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Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Hi, from a very hot St. George. Today coming over through the Beaver Dam
Wilderness Area it was 113 degrees hot.

No, we did not find any Cuckoos at Lytle Ranch Preserve. A preliminary
trip on Saturday and the focus trip today by the Dixie Birders did not
turn up one bird.

The trip Saturday had 40 species, the trip today, with four birders, had
39 species. Mostly what you would expect. Unusuals were over 50 Scott's
Orioles in and around the orchard, a flyover of 5 Band-tailed Pigeons, a
nesting Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, a large number of Ash-throated
Flycatcher young, flyovers by a Peregrine Falcon and a Prairie Falcon,
good looks at the Common Black-Hawks on both days, excellent views of
many White-winged Doves, Brown-crested Flycatchers on both days, Bell's
Vireos on both days and a Gray Vireo today. Also, Blue-gray and
Black-tailed Gnatcatchers, Summer Tanagers, Blue Grosbeaks - really
quite common, a couple of Bullock's Orioles and a pair of Hooded

Despite the lack of a target bird, the results were very good. We will
go back again in July and again in August and see if any cuckoos have
moved in. In the meantime, the Dixie Birders are looking to go to
Sawmill Spring up on the Kolob. We will let you know when.

Good birding.

Bill Hunter
St. George, Utah