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Long-tailed Duck at AIC

Hi all,

This Saturday afternoon I went to see if I could find any of the three Black Scoters which have been reported.  I was on the AIC from about 3:00-4:45.  When I arrived at the area west of the marina I did see one lone female Black Scoter.  She was pretty weary of anything coming near her so I went to the visitors center.  On my way back the scoter was no longer there.  Just east of the west bridge I saw a bird with some white on the cheek and from that distance thought I had relocated the scoter.  No, it was a LONG-TAILED DUCK, female, full winter plumage.  And she was hanging out with the three female Black Scoters.  She kept quite close to them for the 30 minutes I observed her.  They were on the SOUTH side starting just west of mile marker 1 almost to the bridge (she/they were feeding in that about 4/10ths of a mile stretch).

Other birds observed:
Eared Grebes (continue in their abundance)
Northern Shovelor (also a lot, but not like the grebes)
Am Kestrel (eating a mouse)
Northern Harrier (male and female - east of the visitors center)
Chukar (at the visitor center feeder)
Lesser Scaup
Common Goldeneye
West Meadowlark
White-crowned Sparrow


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