Sparrow and Western Meadowlark.
Eagle-Goshen Canyon
Lazuli Bunting-Goshen Canyon
Bushtit-Goshen Canyon |
In Goshen Canyon we had a Green-tailed Towhee, Great Blue Heron, Rock
Pigeon, Black-chinned and Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Golden Eagle, Blue-gray
Gnatcatchers, Bushtit, Cordilleran Flycatcher, European Starling, California
Gull, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Lazuli Bunting and lots of
Yellow-breasted Chats! |

Yellow-breasted Chat-Goshen Canyon |

Bushtit-Goshen Canyon |
On our drive through Elberta we added Swainson's Hawks, Brewer's Blackbirds.
The heat waves were pretty bad along Elberta Slant Road but we managed a
Burrowing Owl and Furruginous Hawk, the Gray Vireos were back and we saw
Spotted Towhees, Mountain Bluebirds, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and
Black-throated Gray Warbler, Say's Phoebe and a Rock Wren.
Burrowing Owl
Gray Vireo- Elberta Slant
Chipping Sparrow-Dividend Road
We ate lunch at the Fill-er-up Gas Station and headed into the Tintics. We
added Virginia's Warbler and Chipping Sparrow.

Dividend Road |
Last stop was Dividend Road. We added Orange-crowned Warbler, more
Virginia's and Black-throated Gray Warblers, Warbling and Plumbeous Vireo
and lots of Gray Flycatchers! On our way past Goshen Reservoir we saw
American White Pelicans, a pair of Redheads and 2 Eurasian Collared Doves in Santaquin.
It was a long but fun day! It's beginning
to heat up both in temperature and birds. The trees are slowly leafing out
and the company was great! 80 total species!!
Thanks for coming!! |
Virginia's Warbler- East Tintics
Black-throated Gray Warbler-East Tintics
Plumbeous Vireo-Dividend Road
Gray Flycatcher-Dividend Road |
Utah County Birders website
Utah County Birders Board Members
If you'd like to write an
article for the news newsletter...
send it to: