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Bear River MBR Bird Count

Bear River MB Refuge Waterbird/Raptor Count
Box Elder County

Visibility was extremely poor resulting in a low than normal (10-year
average) count for dabbling ducks.  Beginning to raise water levels toward
spring elevations.  Just opened "O" Canal to deliver freshwater to more
impoundment units.  The opening of the canal signifies another step toward
completion of construction on our freshwater impoundments that began over a
decade ago.

Tundra Swan       2161
Canada Goose            69
Mallard                 2365
Northern Pintail        6545
GW Teal           1842
Shoveler          6622
Gadwall           1545
Wigeon                  423
Unk. Dabblers           100
Scaup spp.        2
C. Goldeneye            150
Bufflehead        28
C. Merganser            9
PB Grebe          11
GB Heron          10
RB Gull                 1863
Coot              3
Bald Eagle        7
Northern Harrier        24
RT Hawk           4
RL Hawk           2

Bridget Olson
Wildlife Biologist


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