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The South Shall Rise Again!!!

Well now. Them northern boys just come right down here in Dixie and give
us a no never mind and proceed to find themselves and oxidized
Blackbird. Self I said, you need to go take a look around this here
SunRiver place (St. George that is) and see what might be dodging them
thar white balls. Can't for the life of me see what people see in
chasin' a little white ball, when they could be chasin' a purty bird.

So, in an hour and half this har evening, this is what I found:

    Eared Grebe (4), Canada Goose (2), Coopers Hawk (1), an old Coot,
dead Deer, Spotted Sandpiper (7), Western Sandpiper (1), Black Tern (2)
Yeh! Now there's a slick bird. Let's see, what else, Oh! White-winged
Dove (1), some of them birds in mourning, Black-chinned Hummer (4),
Black Phoebe (1), Say's Phoebe (1), Western Kingbird (8), Northern
Shrike (1), a whole bunch of swallers, Golden-crowned Kinglet (1),
Common Yellow Throat (1), Chipping Sparrow (1), Lark Sparrow (22),
Black-headed Grosbeak (1), Blue Grosbeak (1), Lazuli Bunting (1), and
some Lesser Goldfinches.

Thar were some other birds too, but I don't want to brag. Than thar was
that birdin' trip Mr. Showler took us on yesterday to some ol' ghost
town called Grafton. Pretty gratifying at Grafton. Found me another set
of them Common Blackhawks. Makes the fourth set this year that ol'
Willie has found down here in Dixie, but who cares? Them northern boys
get all the print. This trip will get posted tomorrow if the septic tank
don't back up or my filly don't have her young un.

SunRiver Willie