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Utah Lake St. Park, Airport Dike

I ran out to the Utah Lake this morning. At the State Park there was still Semipalmated Plovers. There were still peeps there as well. Also some Yellowlegs have joined the bunch. The Airport Dike has no water through half the canal. No mudflats close to the dike either. Although along the south part of the new extension there are tons of shorebirds out there aways. On the north western end of the dike, near the boat harbor was a lot of Warbler activity. I only could pick out Wilson's, Yellow Rumped and Orange Crowned. In the same crowd was Brewers Sparrows, White Crowned Sparrows, Blue Gray Gnatcatchers and a Spotted Towhee. There were some Warblers I couldn't identify because of all the movement. There were two Rock Wrens along the western part of the dike. That was the first time I have seen those on the dike. Quite a surprise. There was also a White Breasted Nuthatch right at the start of the dike by the Provo River and Harbor. That is all for now. Best of birding and wishes.

KC Childs

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