New Bird Photos
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     Latest Photos Posted    (36 posted so far in 2024)

 Name of Bird


Smooth-billed Ani  (close-up-2)  Kendall Brown
Fork-tailed Flycatcher  (adult-2)  Kendall Brown
Large-billed Tern  (adult, group-3)  Kendall Brown
Gilded Flicker  (front-2)  Kendall Brown
Gilded Flicker  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Gilded Flicker  (back-2)  Kendall Brown
Hooded Oriole  (1st year male-5)  Jim Bruce
Coopers Hawk  (action-5)  David Lye
Red-breasted Nuthatch  (side)  Jim Bruce
Red-breasted Nuthatch  (female front-2)  Jim Bruce
Red-breasted Nuthatch  (female side)  Jim Bruce
Red-breasted Nuthatch  (action-2)  Jim Bruce
House Sparrow  (front)  Jim Bruce
Pine Siskin (action series-3)  Jim Bruce
Brown Booby  (flying-3)  Kendall Brown
    Photos posted in 2023 below
Townsend's Solitaire  (side)  Kristin Purdy
Western Wood-Pewee  (side)  Jim Bruce
Plumbeous Vireo  (front)  Jim Bruce
Plumbeous Vireo  (action-2)  Jim Bruce
Western Screech-Owl  (Juv.)  Kris Purdy
Hooded Oriole  (back)  Jim Bruce
Virginia's Warbler  (front)  Jim Bruce
Virginia's Warbler  (back-2)  Jim Bruce
Virginia's Warbler  (action-2)  Jim Bruce
Orange-crowned Warbler  (side)  Jim Bruce
Warbling Vireo  (front)  Jim Bruce
Warbling Vireo  (side)  Jim Bruce
Warbling Vireo  (action-2)  Jim Bruce
Lesser Scaup  (Front-2)  Keith Lane
Lesser Scaup  (Side)  Keith Lane
Lesser Scaup  (Back)  Keith Lane
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (juv. side-2)  Jim Bruce
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (action)  Jim Bruce
White-breasted Nuthatch  (bown-back-2)  Jim Bruce
White-breasted Nuthatch  (front)  Jim Bruce
White-breasted Nuthatch  (side)  Jim Bruce
White-breasted Nuthatch  (action)  Jim Bruce
White-breasted Nuthatch  (feeding-2)  Jim Bruce
Photos posted in 2022 below
Orange-crowned Warbler
 (1st winter?)  Jim Bruce
Townsend's Solitaire  (juveniltes-2)  Jim Bruce
White-winged-Dove  (juvenile-4)  Robert Hammer
Eurasian Collared-Dove  (juvenile-2)  Robert Hammer
American Kestrel  (fledgling-5)  Robert Hammer
Ring-necked Pheasant  (juvenile-2)  Robert Hammer
Greater Roadrunner  (juvenile)  Nichole Telford
Greater Roadrunner  (close-up)  Nichole Telford
Greater Roadrunner  (action)  Nichole Telford
Northern Mockingbird  (flying)  Jim Bruce
Phainopepla  (juv. front -3)  Jim Bruce
Phainopepla  (juv. side -2)  Jim Bruce
Phainopepla  (juv. back)  Jim Bruce
Yellow-headed Blackbird  (leucistic-3)  Kris Purdy
Western Tanager  (action)  Jim Bruce
Yellow Warbler  (back)  Jim Bruce
Wilson's Warbler  (Front-3)  Jim Bruce
Wilson's Warbler  (side)  Jim Bruce
Scott's Oriole  (front-2)  Jim Bruce
Scott's Oriole  (side)  Jim Bruce
Scott's Oriole  (back)  Jim Bruce
Scott's Oriole  (action)  Jim Bruce
Peregrine Falcon  (flying)  Karen Byington
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (action)  Gary Schmitt
Mallard  (leucistic-4)  Amy Dickson
Mallard  (leucistic)  Shelby Gold
Photos posted in 2021 below
Ring-necked Pheasant  (front)  Jim Bruce
Ring-necked Pheasant  (side)  Jim Bruce
Ring-necked Pheasant  (close-up - 2)  Jim Bruce
Greater Yellowlegs  (side)  Jim Bruce
Long-billed Dowitcher  (group)  Jim Bruce
Pectoral Sandpiper  (non-breeding, side)  Jim Bruce
Chukar  (side-2)  Jim Bruce
Chukar  (back)  Jim Bruce
Chukar  (group)  Jim Bruce
Chukar  (action)  Jim Bruce
Gray Flycatcher  (front)  Jim Bruce
Gray Flycatcher  (side)  Jim Bruce
Gray Flycatcher  (back)  Jim Bruce
Gray Flycatcher  (action)  Jim Bruce
House Wren  (closeup)  Jim Bruce
House Wren  (action-2)  Jim Bruce
Yellow-rumped Warbler  (juvenile-4)  Jim Bruce
Violet-green Swallow  (juvenile)  Jim Bruce
Cooper's Hawk  (juv.front)  Jim Bruce
Cooper's Hawk  (juv.side)  Jim Bruce
Cooper's Hawk  (juv.back)  Jim Bruce
Cooper's Hawk  (juv.action-3)  Jim Bruce
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  (fledgling)  Matt Bekker
Spotted Sandpiper  (chicks-2)  Margaret Sloan
Painted Bunting  (male front)  James Loveless
Painted Bunting  (male side)  James Loveless
Painted Bunting  (male back)  James Loveless
Common Nighthawk  (camouflaged)  Jack Binch
Western Kingbird  (in-habitat-3)  Aliesha Shepherd
Pinyon Jay  (adults)  Aliesha Shepherd
Pinyon Jay  (group)  Aliesha Shepherd
Red-winged Blackbird  (male-front)  Phillip Garding
Red-winged Blackbird  (male-side)  Phillip Garding
Red-winged Blackbird  (female-front-2)  Phillip Garding
Red-winged Blackbird  (flying)  Phillip Garding
Red-winged Blackbird  (action)  Phillip Garding
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  (anomalies)  Jim Bruce
Great Blue Heron  (stalking)  Jack Binch
Ladder- backed Woodpecker  (action)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (action-2)  Kendall Brown
Hepatic Tanager  (close-ups-2)  Kendall Brown
Arizona Woodpecker  (female-front)  Kendall Brown
Arizona Woodpecker  (female-side-2)  Kendall Brown
Arizona Woodpecker  (female-back)  Kendall Brown
Lincoln's Sparrow  (close-ups-3  Kendall Brown
Greater Roadrunner  (close-ups-5)  Kendall Brown
Bronzed Cowbird  (male-front-2)  Kendall Brown
Bronzed Cowbird  (male-back)  Kendall Brown
Bronzed Cowbird  (female-front)  Kendall Brown
Bronzed Cowbird  (female-back)  Kendall Brown
Rufous-crowned Sparrow  (side)  Kendall Brown
Rufous-crowned Sparrow  (back-2  Kendall Brown
Rufous-crowned Sparrow  (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Townsend's Warbler  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Townsend's Warbler  (back-2)  Kendall Brown
Hermit Warbler  (front)  Kendall Brown
Hermit Warbler  (side)  Kendall Brown
Hermit Warbler  (back)  Kendall Brown
Rivoli's Hummingbird  (male-front-2)  Kendall Brown
Rivoli's Hummingbird  (male-side-3)  Kendall Brown
Rivoli's Hummingbird  (male-back)  Kendall Brown
Rivoli's Hummingbird  (female-2)  Kendall Brown
Rivoli's Hummingbird  (juvenile)  Kendall Brown
Hepatic Tanager  (front)  Kendall Brown
Hepatic Tanager  (side)  Kendall Brown
Gila Woodpecker  (compared with below)  Kendall Brown
Ladder-backed Woodpecker  (compared)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (female)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (male, front)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (male, side)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (male, back-2)  Kendall Brown
Summer Tanager  (pair)  Kendall Brown
Curve-billed Thrasher  (front)  Kendall Brown
Curve-billed Thrasher  (side)  Kendall Brown
Curve-billed Thrasher  (action)  Kendall Brown
