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     This weekend Arnie and I tried for some of the good stuf that's been on the net.  First we tried Bicknel Bottoms for the gyrfalcon with no luck.  The acorn was still at the same tree near Boulder and it was a beautiful drive.  
      Sunday most of the day  birded with larry Tripp and he knew where all the goodies were.  Sunday Arnie and I tried lytle Ranch with a quick swing back by Quail Creek and Leeds.  I saw a total of 76 birds for the weekend and added about 35 to my year list which wasn't hard since it 's a short list.  Good birds were Anna's, Golden Crowned, Snow Goose, Common Loon, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, Greater Scaup, Common Moorhen.  Big misses were Black-tailed Gnatcatchers and Swamp Sparrow.
      I think instructions have been given about how to see most of these birds, but if anyone is planning a trip call or e-mail me and I will be glad to give details of where I saw them.
                              Good Birding,