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Dixie Birders in Dixie Red Hills

Greetings All:

The Dixie Birders, enjoying the balmy 65 degree temperatures we've been
experiencing here in Dixie lately, and rejuvenated after our long trek to
the "armpit" of the world - Salton Sea, decided to take a couple of hours to
bird the Dixie Red Hills Golf Course this morning.

We saw a comfortable 26 species including lots of "Audubon's" Warblers and
Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

Species of note:
Common Moorhen
American Coot - building nesting platforms
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - male
Black Phoebe
Canyon Wren
Bewick's Wren
Northern Mockingbird
Crissal Thrasher

And, at a later stop at Confluence Park, there were 21 Cedar Waxwings (first
I've seen this winter; if you can call this winter. Charlie has three Anna's
Hummingbirds at his feeder, the Crocus are blooming, the Winterfat and
Indigo Bush are leafing... and it's still January) and 2 Abert's Towhees.

As to the ABA Regional Conference, it provided us (four Dixie Birders and
spouses attended) with absolutely spectacular birding. My California list
improved substantially, and I'm from California.

Good birding.

Dixie Willie
Dixie Utah


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