Violet-crowned Hummingbird  (front)  Kendall Brown
Violet-crowned Hummingbird  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Violet-crowned Hummingbird  (close-ups-3)  Kendall Brown
Vermilion Flycatcher  (Female-side)  Kendall Brown
Vermilion Flycatcher  (Male-side)  Kendall Brown
Vermilion Flycatcher  (Close-up-side)  Kendall Brown
Green-tailed Towhee  (action)  Kendall Brown
Elegant Trogon  (adult)  Kendall Brown
Elegant Trogon  (action)  Kendall Brown
Mexican Jay  (front)  Kendall Brown
Mexican Jay  (side)  Kendall Brown
Broad-winged Hawk  (adult-4)  Suzi Holt
Broad-winged Hawk  (flying-2)  Suzi Holt
Clark's Grebe  (compared)  Margaret Sloan
Sharp-tailed Grouse  (displaying)  Jack Binch
Spotted Towhee  (side)  Jack Binch
Purple Finch  (side)  Jack Binch
Purple Finch  (female-front-2)  Suzi Holt
Purple Finch  (female-side)  Suzi Holt
Purple Finch  (female-back-2)  Suzi Holt
Purple Finch  (front)  Cliff Miles
Purple Finch  (side-2)  Cliff Miles
Purple Finch  (back-2)  Cliff Miles
Purple Finch  (close-ups-2)  Cliff Miles
Purple Finch  (action-5)  Cliff Miles
Great Egret  (action-2)  Ted Fitzgerald
Hooded Merganser  (pairs-2)  Ted Fitzgerald
Hooded Merganser  (action)  Ted Fitzgerald
Great Egret  (back)  Ted Fitzgerald
Little Blue Heron  (side)  Kendall Brown
Little Blue Heron  (action)  Kendall Brown
Lesser Black-backed Gull  (breeding plumage-3)  Kendall Brown
Common Tern  (action)  Kendall Brown
Great Black-backed Gull  (flying-2)  Kendall Brown
Tufted Duck  (female)  Kendall Brown
Tufted Duck  (with young)  Kendall Brown
Wedge-tailed Shearwater  (adult-2)  Kendall Brown
Red-footed Booby  (adult)  Kendall Brown
Red-footed Booby  (with young)  Kendall Brown
Red-footed Booby  (action)  Kendall Brown
Snow Goose  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Nuttall's Woodpecker  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Nuttall's Woodpecker  (action)  Kendall Brown
Blue Grosbeak  (side)  Kendall Brown
Blue Grosbeak  (back)  Kendall Brown
Blue Grosbeak  (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Blue Grosbeak  (in-habitat-2)  Kendall Brown
Lucy's Warbler  (front)  Kendall Brown
Lucy's Warbler  (side)  Kendall Brown
Ash-throated Flycatcher  (front-3)  Kendall Brown
Ash-throated Flycatcher  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Ash-throated Flycatcher  (back)  Kendall Brown
Ash-throated Flycatcher  (action)  Kendall Brown
Verdin  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Verdin  (action)  Kendall Brown
Bullock's Oriole  (side)  Kendall Brown
Black-headed Grosbeak  (close-ups-5)  Kendall Brown
Northern Shoveler  (group)  Kendall Brown
Harlequin Duck  (female-front-2)  Kendall Brown
Harlequin Duck  (female-side-2)  Kendall Brown
Harlequin Duck  (action)  Kendall Brown
Laughing Gull  (breeding)  Kendall Brown
Rough-legged Hawk  (light morph)  Kendall Brown
Greater White-fronted Goose  (front)  Kendall Brown
Great Crested Flycatcher  (front)  Kendall Brown
Black-headed Gull  (breeding)  Kendall Brown
Elegant Tern  (flying)  Kendall Brown
Veery  (front)  Kendall Brown
Veery  (back)  Kendall Brown
Orchard Oriole  (action)  Kendall Brown
White-throated Sparrow  (side)  Kendall Brown
White-throated Sparrow  (back)  Kendall Brown
