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Great Egret

 This morning I again went to Decker Lake and saw the Ross's Goose there. It was in the south field feeding on the grass with Canada Geese. I then went to Lee-Kay Ponds and saw a Great Egret in the far eastern pond. The first one that you pass. It was setting on a small island in the pond. I also saw a Peregrine Falcon on the first power tower on the north side of 1300 South. Other birds include one Black-necked Stilt and a couple of American White Pelican, one of which could not fly. Which remindes me to tell you that there is also a pelican in the Parley's Creek Outlet of the Jordan River that can not fly. They both seem to still be healthy other than having broken wings. Also the goldeneyes have returned today. Yesterday nothing today they are everywhere. For more information contact Jack Holley ant 450-9387


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