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Utah Bird Sightings Update

Weber County
2/12, Bryan and Dennis Shirley, Milt Moody, Glenn Barlow, Merrill Webb and Bill Fenimore observed a female Rusty Blackbird along the Riverdale Parkway this morning.  It was a first Utah sighting for all.  Milt Moody was able to photograph the bird.  Mort and Carolyn Somer spotted the bird first on Monday.  Keith Evans, Jack Rensel and Mort Somer relocated it yesterday in the same area.  They were unable to get a 100% ID but thought that it was either a Rusty Blackbird or a Great-tailed Grackle.  Today's views enabled the observers to clinch the ID, as a Rusty Blackbird.  To reach this area, take I-15 to Exit 342 Riverdale Road.  Take Riverdale Road east to 700 West.  Turn left (north) onto 700 West and go to 4400 South (approximately 2 blocks) and turn right.  Follow this road until it dead ends (approximately 1/4 mile).  The Riverdale Parkway runs alongside of the Weber River (on your right).  Walk downstream (North) until the end of the walkway.  You will cross two wooden foot bridges.  When approaching the third and last wooden foot bridge watch for the bird on the East side of the walkway in the Russian Olives and near the water just east of the footbridge.  It was with a flock of Robins.
2/12, Bryan and Dennis Shirley, Milt Moody, Glenn Barlow, Merrill Webb and Bill Fenimore were able to relocate the male Varied Thrush that Bill Fenimore first observed Jan 17th at Beus Pond.  It has been seen several times since and Mort Somer has photographed it.  It is a beautifully plumaged, striking male.  It was on the side of the hill just above the parking area, alongside of the entrance road to Beus Pond.  To get to Beus Pond take Harrison Blvd., in Ogden to 42nd Street and go East on 42nd Street.  The road winds itself around the Weber State University Campus.  The entrance to Beus Pond is on the East side of the road (approximately 3/4 mile after turning East onto 42 Street).
Bill Fenimore
Wild Bird Center