White-throated Sparrow  (action)  Kendall Brown
Nashville Warbler  (front)  Kendall Brown
Nashville Warbler  (side)  Kendall Brown
Wild Turkey  (side)  Kendall Brown
Wild Turkey  (close-up action)  Kendall Brown
White-breasted Nuthatch  (front-down)  Kendall Brown
White-breasted Nuthatch  (side-down)  Kendall Brown
White-breasted Nuthatch  (back-down)  Kendall Brown
White-breasted Nuthatch  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
White-breasted Nuthatch  (back)  Kendall Brown
Gray-cheeked Thrush  (adult-3)  Kendall Brown
Red-naped Sapsucker  (back)  Kendall Brown
Red-naped Sapsucker  (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Red-naped Sapsucker  (action)  Kendall Brown
Golden-crowned Kinglet  (side)  Kendall Brown
Golden-crowned Kinglet  (back)  Kendall Brown
Golden-crowned Kinglet  (action)  Kendall Brown
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (back)  Kendall Brown
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Sharp-shinned Hawk  (action-2)  Kendall Brown
Swainson's Hawk  (intermediate front-2)  Kendall Brown
Double-crested Cormorant  (front)  Kendall Brown
Double-crested Cormorant  (flying)  Kendall Brown
Tree Swallow  (flying-3)  Kendall Brown
Northern Pintail  (front)  Kendall Brown
Northern Pintail  (side-2)  Kendall Brown
Northern Pintail  (back)  Kendall Brown
Vesper Sparrow  (close-ups-2)  Kendall Brown
Caspian Tern  (adults-2)  Kendall Brown
Black-necked Stilt  (flying)  Kendall Brown
Black-necked Stilt  (juv. close-up-2)  Kendall Brown
Clark's Grebe  (juvenile)  Kendall Brown
Solitary Sandpiper  (front)  Kendall Brown
Solitary Sandpiper  (side)  Kendall Brown
Solitary Sandpiper  (back)  Kendall Brown
Solitary Sandpiper  (flying)  Kendall Brown
Solitary Sandpiper  (action-2)  Kendall Brown
Pectoral Sandpiper  (non-breeding front-3)  Kendall Brown
Pectoral Sandpiper  (non-breeding side-2)  Kendall Brown
Greater Yellowlegs  (side)  Kendall Brown
Blue Jay (back)  Kendall Brown
Blue Jay (action)  Kendall Brown
Northern Cardinal  (female)  Kendall Brown
Hammond's Flycatcher  (front)  Kendall Brown
Hammond's Flycatcher  (side)  Kendall Brown
Zebra Dove  (adult-2)  Kendall Brown
Long-billed Curlew  (young-2)  Kendall Brown
Long-billed Curlew  (flying)  Kendall Brown
Long-billed Curlew  (action)  Kendall Brown
Saffron Finch  (front)  Kendall Brown
Saffron Finch  (side)  Kendall Brown
Saffron Finch  (back)  Kendall Brown
Saffron Finch  (action)  Kendall Brown
Sandhill Crane  (with young-2)  Kendall Brown
Sandhill Crane  (close-ups-2)  Kendall Brown
Northern Shoveler  (yoga routine-4)  Kendall Brown
Barn Swallow (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Barn Swallow (action)  Kendall Brown
Downy Woodpecker  (in hole-3)  Kendall Brown
Red-winged Blackbird  (action)  Kendall Brown
Wood Duck  (side)  Kendall Brown
Wood Duck  (back)  Kendall Brown
Wood Duck  (female)  Kendall Brown
Wood Duck  (with young-2)  Kendall Brown
Wood Duck  (pair)  Kendall Brown
Bald Eagle (2nd year)  Kendall Brown
Glaucous-winged Gull  (breeding)  Kendall Brown
Mew Gull  (breeding)  Kendall Brown
Semi-palmated Plover  (back)  Kendall Brown
Semi-palmated Plover  (action)  Kendall Brown
Ridgway's Rail (front)  Kendall Brown
Ridgway's Rail (side)  Kendall Brown
