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A midweek trip to Washington County resulted in good times and sightings. Of the hundred or so birds recorded the best were:
           Cassins Kingbird - Zions N. P., East Entrance 
           Northern Goshawk - Zions N. P., Lava Point area
           Spotted Owl - Zions N. P., East Rim Trail
           Rufous-crowned Sparrow - Beaver Dam Slope
           Common Blackhawk - Beaver Dam Wash, adult and two ready-to-fledge young in
           CALIFORNIA CONDOR - Zions N. P., Lava Point/Kolob Reservoir area. Three 
                                                immature birds seen at close range, circling at eye 
                                                level, with flock of turkey vultures. The wing bands
                                                radio wires, and the number 48 was easily seen on
                                                the under wing of one bird. A great experience!!
Notable misses: Zone-tailed Hawk - A day at Lava Point couldn't produce it.
                         Indigo Bunting - I've checked every location known to man, but no luck
                         Bendires Thrasher - Not even a hint of this bird.
P.S. I just had my first Rufous Hummingbird at my feeders. It was a blazing adult male.
       The fall migration has officially begun..

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