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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

Migration numbers are starting to drop and not many new species this week -  the lull before the next storm.  The following birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese   75
Mallard   153
Gadwall   369
American wigeon   77
Northern pintail   367
Northern shoveler   269
Cinnamon teal   48
Green-winged teal   1,238
Ringneck   20
Scaup   16
Bufflehead   8
Common merganser   8
Coots   653
Great blue heron   12
Double-crested cormorants   1
American white pelicans   2
Pied-billed grebes   2
Eared grebes   9
Killdeer   4
American avocets   2
Bald eagle   2
Red-tailed hawk  2
Northern harrier          4
American kestrel  2
Ring-billed gull  2

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223