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Clear Lake II

Had the opportunity to bird clear lake west of Fillmore in Millard County with Josh Coffee, Matt Curtis, Michelle Feltch, Megan Morvilius, and Martin Schijf Wednesday afternoon through today, while working. Got several good birds, most of which Pam reported last week. Really good ones were: a pair of Western Grebes, a flock of Am. White Pelicans, all three teals (cinnamon, green-winged, and a couple of blue-winged), Northern pintails, Golden Eagle, California Quail, Ring-necked Pheasant, Lots of Stilts, Avocets, White-faced Ibis, and Long-billed Curlews, Forster's Terns, a Band-tailed Pigeon (on the lines on the way west of Fillmore), Pam's Short-eared Owl, Common Nighthawk (found two roosting in a tree), Cedar Waxwing (late?), 1000's of Marsh Wrens, Yellow-headed blackbirds, Great-tailed Grackle (just one male), and a Great Basin Rattlesnake. Really a nice birding spot.

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