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Mew Gull in Orem

     While doing the Christmas Bird Count in Provo today, Josh Kreitzer and myself saw an adult Mew Gull in the pond behind the Orem Sewer Treatment Plant. If you take the University Parkway exit in Orem and turn west. When you hit the light at the bottom of the offramp ( Geneva Road ) turn right, or north. Go to the next light which is 1000 south and turn left. ( west ) Once you reach the entrance of the sewage plant drive a little further to a very small grassy area with a bunch of large willow trees with a stream going through them. There is a picnic table and a swing in this area. This is before you get to the new homes being built on the new golf course. If you walk a little south to the end of the park before the course you can scope this large pond. It was very active and kept to himself. It would sometimes go in the inlet in the pond. Also there were Least Sandpipers and Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs at the pond. Also a winter Cinnamon Teal and Black-crowned Night Heron.
       Also of note we saw a White-throated Sparrow in the old Geneva Steel Propertery. It was active moving all around the brush, not to stay in one place. Also in that area was a Orange-crowned warbler that Josh found. Of note there were 100 species of birds found on the Provo Christmas Bird Count.

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