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Sand Hollow Area

Tonight I went down to look for some of the shorebirds at Sand Hollow res.
that Rick saw Last night.And with his directions I found a few Willets and
a couple of Marbled Godwits and a Black-necked Stilt. Then I went to
another area he told me to check. Just after I arrived at the second
location Rick pulled in behind me and we were able to find a Black-bellied
Plover still there along with 40+ peeps ( all of them Western except one
Least) on the sand bars and shoreline. On the way out of the area I
decided to drive some of the dirt roads North of the res. to look for
Burrowing Owls. I didn't see any but I did find a group of 4 or 5 Sage
Thrashers, a Bendire's Thrasher,a few White-crowned and 1 Lark sparrow
that were all in the same area near a large outcrop of isolated rocks just
to the East of the new road to the res.  The Thrashers were singing some
to make them easier to locate.

                                    Good birding,Larry Tripp


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