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Black-bellied Plovers and others at Sand Hollow

Finally got a chance to get out and do a little birding tonight (4/16).
Kristen and I visited Sand Hollow Reservoir/State Park just before sunset.
It was extremely calm (very rare event here in the spring) and there were
alot of birds at the reservoir, including:

American White Pelican 14
Red-breasted Merganser ~50
California Gull 5
Bonaparte's Gull 15
Franklin's Gull 7
Black-necked Stilt ~50
Black-bellied Plover 2(one molting into breeding plumage)
Willet ~40

Sand Hollow State Park officially opens tomorrow. They are rapidly paving
the parking lot and building facilities. There is still allot of road
construction activity, particularly on the east side of the reservoir, so
the best access (and best area for shorebirds) is on the west side of the
reservoir (via Turfsod Road). At current water levels the best area for
birds is below the East dike (south of huge parking lot).

Enjoy the spring,

Rick Fridell
Hurricane, UT


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