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Great Basin Regional Report: Winter 2001-2002

Hello, Nevada & Utah birders.

Here is the Winter 2001-2002 Great Basin Regional
Report that will appear in a future issue of the
journal North American Birds. The winter report
runs from 1 December 2001 to 28 February 2002.
As usual, please let me know of any corrections
or errors.


Ted Floyd
Reno, Nevada

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Ted Floyd
Great Basin Bird Observatory
One East First Street, Suite 500
Reno, Nevada 89501

The Great Basin is sometimes disparaged as a
featureless and homogeneous "sagebrush sea".
But nobody would ever argue that the weather
is the same all across the region. In southern
Nevada, above-average temperatures may have
benefited wintering hummingbirds. In southern
Utah, though, it was colder than average with
very little precipitation. Precipitation was
below average in northern Utah, too, but the
northern Nevada snow pack was right about
normal. This winter, several observers felt
that local variation in ice cover and snow
pack helped to explain patterns of occurrence
in species such as Tundra Swan, Bald Eagle,
Merlin, Black Phoebe, and Northern Shrike.
But this year's Common Redpoll invasion was
doubtless attributable to meteorological
phenomena outside our region. And then there
are always the flukes--totally unexpected
sightings without precedent or explanation.
The season's winner in this category was
surely the Ruff that spent the last week of
December at the Great Salt Lake.

Abbreviations: A.I.C. (Antelope Island Causeway,
Davis, UT); C.L. (Carson Lake, Churchill, NV);
C.C. (Corn Creek, Clark, NV); F.B. (Farmington
Bay, Davis, UT); P.L. (Pyramid L., Washoe, NV);
Q.C.R. (Quail Creek Res., Washington, UT);
S.L.C.C. (Salt L. City Cemetery, Salt Lake,
UT); S.L.R. (S-Line Res., Churchill, NV);
S.R.P. (Sun R. Pond, Washington, UT). Christmas
Bird Counts referred to in this report include
the following: B.R. (Bear R., Box Elder, UT,
held 19 Dec); Elko (Elko, Elko, NV, held 22
Dec); F.S. (Fish Springs, Juab, UT, held 30
Dec); P.L. (Pyramid L., Washoe, NV, held 1
Jan); S.G. (St. George, Washington, UT, held
29 Dec); S.R. (Silver Reef, Washington, UT,
held 15 Dec); T.M. (Truckee Meadows, Washoe,
NV, held 15 Dec). Records marked with an
asterisk (*) were accompanied by a written


