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Official kick-off of the Utah Breeding Bird Atlas Project

(Note: I sent this out last week on the state-wide BirdTalk list server,
but it didn't reach many of the Southern Utah Birders.  I apologize for
the late notice.  Please participate if you can.  Thanks, RT)

The Utah Ornithological Society in conjunction with the Utah Division Of
Wildlife Resources, Partners in Flight program announce the official
kick-off of the Utah Breeding Bird Atlas (Utah BBA) Project in 2004.

The goal of the Utah BBA project is to map the distribution of all birds
that breed, nest and rear young within Utah to provide a baseline for
future avian preservation efforts.  Following the model of other states,
survey squares have been selected making up of 8% of the Utah landscape.
Each of these squares will be surveyed during a breeding season to
determine which birds breed there. It is expected it will take up to 5
years to survey the entire state, after which an Atlas book summarizing
the sighting data will be published.

Qualified birders are requested to participate in this important study
by volunteering to survey one or more squares each year. Details
concerning the Utah BBA project can be found at

Training classes will be presented in the various regions of the state
beginning at Cedar City on March 27, 2004. Other classes will be taught
in northern Utah in April, 2004 and will be announced shortly.

If you live in southern Utah and would like to participate in the Utah
BBA Project, please attend the training class on Saturday, March 27,
2004, taught at the Wildlife Resources Southern Region office conference
room at 1470 North Airport Road, Cedar City.  The class will go from
9:00 am to 2:00 pm and will be taught by Robin Tuck and Merrill Webb,
and will cover BBA procedures and field observation. Attendance at the
class is optional but strongly encouraged.

If possible please let me know you are attending and how many others
will be coming with you, so I might have adequate supplies on hand by
emailing  <mailto:utahbba@utahnature.com> utahbba@utahnature.com.

Robin Tuck
Utah BBA Chairman
 <mailto:utahbba@utahnature.com> utahbba@utahnature.com
(801) 377-8084


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