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Bohemian Waxwings in Weber County

It's not yet too late for winter birds!  Today I saw a flock of 152 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS in northeast Weber County on Evergreen Park Drive.  I had the opportunity to look over this flock several times and didn't see even one Cedar Waxwing mixed in.  The location (as the waxwing flies) is approximately 5 miles northeast of Ogden Valley.  As a human drives, the spot is off SR-39 at mile 27.9, 3.2 miles west of Red Rock Ranch and Outfitters.  The other winter bird I saw today was a Bald Eagle winging over Ogden Valley.
Other highlights of the day included many big birds on nests--two Canadian Gooses sitting high on either old Red-tailed Hawk or heron nests, two Red-tailed Hawks, and many Great Blue Herons.  Of the two Golden Eagles I saw, one was displaying in great diving stoops over low cliff near Red Rock Ranch.  I also saw five Great Horned Owls. One Sandhill Crane of a pair displayed by tossing wet leaves or mud up in the air and then launching itself skyward 5 or 6 feet to join the muddy flurry.  The crane then floated down like a puppet on a string. 
Displaying Red-breasted Mergansers in a raft of 35 drakes and 3 hens at Pineview Reservoir provided a comedic moment.  Five or six drakes circled each hen with their bills pointed up at snooty 45 degree angles.  The drakes' raggedy crests were flared out to the back as if the ducks had rubbed a balloon on their heads and their feathers were full of static electricity.  At once, the males stretched their necks stiffly and far in front, snapped their crests shut into a single point angling down toward their backs, and deeply and quickly bowed their breasts into the water.  At the bottom of the bow each drake would snap its bill open as wide as possible.  It looked like these enamored boys were curtsying stiffly and repeatedly to the lady folk.  Alas, the gals were not impressed.  In rather unladylike fashion, the hens opened their beaks wide, extended their necks and rushed after any drake that got too close.  "Cad!" I could almost hear them say.
Ogden Valley is accessible from either I-84 exits 92 (eastbound) or 96 (westbound) and then over Trapper's Loop, or from I-15 exit 347 and east through Ogden Canyon.