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Fwd: Salt Lake Birders, 5-31-03

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
 It was submitted by Julie on Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 15:36:18

Subject: Salt Lake Birders, 5-31-03


Message: The Salt Lake Birders field trip to River Lane and the Provo Airport dike produced some good birds for the eight birders who attended. At River Lane a female American Redstart was seen about 50 yard west of two red surveyor's plastic flags on the north side of the road. Be on the lookout for a male American Redstart that might have been around the area, too--not a definite sighting but possible. A Blue Grosbeak was also on River Lane. Two Least Terns were seen at the Provo Airport dike road. Bob Huntington, Bob McDougal, Steve and Cindy Sommerfeld, Letitia Lussier, Susan Saffle, Bruce Robinson, and Steve Carr took in the bird sights--I think they really should have entered the Iron Man Triathalon that was going on down at Utah Lake area!!

Posted for Bob Huntington.

Good birding y'all,

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