     A rare Red-throated Loon remained at
Minersville Res., Beaver, UT until 2 Dec
(RF et al.). The only Pacific Loon reports
were of 2 each at L. Mead, Clark, NV 20 Jan
(MC, JCr) and at Q.C.R. 1-3 Dec (RF). A
well-studied Yellow-billed Loon (*JW et
mult. al.; ph. JT) was found at P.L. 21
Dec and remained throughout the reporting
period. Horned Grebes at 3 NV locales were
led by 5 at P.L. 8 Jan (JW), and single
birds were noted at 3 UT locales (v.o.).
A Red-necked Grebe that showed up on the
P.L. CBC remained until 28 Jan (JW).
     An American White Pelican lingered
until 5 Jan at S.R.P. (BH). The mid-winter
max. for American Bittern was 3 at C.L. 2
Feb (DSe). A surprising 18 Great Egrets
remained for the T.M. CBC. The good fall
Cattle Egret flight was rounded out by a
single bird at C.C. 4 Dec (TF, CT). A Green
Heron was at Fallon, Churchill, NV 14 Dec
(DSe), and a White-faced Ibis lingered for
the F.S. CBC.
     Tundra Swans at 10 NV locales were led
by 175 at Lemmon Valley Marsh (Washoe) 28
Feb (FP), and reports from 4 UT locales were
led by 200 at F.B. 23 Feb (SC). Trumpeter
Swans numbered 1-5 at 4 UT locales (v.o.).
Greater White-fronted Geese numbered 1-7 at
6 Reno area locales (v.o.), while reports
from UT included 8 at American Fork Marina
(Utah) 9 Dec (EH, KC) and 1-2 at Dixie Red
Hills Golf Course (Washington) 2 Jan - 6
Feb (v.o.). Snow Geese at 8 NV locales were
led by 2000+ at C.L. 16 Feb (DT), while
reports from 4 UT locales were led by 1000+
at Gunnison Bend Res. (Millard) 24 Feb (DA).
A Blue Goose at C.L. 13 Feb (NB, JT) was the
only report. Ross's Geese numbered 1-20 at
8 NV locales (v.o.), but the only UT reports
were of single birds at S.R.P. 17-21 Dec (BH)
and at Sun Brook Golf Course (Washington) 27
Jan - 6 Feb (RF). Two possible hybrid geese
(Snow x Ross's) were at Idlewild Park, Washoe,
NV 9 Feb (DSe).
     Wood Ducks were noted at 3 n. NV locales
(v.o.), while UT reports came from S.R.P. 17-29
Dec (BH) and from La Verkin (Washington) 27 Jan
(RF). A drake Blue-winged Teal was an unusual
winter visitor to Oxbow Park, Washoe, NV 8
Dec - 12 Jan (TF et mult. al.; ph. MM), and
a late Cinnamon Teal remained at Reno until
12 Dec (DM). A drake Eurasian Wigeon was at
Reno from 15 Dec until the end of the period
(*TF et al.). Also at Reno was a hybrid drake
Eurasian Wigeon x American Wigeon from 20 Feb
until the end of the period (JT et al.).
     Greater Scaup numbered 1-8 at 4 NV locales
and 1-6 at 4 UT locales (v.o.). Two Long-tailed
Ducks were at A.I.C. 13-28 Dec (MSt et al.),
and a single bird was at nearby F.B. 20 Jan
(AN). All 3 scoters put in appearances in UT,
with a Black Scoter at A.I.C. 13 Dec (MSt et
al.), 1-2 Surf Scoters also at A.I.C. 16 Dec
- - 27 Jan (JB et al.), and a White-winged Scoter
at Q.C.R. 18 Dec - 12 Jan (RF et al.). Barrow's
Goldeneyes numbered 1-4 at 5 NV locales and
1-7 at 4 UT locales (v.o.). The top Hooded
Merganser count in NV was 20 at Virginia L.
(Washoe) 16 Feb (TF et al.), and the best
tally from UT was 10 at Layton (Davis) 26
Dec (HG). Red-breasted Merganser reports
from 5 NV locales were led by 7 at P.L. 8
Jan (JW), while the only report for UT was
of a single bird at Q.C.R. 15 Dec (RF, KW).


     Bald Eagles at 11 locations in NV were
led by 31 in the Carson Valley (Douglas) 16
Feb (JW et al.); in UT there were reports
from 12 locations, including an impressive
peak of 200+ at F.B. 16 Feb (SC). Single
Red-shouldered Hawks were found at 7 NV
locations (v.o.), but the only UT reports
came from Cedar City (Iron) 24 Jan (SS, PS)
and from Washington Fields (Washington) 2
Feb (SS). Merlins were widely noted this
winter, with reports from 14 locales in NV
and from 9 in UT (v.o.). Peregrine Falcons
were found at 3 locales in NV and at 4 in
UT (v.o.).
     The wintertime status of the Sora in
the northern part of the region is not well
understood; this winter, the only reports
came from the Carson Valley, Douglas, NV 2
Feb (JE et al.) and from Oxbow Park, Washoe,
NV 16 Feb (TF et al.). Common Moorhen reports
included the following: at least 3 near Fallon,
Churchill, NV 2-17 Feb (DT et al.), 1 at
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Clark, NV
12 Feb (TL), and 1 at Powell Slough, Utah,
UT 8 Feb (EH). The only Sandhill Cranes were
a flock of 9 at Overton, Clark, NV 10-16 Feb
(PFo et al.).
     Four Snowy Plovers were at Saltair, Salt
Lake, UT on the unusual date of 20 Jan (JB,
KB). One of the first signs of spring in the
Great Basin is the return of the American
Avocet, and this year some 100 were already
back at C.L. 13 Feb (NB, JT). Greater Yellowlegs
are scarce but widespread during the winter
months in the Great Basin; this year there
were reports from 5 NV locales (v.o.), as well
as from the UT locales of Great Salt L. Marina
(Davis) 10 Jan (BR) and Saltair (Salt Lake)
20 Jan (JB, KB). An early Lesser Yellowlegs
was reported from S.L.R. 16-17 Feb (DT et al.).
A Spotted Sandpiper was at Reno 12-15 Dec
(DM et al.) and again 20 Feb (AW).
     Three Long-billed Curlews at C.L. 17 Feb
(DT) were the first of the year. An early or
wintering Western Sandpiper was at S.L.R. 2
Feb (DSe). Wintering Least Sandpipers were
found at 7 NV locations, with a max. of 30
at S.L.R. 2 Feb (DSe); there were reports
from 4 UT locations, with a max. of 10 at
Utah L. (Utah) 2 Dec (EH, KC). A remarkable
find was the Ruff that showed up on the B.R.
CBC and remained until 28 Dec (m.ob.).
Wintering Long-billed Dowitchers at 4 NV
locales were led by 24 at Reno 12 Dec (DM).
A Wilson's Phalarope was at A.I.C. on the
rather unusual date of 25 Dec (ph., *DC).
     A Little Gull was at A.I.C. 13 Dec (ph.,
*TS et al.). A Mew Gull was at A.I.C. 13-16
Dec (TS et al.), and another was at Bountiful
Landfill, Davis, UT 10 Jan (DS, BS). Herring
Gulls were reported from NV only at P.L.,
where the top count was 13 on the P.L. CBC;
there were reports from 4 UT locations (v.o.).
Similarly, the only NV Thayer's Gull came
from P.L. 8 Jan (JW), while there were
reports from 3 UT locations (v.o.). Ditto
for Glaucous-winged Gull, with the only NV
report coming from P.L. 1 Jan - 28 Feb (v.o.),
but with reports from 3 UT locations (v.o.).
Two "Olympic" (Western x Glaucous-winged)
Gulls were at P.L. 1-20 Jan (v.o.). Single
Glaucous Gulls were found at F.B. 27 Jan ?
21 Feb (JB et al.) and at Bountiful Landfill,
Davis, UT 27 Jan (DG et al.). Rounding out
the gulls was a Black-legged Kittiwake at
Ivins Res., Washington, UT 3-5 Jan (BSh et
al.; ph., *RF).


