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Curlew Sandpiper - NO

I came home last night to find the email about the CUSA, so I decided to head up
to the causeway this morning.  I was the first person there at 6:20 and joined
shortly by Loraine Weiss (sp), and Glenn Barlow.  We all  scanned the area from
.4 miles to about .75 miles from the entrance booth on the northside till 8 am.
 Glenn and I continued looking further down for the next hour.  By 10:00 am a
large contingent of Utah county birders had arrived and began recovering the
area.  Unfortunately, as of 2:30 pm when I spoke with Cal Robbins, he had not
seen the bird, nor had any of the other birders on the causeway that morning. 
Also staying at bay was teh Sabine's Gull.  Despite not seeing those birds,
several folks did report seeing American Golden-Plover.  I saw one first thing
in the area stated above.  The bird was with 6 BLack-bellied Plover. The
Whimbrel was also between mm 3-4 on the south side at around 11:00 am.

Here is a list of bird:

1 American Golden-Plover
100+ Black-bellied Plover
1 Whimbrel
100+ Semipalmated Plover
Snowy Plover (now several hundred)
4 Pectoral Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper (several hundred)
Western Sandpiper (many thousand)
Least Sandpiper (several hundred)
Long-billed Curlew
American Avocet
Black-necked Stilt
2 Marbled Godwit
Spotted Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
Red-necked Phalarope

Keep your eyes peeled!

Good Birding

Salt Lake City, UT or Wherever the Birds Take Me!


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