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Lincoln point and other...

I drove out to Lincoln point and along the south end of Utah Lake this 
morning.  It was a beautiful day of birding and I managed to see 32 species 
which included Northern harriers, Great blue heron, sandhill cranes, American 
bittern, black-necked stilts, and lots of swallows.  The bittern was a lifer 
for me, so that made it well worth the trip.

Also of note, my wife and I went to the Provo temple on Tuesday evening.  As we 
entered the north fence I saw a small bird flopping on the ground under a big 
conifer.  I picked it up and immediately saw that it was some kind of 
flycatcher.  It was obviously not of flying ability, so I took it home with me 
to see if I could identify it and photograph it.  Well, it turned out to be a 
juvenile western wood peewee.  By the end of the evening it was flying around 
my living room and pooping in the kichen (luckily my wife was in bed by this 
time) so I let it go.  I did get a couple of close-up pictures that will 
hopefully turn out well.  What made it more exciting is that it was a lifer for 
me.  Apparently, there is nest (probably in that same tree or nearby)on the 
temple grounds so I'll bet there are others there to be seen.  Pretty cool.

Happy birding

Quinn Shurtliff


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