     At least 8 Anna's Hummingbirds wintered
at 3 s. NV locales (v.o.), and 2 northerly
individuals wintered successfully at Reno
(ML et al.). One or 2 Costa's Hummingbirds
spent the winter at Pueblo Park, Clark, NV
(RS). A Selasphorus hummingbird was at Reno
on the unusual dates of 5-17 Dec (*RB).
     During the colder months Lewis's Woodpeckers
are uncommon but widespread in the Great Basin,
and so it was this winter: there were reports of
single birds from 4 UT locales (v.o.), as well
as from the NV locales of Amargosa Farm, Clark,
NV 8 Dec (MC, JCr) and Logandale, Clark, NV 17
Feb (RF, KCo). Easterly Red-breasted Sapsuckers
were reported from Pahranagat N.W.R., Lincoln,
NV 16 Dec (JC) and Red Rock Canyon, Clark, NV
26 Dec (CT et al.), and a hybrid sapsucker
(Red-breasted x Red-naped) was at Overton,
Clark, NV 16 Feb (JC). Williamson's Sapsuckers
are rarely noted during the winter in the Great
Basin, so it was nice to get reports from 3 w.
NV locales 12 Dec - 20 Jan (v.o.). A Yellow-shafted
Flicker was seen at Stead, Washoe, NV 4 Jan (ph.,
*JT), and hybrid flickers (Yellow-shafted x
Red-shafted) were noted at Rancho San Rafael
Park, Washoe, NV 9-16 Feb (ph. MM; *TF et al.)
and at Reno, Washoe, NV 20 Feb (*FP).
     The status of Black Phoebe in n. NV is
complex, to say the least: it is scarce in
the spring and summer, somewhat more common
in the fall, and generally absent in the winter.
But this pattern is quite variable, and this
winter there were reports from 8 n. NV locales,
including 3 on the T.M. CBC. Three Vermilion
Flycatchers were at St. George, Washington,
UT 29 Dec - 9 Jan (v.o.). Northern Shrikes
numbered 1-2 at 4 locales in NV and at 5 in
UT (v.o.). Large flocks of American Crows
were reported from various locales in s.
NV and s. UT (v.o.), and several observers
have commented on the apparent recent
increase of the species in the s. part of
the reporting region.
     More than 200 Tree Swallows were seen
along the lower Colorado R., Clark, NV 12
Dec (MS); the species reaches the n. limit
of its winter range in far s. NV. Meanwhile,
the first Tree Swallows for n. NV were
recorded at Mason Valley (Lyon) 17 Feb (DT).
Two Northern Rough-winged Swallows remained
at Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve, Clark,
NV until 9 Dec (MC, JCr), and 2 late Barn
Swallows tarried at Q.C.R. 22 Dec (BH).
     A House Wren remained for the Elko CBC.
A Winter Wren at Pahranagat N.W.R. (Lincoln)
16 Dec (JC) was the only report for NV, but
there were sightings at three widely scattered
locales in UT. A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at
Overton, Clark, NV 16 Feb was early (JC).
A Varied Thrush at Fruita, Wayne, UT 28-29
Jan (BW, DW) was the only one reported.
Wintering Brown Thrashers were noted at
C.C. at least until 21 Jan (MC, JCr) and
at Stillwater N.W.R., Churchill, NV at
least until 26 Dec (DSe, RSe). Bohemian
Waxwings were noted at 4 NV locales, with
a top count of 20 at Rye Patch Res. (Pershing)
23 Feb (DSe, RSe); the only UT reports came
from Mantua (Box Elder), where up to 8 were
present 5-9 Jan (v.o.).


