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Yellow-throated Warbler

Today, Sunday June 1, we found a Yellow-throated Warbler at the
Fielding-Garr Ranch on Antelope Island.  We first saw it about 4:30, high
in the large cottonwoods behind the ranch house, and watched it for about
10 minutes before it disappeared.  It reappeared twenty minutes later in
the Russian olive trees near the marsh fence.  Although we only saw it
for about 2 minutes this time, we got much better (closer) views and were
able to see all the field marks.  We were unable to relocate the bird
before the ranch closed.  Both times the warbler was actively hunting the
moths that were filling the air like cotton from the trees, but it didn't
fly about much.  Instead, it stayed close to the trunks and large
branches, gleaning from them.
Also at the ranch was an Olive-sided Flycatcher.  A Grasshopper Sparrow
was seen along the road about a half mile north of the ranch.  A male
Peregrine Falcon was at the first bridge on the Causeway.

Of interest on our BBS route this morning, we saw 2 Northern
Mockingbirds, 2 Burrowing Owls, Long-billed Curlews and young, and 3
Swainson's Hawks along highway 138 south of Grantsville.  Also seen were
over 200 Ravens busily feasting on an infestation of large red crickets,
near Grantsville Reservoir.

On the south shore of the Great Salt Lake, at the mouth of Lee's Creek,
were 16 Snowy Plovers.

Happy birding!

Joel and Kathy


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