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St. George

I have been having a bit of trouble getting motivated. I hate starting over each year. That and the fact that Roy Groesbeck, my birding buddy passed away a week ago has made it difficult to get out.

I took my dogs for a walk over the weekend, and went to St. George. I did not see anything special, except for an inca dove in Beaver Dam, Arizona. (a lifer) I did not keep track of the birds I already had on my list, but did see the following:
     Hooded merganser
     common merganser
     canyon wren
     great-tailed grackle
     common grackle
     brewer's blackbird
     phainopepla  - in Nevada
     vermilion flycatcher - Nevada
     black phoebe
     say's phoebe
     northern mockingbird
     abert's towee
     greater roadrunner - Arizona
     inca dove - Arizona
     white-winged dove
     black-crowned night heron
     gambel's quail
     yellow-rumped warbler
     spotted towee

Like I said, nothing special except for my first look at a ruby-crowned kinglet with its crown fully exposed. I don't think I have ever seen anything so bright on a bird. I chased it around for a half hour trying to get a picture, but it was too busy chasing another kinglet to pose.    Jack Binch