     At least 6 Orange-crowned Warblers were
as far n. as Reno on the mid-winter date of
23 Jan (TF; LW et al.), and a northerly
individual was at Orem, Utah, UT 4 Jan
(KC). Myrtle Warblers were noted at C.C.
4-8 Dec (TF et al.) and at Jordan R. Parkway,
Salt Lake, UT 13 Feb (PF). An Ovenbird showed
up in a Las Vegas yard 17 Dec and again 6 Jan
(JBo), and an apparent Northern Waterthrush
was at Bear R. Migratory Bird Refuge, Box
Elder, UT 22 Dec (EC, JCo).
     A Rufous-crowned Sparrow was at Zion
N.P. 6 Jan (RF, KCo). Three American Tree
Sparrows on the Elko CBC and 8 at Ruby Valley
(Elko) 19 Dec (KV) were the only ones reported
from NV; in UT, though, there were sightings
at 7 locales, including reports of double
digits from several places (v.o.). Single
Fox Sparrows were noted at three NV locales
(v.o.), and one was at Mapleton, Utah, UT
17 Dec (BWi); none was identified at the
subspecies level. White-throated Sparrows
were found at 3 spots in e. NV (v.o.), as
well as at the UT locales of Layton (Davis)
1 Dec (WS) and Mendon (Cache) 3 Jan (BA).
It was a decent winter for Harris's Sparrow,
with reports from 4 locations in NV as well
as at 4 in UT (v.o.). Easterly Golden-crowned
Sparrows were seen at the following locales:
Rye Patch Res., Pershing, NV 17 Feb (JT et
al.); Carson R. Diversion Dam, Churchill,
NV 24 Feb (AW); and Red Cliffs Recreation
Area, Washington, UT 4 Jan - 7 Feb (RF, KCo).
     Slate-colored Juncos at C.C. 4 Dec (TF,
CT), on the Elko CBC, and at S.L.C.C. 2 Feb
(GB, PF) were the only reports. A possible
White-winged Junco was reported from Mendon,
Cache, UT 4 Jan (RR). Single Lapland Longspurs
were found at A.I.C. 21 Dec (TS) and at Golden
Spike National Historic Monument, Box Elder,
UT 5 Jan (GW, SW). A Snow Bunting was at A.I.C.
26 Dec - 6 Jan (KL et al.).
     An Indigo Bunting lingered at Mapleton,
Utah, UT until 17 Dec (BWi). A few Great-tailed
Grackles winter in n. NV, and this year there
were reports of 1 on the Elko CBC and a goodly
14 at Winnemucca (Humboldt) 5 Dec (JW); in UT
the most northerly report came from Lehi
(Utah), where an impressive 27 were seen 20
Jan (BR). A Hooded Oriole at Las Vegas 23 Feb
(RSc) was the only report. Some 310 Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finches made the Elko CBC, and several
of the birds in the Elko area were determined
at a later date (10 Feb) to be of the Hepburn's
race (JW). Meanwhile, a small flock of
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches at Virginia City,
Storey, NV 15 Dec (DH) were the only other
report. Fifteen Black Rosy-Finches on the Elko
CBC were the only ones reported.
     Common Redpolls staged the best invasion
ever documented in the Great Basin region.
Sightings in NV included 4 at Elko 16-30 Dec
(MP, ph. LP) and singles at Mogul (Washoe)
17 Dec (*JA, GA) and at Spring Creek (Elko)
20 Dec (PB). UT sightings were as follow:
1 at Mapleton (Utah) 17 Dec (BWi); 1 at Salt
Lake City 20 Dec (JBi); 1 on the F.S. CBC;
up to 70 at Mantua (Box Elder) 1-16 Jan
(MSt et al.); 2 at S.L.C.C. 5 Jan (DJ);
and 1 at Provo (Utah) 27 Jan - 1 Feb (MMo,
RT). The big flock at Mantua apparently
included one or two Hoary Redpolls 16 Jan
(*DG). The only Evening Grosbeak reports
came from Galena, Washoe, NV 2 Feb (LW)
and from Summit Park, Summit, UT 27 Jan
(JB, KB).


