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Additional Information on Antelope Island

Just a short addendum to the report Glenn called in to Milton from Antelope Island on Thursday.  Glenn Barlow, Bill Fenimore, Jack Torrey and I were treated to some nice birds!  We saw two Virginia Rails and a female American Redstart in the boggy area below the springhouse.  We don't know if the Red-eyed Vireo was the same one Glenn and I saw on Tuesday.  The Tuesday bird appeared to have been a young brown-eyed bird, but we were hesitant to draw any conclusions.  That's why we went back on Thursday.  There was no doubt on the Thursday bird.  It was an adult, red eye and all.  Probably the biggest surprise of the day was when Bill pointed out a White-winged Dove.  We had a long look from maybe twenty feet.  After the guys left, I relocated the dove and saw the big white wing patches when it flew.  Guess we'll be looking a little closer at doves from now on!
If I can help with the location of any of the birds, please let me know.