Ridgway's Rail (action)  Kendall Brown
Ring-billed Gull (front)  Kendall Brown
Ring-billed Gull (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Green Heron  (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Marbled Godwitl (side)  Kendall Brown
Eared Grebe  (transition)  Kendall Brown
Anna's Hummingbird (female-side)  Kendall Brown
Brown Pelican (female-side)  Kendall Brown
Great Egret  (flying-2)  Kendall Brown
Lesser Scaup (front)  Kendall Brown
Red-breasted Merganser (Juv-back-3)  Kendall Brown
Common Yellowthroat (close-up)  Kendall Brown
Bufflehead (action series-3)  Kendall Brown
Groove-billed Ani  (adults-3)  Kendall Brown
Graylag Goose  (adults-2)  Kendall Brown
Gray Heron  (adults)  Kendall Brown
Gray Heron  (fishing-series-7)  Kendall Brown
Cedar Waxwing  (front)  Ben Stradling
Cedar Waxwing  (backend)  Ben Stradling
Graylag Goose  (domestic-2)  Ben Stradling
Cackling Goose  (back)  Ben Stradling
American Coot  (close-up  Ben Stradling
Long-tailed Duck  (winter)  Ben Stradling
Ring-necked Duck  (winter)  Ben Stradling
Barnacle Goose  (adults-2)  Kendall Brown
Pacific Loon  (winter-back)  Nichole Telford
Black Scoter  (breeding-2)  Suzi Holt
Pacific Loon  (winter-front)  Suzi Holt
Pacific Loon  (winter-back-3)  Suzi Holt
Snow Bunting  (in-habitat-3)  Suzi Holt
Cackling Goose  (side)  Suzi Holt
Cackling Goose  (compared)  Suzi Holt
Greater White-fronted Goose  (side)  Suzi Holt
Vermilion Flycatcher  (action-female-3)  Suzi Holt
Belted Kingfisher  (side)  Suzi Holt
Pomarine Jaeger  (flying-3)  Suzi Holt
Northern Pygmy-Owl  (Close-up-side)  Suzi Holt
Northern Pygmy-Owl  (pair)  Suzi Holt
Short-eaded Owl  (juvenile-2)  Suzi Holt
Dunlin  (side)  Suzi Holt
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper  (in-habitat-2)  Suzi Holt
Ducky Grouse  (Side)  Suzi Holt
Dusky Grouse  (back)  Suzi Holt
White-breasted Nuthatch  (front-down)  Suzi Holt
White-breasted Nuthatch  (side-down)  Suzi Holt
Brown Creeper  (side)  Suzi Holt
Brown Creeper  (action)  Suzi Holt
Western Screech-Owl  (in habitat-2)  Suzi Holt
Pacific Loon  (winter-side)  Suzi Holt
Pomarine Jaeger  (juvenile-2)  Suzi Holt
Northern Flicker  (yellow-shafted-front)  Suzi Holt
Northern Flicker  (yellow-shafted-side)  Suzi Holt
Northern Flicker  (yellow-shafted-back)  Suzi Holt
Yellow-billed Loon  (winter)  Suzi Holt
Northern Saw-whet Owl  (close-ups-2)  Suzi Holt
Great Shearwater  (flying)  Joel Beyer
Wilson's Storm-Petrel  (flying-3)  Joel Beyer
White-faced Storm-Petrel  (flying-7)  Joel Beyer  *  = new species
Ruddy Ground-Dove  (adults-2)  Joel Beyer
Common Cuckoo  (adults-3)  Joel Beyer
Stygian Owl  (adult)  Joel Beyer   *
Northern Boobook  (adult)  Joel Beyer   *
Spotted Flycatcher  (adult-2)  Joel Beyer   *
Red-flanked Bluetail  (male-2)  Joel Beyer   *
Red-flanked Bluetail  (female)  Joel Beyer   *
Taiga Flycatcher  (adult)  Joel Beyer   *
Common Hill Myna  (adults-2)  Joel Beyer   *
Eastern Yellow Wagtail  (adult)  Joel Beyer
Citrine Wagtail  (male & female)  Joel Beyer   *
Bachman's Sparrow  (adult)  Joel Beyer   *
Pelagic Cormorant  (flying)  Joel Beyer
American Dipper (juvenile front)  Joel Beyer
American Dipper (feeding juvenile-3)  Joel Beyer
Bufflehead (flying)  Joel Beyer

* New species for the Photo Gallery