     Northern Utahans were delighted by
the return of "Pink Floyd", the beloved
Chilean Flamingo of Great Salt L. This
winter there were sightings of this hardy
bird at Saltair (Salt Lake) during the
period 20-24 Jan (v.o.).

Observers: David Allan (DA), John Anderson,
Gisela Anderson, Bob Atwood, Glenn Barlow,
Joel Beyer, Kathy Beyer, Jack Binch (JBi),
Nancy Bish, Jim Boone (JBo), Pete Bradley,
Richard Brune, K.C. Childs, Darren Clark,
Jack Cochran, Steve Coleman, Kristin Comella
(KCo), Ed Conrad, Joseph Conrad (JCo), Jim
Cressman (JCr), Marian Cressman, Jim Eidel,
Ted Floyd, Phoebe Fowler (PFo), Rick Fridell,
Pomera Fronce, Hugh Gillilan, Dana Green,
Diane Horgan, Eric Huish, Bill Hunter,
David Jensen, Tiffany Lance, Maxine Landis,
Kent Lewis, Dave McNinch, Martin Meyers,
Milton Moody (MMo), Anne Neville, Fred
Petersen, Lois Ports, Mark Ports, Bruce
Robinson, Ron Ryel, Terry Sadler, Mike
San Miguel, Rick Saval, Rita Schlageter
(RSc), Wes Segni, Dennis Serdehely (DSe),
Rebecca Serdehely (RSe), Brian Shirley,
Dennis Shirley, Bob Showler (BSh), Mark
Stackhouse (MSt), Priscilla Summers, Steve
Summers, Jane Thompson, Carolyn Titus,
Dennis Trousdale, Robin Tuck, Ken Voget,
Alan Wallace, Jack Walters, Gale Westerman,
Sid Westerman, Kevin Wheeler, Barbara
Williams, Bonnie Williams (BWi), Dan
Williams, Larry Williams.

S.A. Gulls of unquestioned Glaucous-winged
Gull parentage occur every winter in the
Great Basin. Most records are from the
larger lakes in the northern parts of the
region, but sightings are possible anywhere.
Some of these birds are obviously hybrids
with Western Gulls. Others are not as
obvious and have occasioned lively debate
among area birders. One camp holds that
almost all are hybrids ("Olympic" Gulls),
while the other camp maintains that many
are pure Glaucous-winged Gulls. The bird
in this photograph appears to be a
straightforward hybrid, but other individuals
have proven more difficult (and less
photogenic). Birders in Nevada and Utah
are encouraged to make special note of
wintering Glaucous-winged and/or "Olympic"
Gulls, and to try to help shed light on
the interesting phenomenon of their annual
dispersal inland. This photograph was taken
16 January 2002 at Pyramid Lake (Washoe,
NV) by Martin Meyers.

Photo captions:

[1] Note that the S.A. is accompanied by
a photograph.

[2] The event of the season was an incursion
of Common Redpolls into northern Nevada and
Utah. These males were part of a small flock
that visited an Elko (Elko, Nevada) feeder
30 December 2001. Photograph by Lois Ports.

[3] Adult Little Gull (right) with Bonaparte's
Gull (left) off Antelope Island Causeway (Davis,
Utah) 13 December 2001. This was only the second
record for Little Gull for Utah and for the
Great Basin region. Photograph by Terry Sadler.

[4] Black-legged Kittiwake. This adult
Black-legged Kittiwake at Ivins Reservoir
(Washington, UT) 3-5 Jan was only the second
record for Utah. Photograph by Rick Fridell.

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Bird Observatory: http://www.gbbo.org

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