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Carbon, Emery Counties

Eric Huish headed out today to do some birding. We went to the Price area of Utah. Our first stop was in Helper. We walked along the River Walk in town. Here we got a Dipper in the Price River and a Black Capped Chickadee. We then went out to Gordon Creek WMA west of Price. There was a Bald Eagle and three Golden Eagles fighting over a dead Deer. It was an awesome sight. There was also about 30 Mountain Bluebirds in the area. They were all Males. WHAT BEAUTIFUL BIRDS. There was also a Scrub Jay, Magpies and Ravens in the area. We then went and decided to bird Desert Lake in Emery County, east of Huntington. It was completely frozen over. There was a Bald Eagle and a Northern Shrike there. We then went to Huntington Resivoir. Here there was Pintails, Mallards, Canada Geese on the ice. There were some Wigeon on a pond between Clevland and Huntington. We then went and tried the Price Cemetery. Here we got at least two Red Breasted Nuthatches, plenty of Mountain Chickadees, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Robin and House Finches. There were no Hawks to be found. Just the Eagles and a Kestral. What beautiful country to be in. Not tons of birds. But we found some areas that look good for summer birding. We also saw another Northern Shrike in Spanish Fork Canyon in Utah County.

KC Childs

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