(If the format is too large, the webmaster is set up to reformat any
photo to
an appropriate size for use on the website -- this takes very little time
to do).
File size: 100 Kb or less for bird photos; 150 Kb or less for
scenery photos (approximately)
Width: 600
pixels wide or less for bird photos, and 700 pixels or less for scenery
(These sizes fit the format of the web pages
where the photos are displayed
and allow the pages to come up quickly).
Photographer's Name: If you put your name on the photograph, it
is preferable to make it subtle in color and of a moderate size so as not to distract
from the photo itself. The photographer's name and copyright signature
will also be included with the other information about the picture.
If you have a preferred photographer name or copyright name, please
indicate that preference.
Format assistance: The webmaster will gladly format the pictures for the internet,
so please send them in no matter what the format. If you have
several photos to send in by e-mail attachment, please try to send no more
the 10 Meg. of attachments per e-mail.
Some photos may need to be cropped to fit the format and to better
display the bird. If you would like the webmaster to crop the photo,
please let him know. The webmaster will communicate with the
photographer about any need for alteration and will gladly respond
to suggestions and requests.