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Red Cliffs Audubon April Events

Lots Planned for April:
Wednesday, April 9, 7:00 pm. General Meeting at the Tonaquint Nature Center. Brian Bock will present video and stories from Vancouver Island.

Saturday, April 12, 7:00 AM. Field Trip to Overton State Wildlife Management Area, Nevada. Meet at the St. George BLM at 7:00 AM or at the Burger King in Mesquite at 7:00 AM (an hour later, but the same time). Good trip to see some waterfowl and shorebirds going through.

Saturday, April 26th, 8:00 AM. Field Trip to Minersville Reservoir. Meet at the St. George BLM at 8:00 am or at the Hamilton Fort exit at 8:40. This trip should also be good to get some waterfowl, and in the past, we've also seen wild turkeys, and if we're really lucky, one of those elusive black-billed magpies.

For the field trips bring lunch and snacks, and plenty of water. Dress according to weather, and don't forget your lucky birding hat. Bring a good set of nockers (binoculars) and a field guide.

Hope to see you all out.

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