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Am Redstart at Burriston Ponds

I went birding this morning with KC. First we stopped at Goshen Canyon. I can't believe such a hot day could start out so cold. At the mouth off the canyon we saw a Rock Wren, some White-crowned Sparrows, a Wilson's Warbler, a Pink Sided Junco and more.
We then checked out what used to be Mona Reservoir. Nothing much there.
There was a lot of activity at Burriston Ponds though. Most exciting being a female American Redstart. Take the road on your right as you enter and park where the trees start to get thick and walk the trail between the two ponds. Other migrants there were Wilson's, Orange-crowned, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, and MacGillivray's warblers, Plumbeous, and Warbling Vireos, Western Tanagers and Red-naped Sapsucker.
We then started over the Nebo Loop. At Ponderosa Campground there where Several Clarks Nutcrackers, some Red and White-breasted Nuthatches and a Cassin's Vireo.
We saw 48 species today and lots of scenery. A beautiful day for Birding!

Eric Huish 850 E 100 N Pleasant Grove UT poorwill_@hotmail.com 801-785-3478

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